Whirling Blades

Gonna kick the dead horse here, but the desync on this skill makes it nigh-unplayable in high monster density situations. You think you get out of combat, it looks like you get out of combat, and then...you're dead.
Wow, thanks for deleting my post.
It was true and funny.
Too bad you guys can't take good feedback.
"Im smartest. Your stoped. Dael wiht it."
Needs a higher mana cost people can spam it to easily.
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Last edited by lVlage on Mar 23, 2014, 2:47:47 PM
poeticEnnui wrote:
Gonna kick the dead horse here, but the desync on this skill makes it nigh-unplayable in high monster density situations. You think you get out of combat, it looks like you get out of combat, and then...you're dead.


Desync alone makes this skill unusable in non trivial circumstances
Any update, Mark? I really like the skill's escape utility and I realize the desync issue is being independently pursued, but in order to justify using this skill, can we at least get more value in exchange for the actual risk? More damage, or striking with both weapons simultaneously as in Dual Strike, something along those lines?

Man does not stop playing because he grows old. He grows old because he stops playing. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
I would appreciate if it stop targeting where my mouse is not.
Cross-posting my analysis and suggestions from the Suggestion subforum: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/798968

tl;dr: Whirling Blades is worse that Leap Slam in almost every possible way, and there's no combination of gems or passives that makes it usable for primary damage dealing.
Last edited by Blue_Phoenix on Feb 19, 2014, 4:41:46 PM
simply increasing the range by 15%
and/or making dual wield hit with both weapons
would buff this skill to be more comparable to leapslam. maybe.
and yes if either of these buff increase mana cost.
I use this as a mobility skill on melee characters that can't use Leap Slam.

It has no use as a damage skill and there is no reason to level it past 1.

Some ideas that might make it viable in it's own right:
Inflicts bleeding, either during flight or in aoe at the end (this one is my favorite)
Increased range (edge of screen)
More hits/sec (for elemental or crit synergy)
Uses both weapons
Increased aoe width
"100% More attack speed during movement"
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir

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