Ultimatum Atlas Passive Statistics

Just delete harvest, it made me sad.
I'm genuinely surprised Close Allies isn't the #1 in Uncharted Realms with the gutting of Awakening Bonus this league, it feels more mandatory than ever to actually get Master missions.
"A noticeable change from 3.13.0 is how much of the dominance once asserted by Harvest has been lost. Much of this can likely be attributed to the Harvest changes in 3.14.0, though even with those changes, Harvest does still see considerable representation."

No shit, Sherlock. Harvest was gutted. The majority still picks the Harvest nodes because of the free "chaos rolls" and some mods that can be sold through TFT.

The rest of the heavy crafters still use it because they own a big currency pool, and with the meta-crafting, they can make powerful things. Other than that, the mechanic is forgettable for the casual and mid player.
Forgot to mention, Harvest only need a bit more seeds per crop, is so sad to find crop with 0 1 2 or 3 seeds but in general changes are OK, not overpowered but still very useful if you know how to use it.
Lixy wrote:
I'm genuinely surprised Close Allies isn't the #1 in Uncharted Realms with the gutting of Awakening Bonus this league, it feels more mandatory than ever to actually get Master missions.

Agree. I picked this passive first as soon as I knew Awakening Bonuses were gutted. I'm not able to over-sustain certain master missions but I can generate a decent pool to work with.
Excel screenshots. Classy.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
I don't see any reason someone would take Secret Stash without Inside Job (unless they are at 2/10 in Lira Arthain). Inside Job is the reason you'd consider the Heist nodes, Secret Stash is a tax to be allowed to take IJ.

New Vastir Abyss points are severely underrated in trade league, when used together with the three Sirus +1 tier watchstones and high tier Abyss scarabs and sextant rolls.

Edit: Also Harvest is still very, very, very strong in trade. Of the players with 5+ mirrors in league, most have made heavy use of Harvest.
Le Toucan Will Return
Last edited by sirgog on Jun 2, 2021, 7:15:51 PM
Controlled Corruption and Amplified (Essence) have taken massive jumps in popularity in all leagues, potentially in part due to the Essence buffs, though also may be related to the Harvest nerfs.

Alert! Alert! Deterministic Crafting Detected!
Just delete Harvest... you killed the best mechanic in the whole game and it's awful and awkward to find it just to roll clusters and some items for free, because no one is going to spend exalts nor chaos orbs on that... go f****** erase it, we will be waiting...
Im surprised that even your Shady tactic of holding people who want to do 40/40 or even 36/40 hostage with the abysmal spawnrate of the Trailmaster in combination with having Shroud and Sneaky promoting the game still didnt stop the insane drop, people are still pissed and remain that way.

Lets see what you have up your sleeve next League, apart from MTX News every second day.

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