[3.20] KissMeQuick's Slayer Reave: REBORN — T19 100% Maps & Mad Strong in Sanctum — Starter

Ravennnnnn wrote:
Tried out how it would look with Versatile Combatant.

Trade 25% Block for 25% Spellblock (which imo seems like an even trade) and you free up 2 more passive points, which here I've shifted into DPS. That's with the exact same items, configuration and level.

Edit: Seems Reigning Veteran is bugged in PoB right now, doesn't actually add its armour or evasion. We lose about 700 Armour all in all from the switch.

How do you get 2 more points?

Sarganis87 wrote:

I am talking about Magebane, not Mageblood.

Magebane is the new keystone near Scion that
- cuts Evason Rating from Dex
- gives 1% chance to Suppress Spell Damage per 15 Dex.

A no-brainer for every Iron Reflexes build if the pathing is ok. But here it is not.

What do you think about Iron Reflexes? It's like 3k Armour for 1 point, which is pretty nutty in my book.

Durr, there's so much Mageblood talks that it's the first thing that came up in my head.

Magebane isn't worth it probably for anyone who isn't stacking dex.

You gain +15% Suppression for 5 skill points which we could translate into 7.5 Spell Block to help us with our imagination.

Is 7.5 spell block worth 5 skill points? Nope.

Iron Reflexes isn't worth mostly because it most often provides as much as a +20% armor node which I wouldn't take myself.
Your results might vary.
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:
Sarganis87 wrote:
PoB does not count 800+ flat armour and evasion from Reigning Veteran.

With that being said, I think 1 point in Iron Reflexes is justified.

Too bad we can't squeeze in Magebane to fully milk the Dex...

You can Magebane but it's probably not worth it considering how strong Ryslatha is but you can comfort yourself that the new belt mania will make Ryslatha cheaper.

Retrospectre1 wrote:

Doesn't e.g. Sirus do exclusively spell damage? I'm still learning and feeling my way round all of PoE's defensive systems but it feels counter intuitive to somewhat ignore spell block. I might be completely wrong, though

You can use 1 regret and get +25 spell block before your every Sirus fight (:

Coloured wrote:
I've also played this build in previous leagues, and looking at his PoB he didn't have a lot of spell block then either. The damage was amazing, and it felt very tanky so I'm assuming it won't have an issue ignore it now either, especially with all the chaos res that should be available since it's easier to get ele res else where.

Yop! Previous leagues I didn't even bother capping block.

direnbounty wrote:
"League starter" : Post a PoB with absurd gear.

Trust me, it works with nothing... But i need to put every costly items that exist for... Obvious reason.

You can use the 1 EX or day 2 PoBs, you have my permission (:

dualism04 wrote:

This is exactly right. I've tried this for a couple of leagues

This is one weird way to torture oneself - maybe it's just not the build for you then - plenty of builds out there!

Are you going to update the priority order of the paths to get during the up?
Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:
Ravennnnnn wrote:
Tried out how it would look with Versatile Combatant.

Trade 25% Block for 25% Spellblock (which imo seems like an even trade) and you free up 2 more passive points, which here I've shifted into DPS. That's with the exact same items, configuration and level.

Edit: Seems Reigning Veteran is bugged in PoB right now, doesn't actually add its armour or evasion. We lose about 700 Armour all in all from the switch.

How do you get 2 more points?

Versatile Combatant turns every 1% Block over cap into 2% Spell Block, so we only need to overcap Block by 12% and can refund some Block Points. I went for refunding Testudo and the two small nodes leading to it for a +3 points, -1 for Versatile Combatant itself.

See here: https://pastebin.com/kNWBEMNK
dualism04 wrote:
direnbounty wrote:
"League starter" : Post a PoB with absurd gear.

Trust me, it works with nothing... But i need to put every costly items that exist for... Obvious reason.

This is exactly right. I've tried this for a couple of leagues, and if you aren't someone that's investing 40-50 hours into the launch weekend, you aren't going to come anywhere close to this gearing at the prices listed. The "budget" 5-10ex build is 10-20 times that by the time you're a week or two into the league, and if you're a casual player that's a pretty monstrous amount of currency to try to farm up. But until you do, you're constantly feeling on the weak side of things.

To call this an amazing league starter is pure bullshit for 95% or more of the PoE playerbase.

For levelling there is separate guide by KissMeQuick for duelist. And respec afterwards.

Then you can check "gear" section and based on ur currency find what u can buy.. Like 6L chest for main skill for 10c..
Last edited by goncharov92 on Oct 20, 2021, 3:21:38 AM

How, during a sirus fight, do you have :
full frenzy charges

intimidate (without any masteris/ items/watcher eye)
Last edited by koogan on Oct 20, 2021, 4:54:34 AM
koogan wrote:
Such a big freakin POB WARRRIOR

How the hell, during a sirus fight do you have :
full frenzy charges

intimidate (without any masteris/ items/watcher eye)


I like how you've edited your long list already shorter.

You can make it even more shorter (:


Ravennnnnn wrote:

Versatile Combatant turns every 1% Block over cap into 2% Spell Block, so we only need to overcap Block by 12% and can refund some Block Points. I went for refunding Testudo and the two small nodes leading to it for a +3 points, -1 for Versatile Combatant itself.

See here: https://pastebin.com/kNWBEMNK

Oh, I don't think it's worth it to be honest because you'd need the points immediately after the boss anyways if you do wish to go down that route.

Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
hope it works fine in 3.16
think i found mynew starter ;)
Last edited by DuschtGernNackt on Oct 20, 2021, 6:12:38 AM
Very nice build, you did a great job here. Laughed about the dude calling u a PoB Warrior. Only thing i didnt see was lucky crit, how do we get that?
Thanks in Advance :D
You get the crit lucky with the ascendancy Violent Retaliation I think?
Gives attack damage is lucky if you blocked in past 20 seconds?
Krekel82 wrote:
You get the crit lucky with the ascendancy Violent Retaliation I think?
Gives attack damage is lucky if you blocked in past 20 seconds?

I thought about that too but is it really the case? We need clarification for that.Even without lucky crit its insane already.
Last edited by lufu1 on Oct 20, 2021, 8:29:32 AM

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