<HAWKS©> GMT+8, 6 tabs, a fun community and guild discord!

Account Name: Excript
Character Name: Delectabletitties
Account Name: Ikillzyou
Character Name: DDVDnecroz
Account Name: SuperDucker42069Blazeit
Character Name : MrFredrickson
Account Name: xuanyue
Character Name: MensisRitual
Acc Name: living_phantom
Char name: Lensteel

Hello, it's been a while and haven't received any invite. Please let me know if you still recruiting? If not, I will look for another guild. Thanks!
Last edited by goatman0 on Feb 20, 2021, 1:02:56 AM
Account Name: Yungfriis
Character Name: Cycloneaddy
Last edited by Yungfriis on Feb 17, 2021, 2:00:38 AM

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