3.13 RF Inquisitor - PoB only

monik390 wrote:
Hello. I'm sorry to tell you, but I removed the thread.

Got hit hard but IRL issues yesterday, so have almost no time to play, support, and update the build guide.

Thanks for your understanding.

Due to an unexpectedly high amount of requests, I re-installed PoB. Here are all links for endgame in 3.13 from the guide:

Have fun and stay safe.

Sorry to hear that. Hope it gets well soon.
Thx for the PoB's.
Hopefully everything is okay and it is nothing too serious. Is there any possibility of pasting the small leveling guide (what skills to pick up at what level) you had in the original post? Or did that all get erased with the OP?

Hopefully everything is okay and it is nothing too serious. Is there any possibility of pasting the small leveling guide (what skills to pick up at what level) you had in the original post? Or did that all get erased with the OP?

Phox made a leveling guide https://youtu.be/9oKvv62T5PU
Last edited by Igantinos on Jan 14, 2021, 10:02:59 PM

This shield just might be super nutty if we have enough regen.
So using archive.org there was a cached verison of this guide from september. Here is the leveling and crafting sections from original guide. straight copy/paste so links are not hyperlinked sorry, also have not checked pastebins to see if they are working

Start with Purifying Flame or Freezing Pulse and grab Holy Flame Totem and Flame Wall at lvl 4.

Lvl 12. Grab Enduring Cry and train yourself to use it.
Also, at lvl 10 grab Clarity and Vitality. With 2 auras you'll get tanky.
Make Blazing Salvo your main damage skill. Stick with it until lvl 28.
Also, get Scorching Ray to lvl, but don't use it.

Lvl 18 - grab Righteous Fire or buy Vaal Righteous Fire to lvl, but don't use it.

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

Lvl 21:

- Shaper's Seed
- Springleaf (Don't forget to upgrade it at lvl 40)
- 2x Kikazaru rings.
- Ashcaller or wand/sceptre with <+1 to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems> + flat elemental damage to spells.
- The Magnate
- Goldrim
- As for boots and gloves - just grab with Fire Resistance.

Passive tree: https://pastebin.com/Ai8G1ULg

Rush Elemental Overload.

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

Lvl 24:

Get Purity of Fire, Malevolence. Don't use Malevolence for now.

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

lvl 30:

Firestorm and stick with it until lvl 50-52.

Complete first lab, get Sanctuary ascendancy node.

Passive tree: https://pastebin.com/SJdh7NbA
Get Arsonist and Fire Walker notables. (Don't forget to remove Fire Walker later, when you get enough Fire Resistance).

At this point, you should get enough Fire Resistance to start using Righteous Fire. To sustain it - just spam Life Flasks and Enduring Cry.

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

lvl 52: Complete the second lab and get Pious Path.

Finally, we can switch to the Righteous Fire as the main spell and enjoy the basic mechanics of the build. We don't need flask or enduring cry spam to sustain it.

Passive Tree: https://pastebin.com/TnmP7BKH



Base: Elder influenced ilvl 84+ Royal Burgonet (for Life Inquisitor) or Hubris Circlet (for LL ES Guardian).

What to do: Essence of Horror spam.

You win if you get:

- 5-link with an open prefix for +1 AoE craft and <Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Concentrated Effect> - that's your 1-st helmet.

- 6-link with an open prefix for +1 AoE craft. Don't mind lvl 16-18, it is still strong. - that's your goal.

Cluster Jewels:

Large Cluster jewel: - ilvl 50-67 with <12% increased Fire Damage> Enchant;

Medium Cluster jewel: - ilvl 68+ with <+4% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier> Enchant;

What to do: Delve Fossils + 1 socket resonators:

- Large jewels by Prismatic Fossils.
- Medium jewels by Pristine Fossils.

With fossils medium jewels are very easy to get, just be aware of ilvl of the base.
As for large ones, 2 notables are easy to get. If you are crafting your first jewels, target Burning Bright and Prismatic Heart.
Getting 3 notables with fossils is harder, so make it your next step.


ilvl 84+ Void Sceptre with <16-18% to Damage over Time Multiplier>
What to do:
- Fracture DoT suffix with Wild Thornfruit Seeds.
- Spam Scorched + aetheric fossils
until you get something good (check <Gear Explained> section for details).
- Gamble with Orb of Annulment to remove flat Fire Damage to Spells if you got it. If succeeded - next step.
- Multimod crafting whatever you miss (Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers)

Here is some of the older POBs

1. My build before I switched to LL ES Guardian (lvl100 version): https://pastebin.com/2nAiAqtQ

2. With my current sceptre: https://pastebin.com/D32Rai1t

. Inspiration charges version (best damage, no enduring cry):
- Sceptre + Shield (4m RF/15.7m Vaal RF):https://pastebin.com/JzdurPZS

- 2h with cheap staff (4.7m RF/16.6m Vaal RF) https://pastebin.com/3ynJAaN9

- Note: In theory, my Sceptre + Sceptre build has 5.4m RF/19.2m Vaal RF, which actually surprised me greatly while I played with POB to get these builds.

