3.15 NERFED | Ultimate boss Killer | One shot doryani's fist(ing) Chieftain | Infinite DPS

jesterx93 wrote:
superpocan wrote:
jesterx93 wrote:
should we invest in the cluster jewels or the thread of hope jewels first?


Large cluster with supercharge is a must, the one with leech is important too, unless you want to buy divergent ele damage with attacks for 2 ex :)
Then, probably take all threads of hope.
There is no much investment in clusters here - the most expensive is supercharge with some other nodes like vengeful commander (about 80c), but you cantake a cluster with only supercharge at the very beginning.

so what about priority... I have super charge and the mana leech. Also all the threads of hope in sockets. is it better to finish the tree. or complete the clusters?

here is my POB:https://pastebin.com/m3zUPZdz

if someone could kindly take a look.


better prioritize some life nodes before ending with clusters imho
Hi. Awesome build , Im very tempted to give it a try.
Just playing a little with the linked PoB , if you swap the two rare ring to Malachai's artifice full catalyfisted with Prismatics you get an additional -48 lighting resistance , if you socket something that can trigger EE correctly(it has to be a Golem because of Doryani's Prototype) it's an extra -50 lightnig res to that -48 bonus. The damage on the PoB link went from 9.5M to almost 12M.
The tricky part is balancing the resistances since you will be also getting -48 to fire and cold. Fire seems to be no problem since if you socket a red gem you will be overcaped , but cold even with a perfect cold roll which goes to +120 cold resistance when you socket a green gem on it you will be a little short to reach the 75 cap.
It look like the ring slots are also used to get the dex needed , also you can roll a nice flat life too on rares but it just an idea that might work since Malachai ring are very cheap anyway.

Also there is a way to get the 15% more from Valako (I tried Arn Anguish on my build). It's clunky as hell but it might give a boost on bosses that like to talk a lot before the fight start.
You have to click on the belt and use a warcry to gain 1 endurance and put the belt again to start gaining Brutal Charges , then you burn that endurance charge (Vigilant Strike , Discharge) , its clunky as hell tho.

Edit. "Nearby Enemies have Lightning Resistance equal to yours" so probably EE will do nothing :(
Last edited by kikeuy on Mar 9, 2021, 7:45:09 PM
I ended up trying to 5l my own chest, and it got 6l in 5 attempts (YAY RNG). Anyway, I can add another gem into my CWDT.

I decided to try out using Storm Brand in CWDT. Do you think that's a good idea? I'm likely missing out on EO for a second or two. I can see wanting it up on a boss asap, but for random mapping, it seems to work okay.

Also, if I wanted to add a defensive gem instead, what would you suggest?
superpocan wrote:
CFMSky wrote:
I believe I've got everything the build needs to work, however it is not!(?)
At least not clapping high tier map bosses as it is supposed to. Conquerors are a huge pain so far, mapping is good though.

Could you help me figure out what is missing?

Thanks in advance

Is supercharge allocated?
You don't have your fourth ascendancy, totem is crucial for maxing damage
Is berserk up at that moment?
Is elemental overload up?


P.s. I'm selling my current gear for 3ex for all gear :)
Who is interested, pm me in game.

hey man are you still selling your gear?
enzodias8 wrote:
superpocan wrote:
CFMSky wrote:
I believe I've got everything the build needs to work, however it is not!(?)
At least not clapping high tier map bosses as it is supposed to. Conquerors are a huge pain so far, mapping is good though.

Could you help me figure out what is missing?

Thanks in advance

Is supercharge allocated?
You don't have your fourth ascendancy, totem is crucial for maxing damage
Is berserk up at that moment?
Is elemental overload up?


P.s. I'm selling my current gear for 3ex for all gear :)
Who is interested, pm me in game.

hey man are you still selling your gear?

Already sold
Finishing another build, coming soon :)
kikeuy wrote:
Hi. Awesome build , Im very tempted to give it a try.
Just playing a little with the linked PoB , if you swap the two rare ring to Malachai's artifice full catalyfisted with Prismatics you get an additional -48 lighting resistance , if you socket something that can trigger EE correctly(it has to be a Golem because of Doryani's Prototype) it's an extra -50 lightnig res to that -48 bonus. The damage on the PoB link went from 9.5M to almost 12M.
The tricky part is balancing the resistances since you will be also getting -48 to fire and cold. Fire seems to be no problem since if you socket a red gem you will be overcaped , but cold even with a perfect cold roll which goes to +120 cold resistance when you socket a green gem on it you will be a little short to reach the 75 cap.
It look like the ring slots are also used to get the dex needed , also you can roll a nice flat life too on rares but it just an idea that might work since Malachai ring are very cheap anyway.

