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Minor feedback for steel skills, Can we start att max shards when entering a new area, saves a click.
Anything that´s unrelated to elephants is irrelephant
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I have been enjoying splitting steel but it would be nice if call of steel felt less clunky to use. I run the gem to cut the time but I feel like that shouldn't have to be a thing in the first place and it is innate.
Shattering steel doesn't feel like it provides enough to be worth it compared to splitting. Lancing steel felt super weak and takes up 4 shards making you call too often. Perhaps the focus on this one could be made into a more single target solution for the steel abilities. |
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" Actual GOD GAMER feedback. Listen to this guy! (warcrys LOL) |
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" +1. Pretty much this. Hexblast is fun but way too cludgy at times. 😹😹😹😹😹
I do not and will not use TFT. Gaming Granny :D 🐢🐢🐢🪲🪲🪲 |
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Increased the dmg effectiveness on Blazing Salvo please.
Pyroclast is similar but has 80% while Salvo has 40% :/ Pyro gets additional proj on chaining it, blazing has no such mechanic. Feels like a really fun skill to play as miner but pales in comparison |
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Hey, new skill feeback here. I started steel skills, I was planning to focus on splitting steel, but I tried all of them. My character is now only using lancing steel at level 90. I've used dual wield early on and swapped to 2h axes near maps.
Barring damage numbers, all of the steel skills look and feel great, I'm glad poe has guns in the form of steel skills now. Splitting is a bit low on damage, and shattering doesn't have enough coverage for my taste. My biggest issue is with call of steel; you can't easily tell at a glance how many shards you've got. I played a lot of warcry slams last league and it was easy to tell how many exerts I had left by looking at a number in the bottom of the screen. Call of steel's number is listed as a buff which changes places whenever you gain or lose buffs, so I'm never looking in the same place between one encounter to the next. I'd love a counter on Call of steel's icon, just like warcries, or possibly an icon floating above my character like a curse, but 3 swords that split into 4 shards each as you consume them. Another minor complaint with call of steel steel is that against single targets, it doesn't generate enough shards to fully refill my shard counter when I attack immediately after. This might be by design but it's annoying, even if I get used to it. As a champion with master of metal, it gets me 11 shards, which is so close to the 12 I want for lancing steel's 3 consecutive attack combo. Having to wait that extra half second is a minor annoyance. Maybe more shards against unique enemies? Another 'new' skill that I had a minor issue with was marks. I've been using sniper's mark and it feels awkward to place down since the targeting is so precise. I expected it to work like a brand, where you place it on the ground and it attaches to the closest enemy, without the detaching mechanic. I was going to use it with arcanist brand but it made it slower and swap targets when enemies were close. I also recently started a stormbind character who's using Sigil of power. This one is not really a 'play feel' change, but I was hoping before the gem reveal that Sigil's mana cost increase would either be a more multiplier or a flat increase to benefit Stormbind the most. I would imagine the latter to not make archmage benefit too much, and letting Indigon have a share of the fun too. Sorry for the long post, I tried to put in as many details as I could Last edited by MapleBringer#4735 on Sep 23, 2020, 9:42:40 AM
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Shattering steel got nerfed silently for nothing...like it has no real clear speed because of its poor range and you removed 2 of the 5 projectiles.
I thought about getting the alternate quality gem listed in your preview which effects give 2 additional projectiles, but live its sadly only one. Such a bummer, really |
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I have been playing with spellslinger and blazing salvo/fireball/firestorm combinations since league start.
Spellslinger: Early game changes make it a horrible levelling experience. CD and reservation changing constantly makes it really hard to maintain (esp. from a new player perspective, i am trying to make a guide for this and its ultra hard without making a gem setup for every breakpoint). For lategame, i believe cooldown recovery nerfs are justified (it was a bit too easy), but along with reserve nerfs u are basically deleting the skill. if u want ppl to invest into spellslinger more, it must do something. SS was not used in endgame other than VD-Necro, and VD necro had a lot of other stuff going on. Now VD is still playable.. but its really hard to justify using Spellslinger on anything else. There are just better options. Blazing Salvo: Late game performance is decent, it can benefit from a bit more base dmg numbers. (rn, it does less dmg than fireball even if u can hit with 6 projectiles.. and much worse for clearing) early game is unplayable until 6 projectiles form gem levels Firestorm: Useful at low levels, new animation is nice too. yet still has that horrible startup time and clunkiness so i doubt it will be used even it had 50% more dmg. Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ Last edited by Trivialmatters#7587 on Sep 23, 2020, 9:36:12 AM
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Give curses Doom Gain on non-selfcast. Like at a 50% reduced rate or something. It would open up many more playstyles. You did it with Blade Blast, no reason not to.
Also you need key developers to put information together? Do you even communicate inhouse? Anyone taking notes? No one? Like you obviously have the information that you are working on the harbour, even though not how (just put a waypoint in the middle and get rid of the stupid marker clicking), yet nobody took note of what improvements are planned? |
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