Heist Patch Notes, Item Filter and Passive Tree Information


For such a t16 maps choice..
This is not gonna be good for league playability and longevity.

Last edited by DarkJen#6961 on Sep 16, 2020, 2:18:42 PM

I have no interest in collecting replica Alc shards all league.
If you can't handle the truth, just delete the forum post - Precious Flower
Chrono_Kun wrote:
Oh, no experiment quiver base :(

GGG doesn't like quivers. It is the only piece at the inventary that cannot have any quality.
can't wait for it!
xzwjm10100 wrote:
I am super hyped for heist and all, but i found my first minor disappointment here.

I feel like this time map reshuffle is just awful, because there are no good natural T16s, so we cant use orb of horizons to reshuffle our shitty T16s into anything good. Best one from the list is Summit and thats like B+ map at best. Last league we had cage, ov. shrine and promenade and alleyways which are all A/S tier maps... Minor good news is burials are natural T15, but thats really minor all in all, new atlas reshuffle really suck :(

Hope heists themselves will be as promising as they look to be and ill spend most of my time doing heists themselves, because maps are pretty sub-optimal :D

My Issue is the fact that they moved ashen woods to t15. If they didn't change the enlightened div card to another t2 map, it's going to nerf and screw a lot of builds, the market, and maybe even the overall player base in wanting to play this league.
Jeez, how many years until we get some new maps? Evvvvery frickin time, it's the same damn ones. Spice it up a little! Combine parts of maps to form new ones. Throw some new bosses in or something, or just a large version of other mobs. The bosses die in seconds, so it's not like you have to put a lot of thought into it. Just give us some new maps to run!
cuorebrave wrote:
Jeez, how many years until we get some new maps? Evvvvery frickin time, it's the same damn ones. Spice it up a little! Combine parts of maps to form new ones. Throw some new bosses in or something, or just a large version of other mobs. The bosses die in seconds, so it's not like you have to put a lot of thought into it. Just give us some new maps to run!

Path of Exile 2 is coming... and that means a ton of new maps and bosses.

and by a ton, I mean there's a chance that we could have every map be a unique map.
Ruffleberg wrote:
Forget a Tabula when you can farm a Kaoms or Shavs in T1.

HF farming a Kaom on tier 1 volcano lol
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
YES! Thanks!

Is there a chance that in the future that these lists come out with Headers at the top of the columns? It'd be nice to be SURE what is a Class or Basetype.

Updated item classes for experimented base types, added new currency items and corrected names for experimented base types.

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