Also there is a way to get the 15% more from Valako (I tried Arn Anguish on my build). It's clunky as hell but it might give a boost on bosses that like to talk a lot before the fight start.
You have to click on the belt and use a warcry to gain 1 endurance and put the belt again to start gaining Brutal Charges , then you burn that endurance charge (Vigilant Strike , Discharge) , its clunky as hell tho.

Edit. "Nearby Enemies have Lightning Resistance equal to yours" so probably EE will do nothing :(

Malachai rings are an option only if you are able to cap res...
In my opinion well rolled ventor's will be better, providing some life too
Other ideas with charges are good too, I wanted more smooth gameplay without dancing on the keyboard, that's why I even got rid of the intimidating cry, only used seismic with call to arms
fragme11 wrote:
I ended up trying to 5l my own chest, and it got 6l in 5 attempts (YAY RNG). Anyway, I can add another gem into my CWDT.

I decided to try out using Storm Brand in CWDT. Do you think that's a good idea? I'm likely missing out on EO for a second or two. I can see wanting it up on a boss asap, but for random mapping, it seems to work okay.

Also, if I wanted to add a defensive gem instead, what would you suggest?

You can take something like withering step to cwdt...
It's the first that came to mind, or something like smoke mine, but some teleports can be unpredictable :))
Last edited by Hashtaglongone on Mar 14, 2021, 8:14:05 PM
Very fun build, been playing this for a few weeks now and have gone quite far on relatively minimal investment (maybe ~5ex as stated in the thread header to get started). Had been wanting to try a Doryani's Prototype build ever since the unique was revealed and I'm quite happy with the results here.

However it would seem Doryani's Prototype is gaining popularity as the league settles into the "aftermath" phase and more people are trying weird builds (or perhaps, as more people quit the league and some items simply become scarcer). It's worth several times more than when I bought it now.

Here's a variety of notes from my personal experience with this build so far:

Enlighten Level: I got lucky with a Level 4 Enlighten corrupt but could certainly have continued just fine with Level 3. Definitely upgrade when you can for extra wiggle room with your mana.

Belt Enchantment: Get the "Recover 2% of Life when you Kill an Enemy while you have Rage" enchant if you can. It's one of the few enchants that works on this build and you always have Rage, so it feels like you have a Cinderswallow active all the time. Great fun and makes no-leech maps less troublesome. Other possible options include the Fortify or Taunt enchants.

Helmet Enchantment: These can be quite hard to roll but some good ones I've found, if you can roll one, are:
- Berserk has 40% reduced Rage loss per second (I managed to roll this, great for sustaining Berserk if you have low % Mana Regeneration)
- Berserk has 30% increased Buff Effect
- Blood and Sand has 40% increased Buff Effect
- Flame Dash has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
- Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal 50% increased Damage

Amulet Anoint: It can be very difficult to find a good talisman for this build so it's fine if you can't find one, but I managed to get one with Measured Fury, some life, and resists. Extra QoL with that is very, very nice. Other decent anoints include Tenacity, Hematophagy, Panopticon, Command of Steel, or Ambidexterity. In theory you could craft an ideal amulet using a T2 Jorgin craft but that would take far too much time for a temporary league.

Quicksilver Flask: I opted for a Silver Flask with the "of Adrenaline" suffix instead. Not as powerful for movespeed but overall more compact and ties in with the next point.

Enduring Mana Flask: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Mana Leech is very unreliable and can leave you without mana very quickly due to Chainbreaker, and makes you entirely useless in no-leech maps. Another solution is to get FLAT Mana Regeneration on your gear, though that leaves you vulnerable in no-regeneration maps. An Enduring Mana Flask solves both of those issues.

Boots: I'm sure Bubonic Trail is great for pseudo-explodey but I went for rare Two-Toned Boots for extra resistances and the gem slots. Flame Dash feels much better with Faster Casting Support and I can slot in a Portal gem too!

Reflect Viability: Just get some cheap Shaper/Hunter rings with reduced elemental reflect damage taken and you're good to go. Slap Atziri in the face. Forget elemental reflect maps exist (provided you're not Shocked). Thank me later.

Headhunter Viability: First league getting enough exalts to buy a HH so I figured I'd try it out on this build. You lose a good amount of damage from brutal charges and endurance charges but you become quite tanky and the headhunter buffs make clearing maps and Legion encounters a breeze. Lots of fun, just keep Arn's Anguish on-hand for bossfights and ensure you have enough overcapped fire res that Arn's Anguish isn't required to have capped resistances.

Vaal Ancestral Warchief: I haven't decided to use the Vaal version of the spell yet as it seems a bit too "min-maxy" to me. I lose out on a lot of damage but regular Ancestral Warchief is far more consistent for boss fights, especially instanced ones where you don't have the opportunity to gain charges before entering.

Passive Tree

1 Life Node Nitpick: Replace the node after Golem's Blood with the life node near Constitution in range of Lethal Pride for a free +4 Strength.

