[3.15] EARTHSHATTER JUGGERNAUT Build. BEST OF SLAMs. Screen Wide AOE. Cheap League Starter!


Quite enjoying the build.. but through levelling its taking me ages to kill the bosses....

Using a single Relentless Fury atm.. I am level 42

Innocence in ACT5 took a full 15 mins....

jubsey wrote:

Innocence in ACT5 took a full 15 mins....

First of all, make sure you follow the infos from ARP's guide. Look at his video too. He explains stuff.

Here are some tips:
1. You have 2 x Maim. Drop one. Link the remaining Maim to Flash and Stone (in chest). Make sure you use Flash and Stone in BLOOD stance
2. Get shockwave support gem! You can get it in act 2 at Yenna. Link it to ES! Drop Ruthless for Brutality.
Your 4l ES should be: ES-Shockwave-melee phys-brutality
3. Drop the shield. You should be planty tanky. Get 2 one-hand weapons or a 2hand. You should be able to get a 2H easily and slam a phys dmg essence on it.
4. Get a warcry. Intimidating if you need more dmg
5. If possible try to link Leap slam to faster attacks. Will make it more smoother.
6. If you find yourself lacking survivability, get (vaal) molten shell. You can even link it to a CWDT (should be available at lvl 38).

Have fun :)
First off, love the build!!

This is only my second "full-run" attempt season and i have basically only played juggers before so this is right up my alley.

I'm currently at lvl 91 but a bit behind in map progress and economy (i am useless at crafting and making money overall, hehe). Currently doing tier 14-15 maps and can buff them up but bosses are always a risk or can take a really long time. Map clear is super ez.

Anyone here care to look at my character and give some input on what to aim for next regarding gear? My plan is jewel upgrades for the skill tree next and to get to lvl 94.

After getting some ok jewels i guess i will try to save up for 6 link weapon or roll the other hegemony i have in my stash for 6-link so i finally can get all auras up. At the moment I am running with all skills and auras except Pride since I am missing a second 6-link.

Also a big question is resistances, i currently have 75 or more of all res without my 8 endurance charges active, should i drop resistances to have 75 or just above with charges up just to free up space for more dps? When I replace yellow items next time I mean.

Im a rather new fan of the game but here to stay this time :).
Last edited by GriIIa on Sep 30, 2020, 8:37:45 AM
Cry0nicS wrote:
jubsey wrote:

Innocence in ACT5 took a full 15 mins....

First of all, make sure you follow the infos from ARP's guide. Look at his video too. He explains stuff.

Here are some tips:
1. You have 2 x Maim. Drop one. Link the remaining Maim to Flash and Stone (in chest). Make sure you use Flash and Stone in BLOOD stance
2. Get shockwave support gem! You can get it in act 2 at Yenna. Link it to ES! Drop Ruthless for Brutality.
Your 4l ES should be: ES-Shockwave-melee phys-brutality
3. Drop the shield. You should be planty tanky. Get 2 one-hand weapons or a 2hand. You should be able to get a 2H easily and slam a phys dmg essence on it.
4. Get a warcry. Intimidating if you need more dmg
5. If possible try to link Leap slam to faster attacks. Will make it more smoother.
6. If you find yourself lacking survivability, get (vaal) molten shell. You can even link it to a CWDT (should be available at lvl 38).

Have fun :)

Many thanks for the tips :)

I never used Shockwave as it cant be used by Axes,,,, and ARP was saying use Axes at start..

Will implement the others and try and get the maul at 57

jubsey wrote:

I never used Shockwave as it cant be used by Axes,,,, and ARP was saying use Axes at start..

Darn, you are right. I only played staff, so forgot about the maces...
Get impale or fortify instead of the shockwave
I die alot when jumping into, or just close to packs and they insta stutter/slow/stun me and I get oneshotted basically. Sometimes I can't even get of one ES before dying.

Should I invest in attack speed? The "cast-time" of Earthshatter is crap, I get killed during the casting-time many times. He has to swing his damn staff/mace over his head.

You often have to bait out the packs first attacks into the warchief, and that's not very fluid. (this mostly when you have lost your charges)

If you die to a dangerous pack, and you come back you often die instantly again because you lost your endurance/power/frenzy charges...

Did a 2x Beyond map, I told myself, I will regret this, and it was ridiculous man, think I died like 5 times in one map, and this on lvl 95, painful being a noob. :-D
Last edited by perK1 on Sep 30, 2020, 4:19:19 PM
perK1 wrote:
I die alot when jumping into, or just close to packs and they insta stutter/slow/stun me and I get oneshotted basically. Sometimes I can't even get of one ES before dying.

Should I invest in attack speed? The "cast-time" of Earthshatter is crap, I get killed during the casting-time many times. He has to swing his damn staff/mace over his head.

You often have to bait out the packs first attacks into the warchief, and that's not very fluid. (this mostly when you have lost your charges)

If you die to a dangerous pack, and you come back you often die instantly again because you lost your endurance/power/frenzy charges...

Did a 2x Beyond map, I told myself, I will regret this, and it was ridiculous man, think I died like 5 times in one map, and this on lvl 95, painful being a noob. :-D

Mace version is rippy as you have no block. With staff it's better, but you need to watch charges, otherwise no issue.
You gear looks OK, except for no vuln gloves, so much more trash alive around you
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Hi, i have two questions.

1. How do u proc charges at bosses, i have huge problem to gain them for example vs izaro.
2. Do u think that kaom's ring is best? Why u dont play with corrupted one with pride bonus for example? Or some other ring?
When leveling, do you recommend going to the far right of the tree (art of gladiator/golem's blood area) or south (wrecking ball/executioner area) before proceeding up on the left side?
Hello !

Thanks for the guide.

I am wondering, I don't have +1 curse so should I wear my ring (with assassin mark) or my gloves (with vuln) ? If I have both how does it work, any priority ?

Have a good day.

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