🎄Friendly and Active🎄 <Maven's Realm> recruits for the new season! (1000+ players, Discord✅)

Hi, i have send Zephyre a message to rejoin, i had to work extra hours and didnt have time to play, but now i do and wish to rejoin.
RuNNeR90s wrote:
Would like to join I need help learning the game I play on xbox gt-RuNNeR90s

it seems that you're a playstation player. our guild is only on PC platform
BloatedMonk wrote:
Hi, i have send Zephyre a message to rejoin, i had to work extra hours and didnt have time to play, but now i do and wish to rejoin.

plz contact Zephyre#9931, Qin Shi Huang#1982, or The U1timatum#2224 via discord. you don't need to voice chat with them like you mentioned. texting is fine.
Can I join for the 3.19 league

Contacted all above via DM
Last edited by HakuninSolo on Nov 1, 2022, 2:28:35 PM
Hello guys. I would like to join as well. I've been playing POE for 4 years(nonstop). I am almost always active in the first 2 months of the leagues and usually play SSF in the last months. Took a week off from the work for the league start again :D

I would really love to find some good friends here.

Account: HakanPOE


DM me on Discord- Zephyre#9931
Hello, i would like to join as a casual and work my way to elite status.
im new to POE, I have played diablo for 10+ years so i do have knowledge of the genre POE is alot more in depth to say the least, just want a community to play with.

my account is Viceverza2189
my character name is Shadowdemon

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