4. Passive tree without clusters (lvl 100):

- Normal (2 warcries): https://pastebin.com/sMtjS0cN

- Inspiration charges (stronger, 1 warcry): https://pastebin.com/2TXDFczJ

Budget (starter) builds:

Under 10c build (lvl 72): https://pastebin.com/EdJb4j3p

Note: Build with 5-link body armour, lvl 17 skill gems and 2 weapon sets - 1h + Shield and 2h. You don't need to buy both. Weapon sets use different movement setup.

Under 20c builds (lvl 73):
1. https://pastebin.com/qzitW0mU with 6-link helmet
2. https://pastebin.com/85J0ie66 with 5-link 2h weapon
Last edited by LooneyMarauder on Jan 14, 2021, 11:40:40 PM
If you guys want the old page with lvl guide here you go : http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2923038
Last edited by DTBA on Jan 15, 2021, 3:59:46 AM
Hey guys!

I want to switch to ES build later. Is this stil viable or is this Life with some ES build much stronger now? Any ideas?
Someone enlighten me here.
I see we have Elemental Equilibrium.
Then I see we have Wave of Conviction.
Calcs show we've done lightning damage recently, but not fire.
Wave of Conviction shows we have an exposure type of Fire.

How do we get Wave of Conviction weakness without doing fire damage?
Or is this some BS calculation to get more PoB damage?

Edit: Same with Infernal Cry. Calcs say enemy is covered in ash, but no recent fire damage?
Last edited by Sorats on Jan 23, 2021, 7:12:41 PM
Sorats wrote:
Someone enlighten me here.
I see we have Elemental Equilibrium.
Then I see we have Wave of Conviction.
Calcs show we've done lightning damage recently, but not fire.
Wave of Conviction shows we have an exposure type of Fire.

How do we get Wave of Conviction weakness without doing fire damage?
Or is this some BS calculation to get more PoB damage?

Edit: Same with Infernal Cry. Calcs say enemy is covered in ash, but no recent fire damage?

Well aren't we sassy...

Orb of storms or storm brand will immediately reset the EE to lightning after you use WoC or infernal.
Thank you Monik for inspiring me to play RF this league. Your guide for the build was really good and detailed. Hope you are doing well.

Since this is only active thread for anyone searching the build, I decided to make barebones guide for it. Feel free to ask any questions here. Heres my take on the build with inspiration and most good ideas taken from original thread. Most changes to the build were done to gain gem sockets and due to changes in economy.

My current build on game: https://pastebin.com/C64F6DWj
Leveling PoB I made to friend: https://pastebin.com/7FMHf1Uu

- New Inquisitor is smoothest way to play RF: New Vitality already made it possible to level with RF without any uniques, now Pious Path doubling the regen makes leveling with RF smoooooth and one of the best league starters.
- With normal RF items like RotP shield or Searing Lathi, RF is easy to gear for maps.
- I used Flame Wall instead of Scorching ray. Flame Wall was great for league mechanic and overall safer as standing still means death and moving around dodges even melee hits. Fully charged SR would replace Wave of Convictions exposure but it cant replace combustion support.
- Biggest issues are in survivability as meleerange character. Jugg or chieftain gain survivability from ascendancy, we only gain elemental damage reduction. Utilising that regen to focus on survivability on gear is the key. This makes high block and heal on block essential for smooth gameplay against physical attacks.

Stats with current gear (obtained 1 month into league):
- 10373 "life" (7090 life, 3283 ES)
- +2291 net regen
- 9,2M sustained dps with infernal cry, 21,5M burst with vaal RF added.
- 58%/18% block, 75%/36% with flask (could be improved)
- 519 "life" gained on block

