Join the Conflux League Ritual Softcore! FREE ENTRY, no mods, amazing community

Glad to be accepted for this private league. Definitely been wondering how this will play out compared to the wild chaos of the public leagues.
Happy to have you both with us! <3
Have questions, or need any help regarding the Conflux private leagues? AMA.
Hi, is there a chat channel where we can share trials or talk random stuff for the Conflux private league?
Yep! Use /global 1207 for general chat or /trade 1207 for trading.

There's our guild as well, let us know if you're interested in joining <3
Have questions, or need any help regarding the Conflux private leagues? AMA.
Looks wonderful I will apply.
I applied, I played Conflux Heist, so much fun.
Hope someone can accept so I can play soon ^^.
how much time it usually takes to get accepted ?
Sounds fun, applied.
Sp00ky scary skeltal

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