[3.13]❄️44M DPS Ice Shot Barrage Deadeye|League starter|Full Content with Vids|Several variants

Slenderthot wrote:
Thoughts on using Fractal Thoughts for helmet instead of the Lion Pelt w/ abyssal socket?

I'm capped on ele-res (except chaos) and I'm at 4.5k life.

+1 barrage fractal thoughts go for ~30 ex

You can make a rare helm for cheaper, (if you don't double maven orb like I have):

So new player here can i get some help with my build and what i need to change pls. Here is my pob https://pastebin.com/g87TcRMF
Hi guys,
I feel like im kinda stuck in my build, dont really know what to upgrade because I feel like all investments only net a small boost to dps. Id like to upgrade my clear speed a bit, in a T15 Dunes with full legion I sometimes feel like i cant clear which shouldnt be an issue I think with this build.

Should i transition into cluster jewels? How important is stuff like a dex stacking amulet? I tried a bit in PoB but wasnt really impressed with the numbers compared to the cost.

I feel like my damage is a bit low for how much money i paid to craft my bow.
I like Harvest crafting, so should i pick a good helmet as next crafting project? My bow still needs speed augment craft but did not get it so far

I have about 30 Exalts i can use to upgrade my gear but will it be able to kill Maven?

Any help would be appreciated. Heres my current gear + PoB:

Some thoughts i have as next:
Belt: Remove Chaos --> Aug Life
Maybe getting Disciple of Slaughter and Disciple of Yielding since im overcapped in Res but would it be a big boost?

Edit: And i just realized that i rolled over my really good Cold rolls on my bow by trying to roll 10% Ele Pen with Attack Divines, so i have to Div Cold again
Last edited by SirPwnzAlot on Feb 13, 2021, 8:06:53 AM
For the belt, I'd instead suggest remove/add influenced modifier. If you remove chaos add life, you could hit the undesirable flask recovery rate mod, and then you'd be stuck, because if you remove life from there you could hit your +Life mod.

Current state of the helmet I started crafting today. Not sure whether I like the Dex or not. And should i remove cold -> aug crit? Or maybe remove non influence add influence?
Hi this is my build https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/KISAXX/characters any idea for upgrades i can run t16 did elder and shaper shaper gadians fight solo np but sirus and some multi boss fights ar rly hard + any ideas wich gear to swap when playig wit aurabot

budget cca 21 ex

I thought maybe try 3 curses (+1 curse body armor and ring wit elemental weakness on ring )

sry for bed eng

Last edited by KISAXX on Feb 15, 2021, 9:09:09 AM
I think my current build is clocking in at about 30+ million DPS. Only change from original build has been the helmet but I'm hesitant to lose the crit/ele dmg (but probably will have to switch soon for the socket). Would love some guidance on where else the major opportunities to min/max are!

POB: https://pastebin.com/VU3wM0bj
Slenderthot wrote:
I think my current build is clocking in at about 30+ million DPS. Only change from original build has been the helmet but I'm hesitant to lose the crit/ele dmg (but probably will have to switch soon for the socket). Would love some guidance on where else the major opportunities to min/max are!

POB: https://pastebin.com/VU3wM0bj

Definitely always divine your cold per dex roll, even the 3-4 makes a big difference.

If you wanted to start scaling harder with dex, you could get %dex gear and run brutal restraint, but will probably be harder to hit the same life.
Last edited by urve on Feb 16, 2021, 3:11:49 PM
My current build nowhere near finished, dual curse, terrible bow/jewels, no issues with any content currently if paying attention.

Last edited by BeastmanDan on Feb 17, 2021, 1:37:11 PM

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