Gearing while getting to endgame:
- "Requires" 2 expensive starting items: Replica Soul Tether belt and awakened hextouch support. Belt is worth to rush for huge EHP gain as Inquisitor we have huge ES regen to benefit ES pool. Belt splits damage 50/50 for ES and life, practically doubling our active regen to keep both pools topped. Support gem is optional to boost damage or free up ring slot. Agnostic could be used before getting the belt, but we got lots of regen already.
- I used Doedres Damning before obtaining Awakened Hextouch L5. That support gem is equivalent of free extra ring slot in stats.
- Searing Lathi. So good and cheap weapon that boosts damage greatly early on. Makes this build breeze to play early in the league. 5-link using prophecy on base with best rolls costs around 20-30chaos.
- Replica Atziris Foible is cheap item to increase HP pool and regen if needed. Regen is needed for example when changing from RotP to Searing Lathi.
- Elder belt with decent life and 20%+ life recovery rate is good when gearing the character before getting RST. Costs like 10-30 chaos depending on other stats.
- For chest armour I used Kaoms Heart for early HP boost and then Belly of the beast when swapping to 1h+Surrender to maintain 6link. Crafted incursion chest is best endgame option with 2x %maxlife and %maxmana to ES.
- Elemental resistances can easily be capped with t16 elemental weakness for easier mapping, as build doesnt use many unique items. Chaos res is capped. Build is made to take and tank hits, capping chaos resistance is essential.
- +1level weapon with DoT multi gives better results in PoB than many increased% damage 1handed weapons. If you dont try getting really high increased fire%, they are pretty cheap. Fire multi% is easy craft from bench.
- Pseudo 6-link helmet is cheap if you dont care about other stats, as people craft them a lot. Eye of Malice is really cheap 5-link helmet and I used it with double curse before getting decent 6-link helmet, as it doubles negative resist on enemies. 7-link helmet is a goal but there is no need to rush it as most of the damage comes from flame wall.

Gear and gems:
- Awakened increased AoE is great and cheap awakened gem, giving 60% of Efficacy gems dps with good boost in aoe. I used to swap inc aoe and efficacy for hard bosses with 6-link helmet, awakened gem replaced both gems for me.
- I created wand to use trigger socketed gems, but found CWDT being good lazy option for mapping and easier bosses (or all bosses when dps spiked). Trigger works well for EE with ICD, just put wave of conviction first and cold snap second.Using trigger saves 1-2 gem sockets.
- Cheapest option slotwise is to selfcast WoC+combustion. For mapping you need to cast brand after evert WoC to fix EE. Selfcast is good for bosses but feels clunky compared to Trigger (by spamming flamewall under boss). Using cwdt gave option to add slow and frenzy charges from cold snap for mapping while gameplay is smoother spamming only brands everywhere to apply curses and overwrite EE.
- Heal on block made huge difference for survivability. I started to use The Surrender until I got good crafted shield. While equipping Surrender dropped damage from using GG rolled Searing Lathi, overall survivability increase made it worth. Current 1h+shield in build give almost as much damage as GG Lathi.
- Annoint Charisma & skitterbots vs Annoint Growth&Decay: G&T gives about the same dps as skitterbots while giving extra regen as well. Saves 1 gem socket. Aspect of the Spider is enabled with few +mana stats and/or maxmana% on the chest.
- Replica Soul Tether is easily best item to improve EHP pool compared to really expensive GG stygianvise/elderbelt + timeless jewel + 5 passive points required for jewel. With cluster jewels, stat value of passive points is really high and I consider build done at lvl90.
- +2socket ring was used for purity of fire before getting +levels from gear and lvl21 purity.
- I have firemulti% gloves on crafting with similiar chest with resist instead of recovery rate to keep resists up. Gloves are easy slot to spend up to mirror and gain loads of dps.
- I didnt like using Infernal Cry, but it could easily be slotted on my current setup. For most of the time playing I had problems having enough sockets in gear before getting good ring with socket and prioritised Enduring Cry for survivability. Dropping skitterbots and using dashes in place of moveskill+fortify for faster dodges freed up sockets. Moving inspiration from movement skill to Flame Wall was another way to free up 1 socket.
- Malevolence was dropped from build as Aul amulet prices hiked to 40-50ex in league. +2level amulet gives almost the same dps increase while also affecting defensive skills. Current +2gem amulet with high life and liferegen costed 12ex and +2 amulet price was constant 10-15ex during league. This freed up 1 socket as well.

Passive tree:
- 1 Cluster jewel path was best option to increase damage. I'm not sure if 2nd cluster jewel tree would be worth, as the dps is good enough and points for 2nd one would come off from survivability. Again I consider that build should be done at lvl90 as general advice and 95 for myself. Lvl100 character would benefit from 2 cluster jewel paths.
- Glancing Blows and Sanctuary are must have after getting heal on block shield. I used Glancing Blows and Steelwood Stance with Searing Lathi to improve survivability.
- Some points could be gained from Amplify and from Templar start in my PoB/character by losing regen or armour and maxlife%. Build was finished at lvl94 and there wasnt much more to be gained with those 2 points at that point that is better than +14life/5%life&mana/1.2%regen or 30%armour&15%incES gained with them. Guess I love regen.
- MoM + Eldrich is noobtrap, dont bother. They cut overall hp regen a a LOT when using Soul Tether or Timeless jewel. MoM could be used while leveling as Pious Path takes away ~all RF degen before MoM via ES regen, making MoM purely a defensive mechanic against enemies.
Last edited by Sharaki on Apr 16, 2021, 7:59:37 AM

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