Extremely Slow Queue Processing

Just close your eyes and pretend to slam an exalt you won't drop today

But you can be sure you gonna drop a lot of overpowered talismans, because they were to OP they are now nerfed.
no DC on twitch? interesting
GGG just rent an additional login server for the first day of the league FFS
feels so bad guys... the first league for me after deli. and now - no fair start for all
i cant im mad got kick to let'S a stream in lol... *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
It's been almost an hour.. Yes, 42 minute since league launched, and only 10k people are in.. of over 100k. GGG, stop making excuses. And this whole streamer bypass is ridiculous. They are literally going to be level 80 and in maps, screwing the entire economy up by price gouging people in the first few hours, because let's face it, most people are going to be level 1 when there's going to be for sale tabulas and all sorts at ridiculous prices when we all get in. Glad I play SSF, but seriously...
WHy not take the servers down.. fix it.. then start the league an hour or two later so everyone can get in and play... #FAIRNESS
Welp it kinda feels like league(lol) 12 years ago
slowest que in over 5 years.... absolutely triggered.......... completely unacceptable..................
Its pretty ridiculous that you are giving streamers priority access. I understand that they generate a player base for your game, but you've certainly made it obvious that they get better treatment. People have queued up for this and creating a bypass is just plain shitty.

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