Ritual Statistics Part Two

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There is absolutly no way this is true, its totally made up common GGG no one can believe those numbers:

" This comes out to just over 2,100 Tribute per Ritual, giving an average area a total of 6,300 Tribute when completing 3 Rituals."

6.300 tribute is maybe an average for 4 rituals encounters on half juiced maps in higher map tiers i can believe than, but the amount of 3 rituals when you get between 4-5k is the norm, so 2.100 PER ritual nop, its not true....
Or at least precise its on T15+ maps, maybe since ppl mostly full juiced those ones, or 4rituals maps on mid/high tier.

In total, 29,547,874 Ritual Base Types were offered as rewards (an average of 1 every 7.04 areas).

For this one, either way it every 70.4 Areas or you speak about something else than Base Type specific to Ritual, because i collect them all, have several 90+ characters and the atlas completed for the first time since beta, doing every ritual encounter since levem 0, and i have only 8 Ritual base type items in my chest, taking them all every time i see one.


In total, 1,636,846 Ritual Unique Items were offered as rewards (an average of 1 every 127.14 areas).

I don't understand this one, there is way more Uniques items offered as rewards in ritual, its clearly like 1 uniques every 5-10maps at least (crap one but still).
Or you are talking about ppl purchasing only 1 uniques out of Ritual every 127 maps ? Even this seems pretty low but i can see it.
Last edited by Bakudan on Feb 24, 2021, 7:24:52 AM
Ritual vessel splinters are too expensive in tribute costs. I had to run around 8 maps or so to afford one vessel, spending half of my tribute to get one or Almost all tribute to get 2 (their price varied massively).

Then when i put one blood vessel in my map i noticed aproximately 1k more tribute than normal, but i didn’t really get anything of value. If splinters were reduces in price, stacks remain then over 8 maps i could get 1 vessel without wasting much of my tribute. Especially in early maps i was spending like 1-1.5k to get 8-12 splinters. And in early maps 3k tribute is average.
Baron01 wrote:
This comes out to just over 2,100 Tribute per Ritual, giving an average area a total of 6,300 Tribute when completing 3 Rituals.

This is absolute BS number. It either calculates average value for 3 rituals but ignores fact that lot of maps will have 4 ritual sites or I must be very very very unlucky person in terms of getting tribute.

My highest tribute, purely from ritual sites, was 10600. However, my most common value is between 3k and 4k tribute. I get anywhere between 4.5k to 6k for a 4-part rituals.

Most importantly, tribute gains are increasing as you complete ritual sites in an area. First ritual can be as low as 250 for a bad layout or lack of mobs, which kills your chance to get any decent tribute (over 4k). I consider 1k tribute on first ritual solid numbers but it is nowhere near 2.1k tribute.

That is true for me too...

I like Ritual... but the rewards!!! :(
Well it took me around ~320h to obtain 9 different 'Ritual Based Types', and so fulfill associated league challenge, quite unfortunate I guess...
esgiepe wrote:
Well it took me around ~320h to obtain 9 different 'Ritual Based Types', and so fulfill associated league challenge, quite unfortunate I guess...

I think it is much harder if you didn't worry about it until you were in maps already. A lot of the bases are low level. I was stuck on 7/9 forever and went back and ran BA a bunch of times and found the last 2 pretty quick.
EnderCN wrote:

I think it is much harder if you didn't worry about it until you were in maps already. A lot of the bases are low level. I was stuck on 7/9 forever and went back and ran BA a bunch of times and found the last 2 pretty quick.

True - once I started to chase for remaining 2, I've managed to get them in around 2 days, but still they are quite rare imho
I've got some ritual splinters and don't have the faintest idea what they're for.
This league needed an NPC to introduce the mechanic to us, like nearly every prior league. One to extoll the virtues of using blood-filled vessels, maybe some unique boss you can encounter by doing certain things. The league mechanic itself feels like it's a mechanic from a prior league in how it is implemented: no explanations, no interactions, just a source of loot. It's all too late now, so I'd be very surprised if one were made, but this league needed one just like all the others. Bloat aside, leagues without something/someone introducing it to us don't feel like league mechanics to me.. they just feel like some generic mechanic.

Good league overall, but all the sense of progression and purpose was provided by the Maven interactions. Ritual without the atlas expansion would have been an extremely boring league, imo.. one that would have felt more like a temporary league than a real one.
In total, 29,547,874 Ritual Base Types were offered as rewards (an average of 1 every 7.04 areas).

This has to be the most hilarious thing I've read in a while. Either this number is very, very off or I am very, very unlucky.

In regards to ritual vessels there REALLY needs to be a way to search the trade site for specific monsters. This seems like a huge oversight.

Overall, ritual was not very exciting for me, but I'm glad a lot of people liked it.
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