Atlas Passive Skills Statistics

"For the sake of sorting and ordering, we're using the Standard Ritual league as the... standard."

So you admit to the wording being confusing yourselves...? Could've titled it "regular" or any other similar word in meaning to avoid confusion.
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
I love the fact that you can target farm a lot more in this league. Some days I'll spend the entire day running harbingers, then that will eventually get boring so I run some harvest. When I run out of zana missions for that I can either go back to harbinger or I can farm beasts in a different area.

I know being able to target farm different areas like this for me has kept me more involved this league and I don't see myself stopping until the end. And I can say that about any league now. Even if I don't like the league I can still target farm these different areas for harbingers, harvests, breachstones, etc, etc.

Standard IGN: _DipDodgeDuck_
GGG, Lira Arthain is "balanced" because because all of those nodes are equally garbage and nobody sane runs that region.

After slotted my points for the challenge, that region was dead to me without obscene numerical buffs to everything there. We're talking 100% guaranteed blueprint chance kind of buffs to even get me to consider that region.
Priz wrote:
Figured the harbinger numbers in Valdo's Rest would be high... but holy crap. There will be some serious rebalancing of these nodes for next league lol

Yeah, um... No.

It's balanced as is - 3.13 end game requires this type of currency acquisition
Huge dependence on Harvest is contributed to terrible terrible quality of drops. Lack of quality gear choices in ritual and more.
It's been enjoyable looking at which passives were most popular and how things differed between Standard and Hardcore, and trade leagues and SSF. In general, we see dangerous content, such as Delirium or Legion, be much less popular in Hardcore leagues, while things that offer exclusive rewards or useful crafting options to help gear up be much more popular in SSF leagues. All in all, we hope you've enjoyed this closer look into player behaviour. Let us know what you have and haven't liked about Atlas Trees, what you'd like to see more of and your general feeling towards Atlas Trees. We'll be reading and looking forward to the continued evolution of this system.

Don't know how that is surprising, how often People died to the Lag Spikes provided by either of these mechanics.

Please don't Nerf but really re-balance stuff, make other options more interesting instead.
I wish the Small Master nodes in the Outside Regions would grant an increased chance to receive a mission (like it was in the first spoiler pictures).
I hope that for the next expansion, you choose to balance up instead of down; I would prefer not to see nerfs to the good nodes but instead buff the lesser nodes to be on par with the current S tier ones.
GGG: *Gates Harvest behind RNG with the only way to ever get to it being by grinding countless maps*
Players: *Picking the nodes that are the only thing aside from Zana that allows to grind the stuff*
GGG: *Suprised Pikachu*
Atlas passives have been the best implementation of the game in the past two years. Please DON'T nerf.

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