Community Designed Divination Card - Place Your Vote!

Which category of item should the card redeem for?

Harvest Labyrinth Offering
Specific Map
Specific Winged Scarab
Poll closed
How do i purchase div card design?And how much does it cost?)
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
Anngrat wrote:
How do i purchase div card design?And how much does it cost?)

Im not 100% sure but there is a few step's

1) own a 480$ pack
2) contact support
3)they will tell you how much point you need to buy the card
4)they remove the point from your account
5) you work with them to make a card

Im unsure how much it cost but i think its somewhere around 1000-2000 points

Edit: If a person that read this dont already own a 480$ pack contact support 1st to make sure you if you need it, dont buy it then contract them it might not be a reequipment but i think its one.
Last edited by b4timert on Feb 20, 2021, 4:18:13 AM
Make a new card called "The Covid" that gives you 480 x "The Patient"
I voted Blueprint, in the hope it would be "A Fully-revealed Blueprint".
Player numbers are plummeting.
"bug fixing" divination card ?
"quality of life feature" divination card ?
"less graphical vomit" divination card ?

all the rest is useless.
Atlantis_arch wrote:
"bug fixing" divination card ?
"quality of life feature" divination card ?
"less graphical vomit" divination card ?

all the rest is useless.

After reading this..... I can't but agree
Give the Labyrinth some love
Chalck wrote:
LBGxValor wrote:
so he bought a design and doesn't have anything to do with it at all? uhh okk

Other way around! It was my design to give something to a community, to get community feedback and design on everything from card to flavor text ideally. This game and community gave a lot to me and I wanted to give something back.

This is pretty cool, and a great idea.

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