Path of Exile: Heist Balance Manifesto

Please, nerf Warchief Ancestral Totem, it's way too powerful, can melt Shaper just in 1 second.
just a joke
There once was an exile who found a map of infinite doctors.
Last edited by Programysh on Sep 15, 2020, 9:40:48 AM
Aevee wrote:
I think these changes are fair enough. Though when balance changes only nerf things and don't buff anything it's easy to feel as if they're taking away from the game. Maybe GGG should've added some much needed buffs to some skills too to counteract this.

I agree, seeing only nerfs does feel bad but for a while now the balance manifesto has mostly been a "head up" on upcoming nerfs pre patch notes. All of the important stuff will come with patch notes, the ppl qq'ing now just do it for the sake of attention mostly
The Glancing Blows nerf seems to hit the wrong thing.

It hurts duel wield block and staff block way more than Life/ES recovery on block (which is the actual problem).

Like come on... stop whining. With 5 points you can fix most of these changes. Not to mention that you "cant" perfectly craft like in harvest. So youd have to make alterations (ha!) anyway. Personally i find most of these changes mostly affect the the top high end builds.

The enduring cry was op with the keystone. Place it on left click and ignore it. Now you could invest into cdr, or other sources of charge gen (like the small cluster jewel).
Divine flesh made you exceptionally strong against chaos AND elemental. With almost no investment.

Glancing blows is still good. It gives you stun immunity on block and you can cap block and spell block easier with it. Not to mention limiting the damage taken by a significant amount, given how physical damage and armour work. And having dual wield and max block should be a damn challenge, you are going 2x offensive weapons so youre benefiting from what +2 on both wands?

Certain minion builds were doing absurd damage, and after the nerfs, they will still do absurd damage just less. Those Spectres were leagues away from other ones. (theres still op spectres fyi)

The cluster jewels were broken on some builds, making them too good vs normal passives.
Now you have a smaller difference between the 2.

Flat health regen is great. This enables many builds variations, especially given the knockoff uniques (hoping for one with flat hp into flat mana or vice versa).

TLDR Theres still a lot of things you can abuse, and we dont even know what kind of knockoffs are in store. Maybe we will see more build diversity, and dont forget theres also the new skills and altered support gems.
I can understand people worrying, but doesnt this make you more excited for the possibilities?
The Glancing Blows nerf seems to hit the wrong thing.

It hurts duel wield block and staff block way more than Life/ES recovery on block (which is the actual problem).
Ye they should have nuked that out of the game. It makes shield builds more powerful than other type of builds and you know who always used a shield? Spellslingers... That's why they're hit too.
No outrage here. Many of these changes would have made some of the builds in Harvest/prior to require more investment. GOOD. Thank you for pushing more diversity/innovative approaches. The game gets stale when the same 3 builds make things trivial league after league regardless of new league interactions.

I feel that Tarke was spot on that these nerfs will somehow still be in play when the eventual nerf to recovery on block lands. That would be unfortunate. However, I am sure if that happens GGG will have a solution.

I am also glad I didn't rely on warcries more than 1 league because slowing them down HAD to happen to make other things viable. Otherwise, not a lot to say about this manifesto. Patch notes will clarify A LOT of my questions. Otherwise, muy excellente.

kingkarlos19 wrote:
Nerf Melee Please... It has been way to strong for way to long now...

P.S. after all these nice (KEKW) Engine changes, how can Labyrinth Ladder still be effected by Loading times...

The top builds are all spell builds, what?
Even tho i play Redemption Sentry i must agree with the nerfs BUT WHY INTE THE FUCKING FUCK DO YOU ATEMPT TO DESTROY VITALITY!?!?!?! It will only see less play if you change it to flat regen...You could have just changed it to give a higher % life...with the new change the skill will be more expensive for all builds that actually use it and will now only be more useless for builds that already used it if numbers wont be greater than 200+ life/second. Also the reservation cost will render it useless for aurabots if it matches precision and who ever made this call in the ggg dev office, you need to start playing the game...
4 meme jewels sold, Harvest
Nerf to Enduring Cry enrages me a little. I do not care much about cooldown increase but the fact I can not generate endurance charges without a monster around is just too big of a nerf. This was not needed by Juggs or other beefy melee ascendancies but those more fragile melee or ranged characters that traveled to bottom left part of the tree are now screwed.

And I just bought another supporter pack to give GGG some money for "good" work. I should have waited for the nerfs to come. Fuck you GGG.

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