Test Guild, Please Ignore <REDDIT> recruiting for Sanctum!

What is "Test Guild, Please Ignore"?

"Test Guild, Please Ignore" is the official Path of Exile Reddit guild, and was started in 2013 during Anarchy/Onslaught league. We are a very close-knit group of individuals that have been playing since beta. Among our ranks are three Reddit & Path of Exile Discord moderators that contribute to the community each and every day. The guild primarily consists of league players, but there are a few that play Standard and Hardcore as well. The majority of the guild is extremely knowledgeable about crafting, racing, and general knowledge regarding Path of Exile.

What are we looking for in our members?

We feel that there is no appropriate answer to this question, but we value activity over all else. We are akin to having a consistent 80-120 players online during the day, especially during peak hours. For Scourge league, we had roughly 224 players play across the board, and a couple others that enjoyed the comfort of standard play. While there are no strict requirements we do ask that you:
* Are over the age of 18
* Can understand and comprehend English (we are not strict on this)
* Will reach out if you ever need help with anything.
* Will join our discord, where we all chat and discuss anything and everything.

Is there a discord?

As stated above, we have an active discord server that is open to all of our members. In addition to this, we always have a handful of officers and members alike in voice, especially at the start of a league. We have a very dysfunctional family, and are always looking to add to our ranks. While it is not a strict requirement, discord is our primary form of communication inside and outside of the game. In addition to this, a lot of our members play a variety of other games outside of Path of Exile, so there is always something to do!

A lot of other guilds have a purging/kick system if you don't achieve certain goals; what is your policy?

A lot of other guilds fall under the impression that the game is not for newer players, and have "standards to uphold". This is simply not the case, and we love taking on newer players. We were all, at one point, new to the wonderful world of Wraeclast. Our goal is to help others see the beauty and love we have had, and still have for Path of Exile. Path of Exile is an expansive game that can be quite confusing at times, but fret not, we will help out to the best of our abilities.

So there is no purging system?

There is no purging system, as we don't ask you to complete certain tasks in order to remain in the guild. The only purging we do is for members whom have been inactive for the length of two seasons, without any notification. While we are very understanding of certain situations, we pride ourselves in being extremely active during leagues. With this being said, we are currently at 206/250 capacity for guild slots.

Benefits of joining "Test Guild, Please Ignore"!

*A very active and social discord that is very diverse among its members.
* A guild stash (in excess of 100 tabs, by the way!)
* Map sharing and item sharing stashes (thanks Scourge)
* An extremely knowledgeable and well-versed leadership team.
* Private leagues towards the end of the league, to keep things fresh!
* A "family setting" where you aren't just another number, and make a name for yourself.
* Some light group play, specifically for map completion and bossing.
* A chance to connect with other members that share the same interests in other games.

In conclusion:

As stated above, we are currently 180/250~ for members. We expect our roster to fill up quickly between now and the start of Scourge. If anything that was covered above interests you, or you have additional questions, my contact information will be listed below. Don't hesitate to reach out and see if we have room! There is no strict application process, but I will ask you a few questions about yourself during our conversation. Once accepted, I will set you up with an in-game invite to the guild and a link to our discord server. Thanks again, I'll see you soon.

Points of contact:

Primary: PLANT#7679 (DISCORD)

*Feel free to post below or message me with your contact information if you would like me to reach out to you as well*

Last edited by SDiana2 on Jan 11, 2023, 3:26:46 PM
Last bumped on Jan 11, 2023, 3:26:57 PM
My dm's will be open over the next 72 hours.
big bump
Would love to join! Couldn't figure out how to send a DM in discord to a non-friend.

discord is gosupancake#1629

IGN is GosuAlpacasAreCool
Would like to join as well! I sent a message/friend req to the primary on discord.

ayschultzy#1619 - discord
Bump, lots of spots still!
Hello, would like to join.
Hello, I would like to join the guild if you have any spots available. My discord is goliath03#7598

PoE username is Goliath03. Look forward to hearing from you
Last edited by Goliath03 on May 3, 2021, 2:47:00 PM
Hello :) I am interested in joining as I just returned to the game yesterday. I am Happeria#7511 on Discord, and you can find me in game playing HappiUltiWitchi.
Hey hey! I would like to join.

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