Clarifying the Ascendancy Changes

You killed Hiero Totems , unless near Templar start area will be note allowing to place 2 totems at once

i guess totems were overused and overpowered ......
I usually didn't comment on anything... But now...
Ascendence was a free and reliable source of character grows available to anyone. I'm not a good player, and I don't have time to grind for hours, or try to learn all the crafting mechanics and try to play with that stat casino.

I play every league with almost the same build. The one I've been enjoy playing. But every league it is harder and harder to access the same content. I've stuck at 90-95 lvl ceiling on hardcore. So last league I switched to softcore for the first time since beta.

And now, after this changes. I don't know what content I can see and try on. I still haven't killed Atziri or shaper/elder even once. As well as any other endgame bosse. I didn't even saw them.
Dark Flame Inside. Hardcore player since 1996.
soo totems totaly broken if there isnt point in tree to spawn two totems in one spell cast , nerfing golems even they are not op unless you invest a lot of curency in the build 120% dmg nerf for golems is too much and on top of that you nerfed carrion golems i think they will be unplayable , spectres instead balancing the monsters like syndicate operatives that are buged and op you just gutted out all spectres aven the one that dont do lot of dmg

spectres balance - you need rebalance the monsters not a freaking spectre gem like comon there are like around 15 playable spectres ? others have like non viable dmg
GGG want to slow down the game and make the surviving even harder.
I can understand that. They want us to play more and longer.
The problem is, nobody want to play slowly. And you can't do that, because you have to go fast, if you want to farm currency.
If the boss drops would be better, it would be a different story. But until you have to zoom-zoom through the maps to get loot, then nobody wants to play slowly.
Buff boss drops, and maybe...
Until you have to run on delirious maps with lightning speed to have the good loot, or do 500 burial to have one doctor, there is no way to shift the meta toward the slow playstile. :D
Last edited by Albundy_84 on Jan 12, 2021, 3:43:51 AM
This does not make sense at all, yeah lets remove all the uniqunenes from some of the ascendancy and add meaningless stat to make it better, [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Scott_GGG on Jan 12, 2021, 3:30:26 AM
I mean Assassin was about having lots of crit, lower defence and moving fast, now you removed both pretty much 1 of 2 defensive buffs it got from Mistwalker and literary all the speed. Even the poison side got hit quite hard with the removal of the 20% of phys as extra chaos.

But all in all by so called streamlining these mods you literary removed the Assassins characteristics completly now it simply is easy crit and thats it while for example your newly massively reworked ascendancies are great both in identity and and several ways of achieving power.

But this ascendancy balance in general can be summed up to that you nerfed speed and defence overall, these are really important in terms of gameplay so calling them stats that didn't impact builds in meaningful ways is kinda a lie just have the guts to say that the power creep has been real and we want to reduce the pace of the game which is fine rather then calling them non-meaningful.

Anyway apart from this questionable text about the ascendancy rebalance most things are looking great for the 3.13 so looking forward to get going on friday!
GGG want to slow down the game and make the surviving even harder.
I can understand that. They want us to play more and longer.
The problem is, nobody want to play slowly. And you can't do that, because you have to go fast, if you want to farm currency.
If the boss drops would be better, it would be a different story. But until you have to zoom-zoom through the maps to get loot, then nobody wants to play slowly.
Buff boss drops, and maybe...

ye definitly this will be good the boss drops feel crap
Last edited by CreazyX on Jan 12, 2021, 3:35:48 AM
For those who think nerfs were introduced to slow down the gameplay, just know that it is impossible to slow down the gameplay in a game in which holding the alt, you do not see even textures under the loot. With so much loot, it is impossible to justify the slow gameplay, it is not mathematically beneficial, and if it does, then fast builds will become much stronger and still everyone will look (and will find) a way to play faster. This is a simple truth that even I have reached without the development team behind my back. Why do you live in your rainbow world with pink glasses, where everyone wants to make 4 jumps, 2 swings, 5 somersaults in order to cast 4 seconds with a huge cast speed (hello to battlemage).

You can't slow down the game by taking away the movement speed from the assassin.

You can't make the game harder by simply winding up the damage and defense numbers for mobs.

Want a secret? endurance, frenzy and power charges on guardian ascendancy are considered as auras and each grands its own bonus. Endurance - grants health regeneration, power - spell damage and frenzy - cast speed. And all this is enhanced by the aura effect. Why do I know this and not the team of testers? Big question.

And there is a loooooot of same things...

The game had a Spectre that could include almost all auras in the game for free without a single mana reservation. Do you know why he is not there now? He was simply removed along with 300 other mobs, making him inaccessible to Raise Specter. Not because they knew it, but just it was not a popular mob for Spectring.

Do you think the power of Replica Nebulis only found out when the league came out? No, as soon as it was shown half of the players just laughed at the insane damage that it can provide and successfully used it (Hello all heist deep delvers who reach 6000 for first few weeks, they of course had no plan for this, this apparently happened by accident).

Wake up, stop changing wheels on a crumbling car. Either change the whole car, or let people drive the good old car they like.

I really hope someone from them will read this, literally have a tonn of questions wanted to ask from GGG, but who am i to answer on them...
Last edited by Netrx on Jan 12, 2021, 3:39:32 AM
VenomBlad3s wrote:
I mean Assassin was about having lots of crit, lower defence and moving fast, now you removed both pretty much 1 of 2 defensive buffs it got from Mistwalker and literary all the speed. Even the poison side got hit quite hard with the removal of the 20% of phys as extra chaos.

But all in all by so called streamlining these mods you literary removed the Assassins characteristics completly now it simply is easy crit and thats it while for example your newly massively reworked ascendancies are great both in identity and and several ways of achieving power.

But this ascendancy balance in general can be summed up to that you nerfed speed and defence overall, these are really important in terms of gameplay so calling them stats that didn't impact builds in meaningful ways is kinda a lie just have the guts to say that the power creep has been real and we want to reduce the pace of the game which is fine rather then calling them non-meaningful.

Anyway apart from this questionable text about the ascendancy rebalance most things are looking great for the 3.13 so looking forward to get going on friday!

Lets wait and see for the "gem buffs" this is going to be interesting.
We have buffed all the gems by 1% but removed all the speed.
Thanks for the necro nerf Chris and GGG, I seriously mean it. With these nerf I'll have more time for some other great games, again.

Your definition & concept about "balancing" is indeed hilarious. Nerf popular builds to the ground and buff a little bit for some others? Pfft
How about you buff the least popular builds more and spare some hammers on the popular ones?

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Scott_GGG on Jan 12, 2021, 3:44:31 AM

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