Lethal Pride Random Bonuses: Combat Control might roll a desirable effect on your version of Lethal Pride. Consider taking it if it rolls one of the following:
- Attack Damage Leeched as Life (could replace Drive the Destruction with Calamitous or Heavy Hitter, otherwise worthless due to leech instance cap)
- 5% Physical Taken As Fire (this does not cause incoming hits to Ignite you)
- 20% increased Physical Damage
- 20% increased Melee Damage
- 20% increased Armour
- 10% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit (extra hits from Ancestral Warchief and Storm Brand may make this viable)
- +20% Fire Resistance (only as a last resort)

Past Level 92: I'm working on getting Iron Reflexes so I can take advantage of Evasion Rating on my gear. It's quite a lot of Armour and I intend to push that even further using a Jade flask, replacing my Silver flask with an Onslaught on Kill Abyss jewel. Later I might take some extra Intelligence so I'm not hurting for it as much on my gear.


Mapping Dangers: Avoid maps with Extra Phys as Lightning, essentially makes everything deal double damage. Also avoid all Valdo's Rest Diplomatic Escort maps with Abominations as the monster type, unless you like getting hit with dozens of high-damage lightning bolts and dying almost instantly.

Specific Maps: The Atoll and Plateau map bosses appear to be bugged and do not get their resistances set by Doryani's Prototype, effectively giving them roughly 6 times as much health as normal and a high ailment threshold making Shocking them out of the question. DO NOT run Atoll or Plateau if you can help it (you may choose to run Atolls for Harvest farming, skip the boss if you do so). Other dangerous bosses for this build include Maze (Shadow of the Vaal), Mineral Pools (Shock and Horror), and Villa (The High Templar). The boss of Vinktar Square can also be quite dangerous, though you only need to kill it once.

Lightning Clones: I don't let myself even get near to these. A Volatile Flame is dangerous already. A Lightning Clone is instant death.

Rituals: This build is excellent for clearing Rituals, particularly in open spaces, as its high AoE lets it reach nearly the entire arena. Just watch out for Lightning Clones, as Nemesis mods become especially dangerous in tight spaces.

Diplomatic Escort: Naturally the high AoE makes this a great build for slamming Harbinger packs, but watch out for the proximity shield obelisks. Pop Vaal Molten Shell before getting close, and as mentioned don't even try to engage a Harbinger pack if the map's monster type is currently set to Abominations.

Metamorphs: Most Metamorphs die pretty quickly but watch out for ones that deal Lightning damage. I'd recommend against engaging Escaped Experiments from maps with bosses that deal high Lightning damage and/or have the Abominations monster type, especially if you're cocky enough to take Finest Samples.

Legion: Overall works quite good for Legions, high damage pops War Hoards and Generals fairly quickly. If you get a Headhunter then these encounters become a breeze.

Delirium: As mentioned in the OP Kosis can be quite dangerous so avoid extreme Delirium levels if you care about dying. Simulacrum isn't too much of a problem to complete but you may die a few times near the end.

Blight: Overall excellent build for tackling Blighted maps, provided you're willing to engage in the tower-building mechanic and keep a close eye on those pesky Blight bosses.

Delve: Build needs to get up close to mobs so it'll likely have trouble holding up in very deep depth levels. That said it works great for completing the 250 depth challenge; make sure to watch out for those Azurite ground effects and explosions, though I'm sure that's general advice for anyone.

Harvest: Holds up fine against Harvest monsters, though getting rooted and prevented from using Flame Dash is a huge issue from the bosses. Oshabi is very doable with mild map mods though you might die once or twice.

10-boss Invitations: Just avoid adding anything nasty to the arena and you'll be fine.

Heist: AoE makes dealing with reinforcements a piece of cake and Flame Dash is overall an excellent movement skill for busting through doors.

Conquerors/Sirus: Conquerors die relatively quickly, dodge their attacks and use your buffs and the fight shouldn't last too long, even against Veritania. Sirus, however... all of his attacks deal high amounts of random damage types, so virtually everything he throws at you can kill you outright. I've managed to take A8 Sirus down to about 25%, I'm sure if I was better at the fight I could finish it but I've had no luck yet.

Hall of Grandmasters: Viable. Some builds just one-shot you, I would recommend bringing an Ignite immunity flask to reduce deaths but it's overall not an overly difficult encounter. Touch of God may not be evadable but it is dodgeable, some characters have high dodge so just keep pounding until it gets through.

Path of Building: PoB properly calculates Brutal Charges now so there's no need to use a modified Arn's Anguish in there anymore. Just make sure to tick the box for "Do you use Endurance Charges?".
Last edited by UltimateLucca on Mar 17, 2021, 2:28:24 PM
I somehow didn't end up with enough Dex for the shield and boots. I did all the passive skills and have a ring like is shown. What am I missing?

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