Patch Notes 3.11.1f Preview

smellywag wrote:
Ye, just got back after 4 leagues away. Not sure I will continue. It's totally epic how easy and pointless crafting is with this.

I mean, of course it's fun, and i am sure it's meant to be so that the countless new players, and those who crafting isn't normally accessible to help making it less covert.. It is hilarious seeing some like "Oh, but I won't play if it's like it used to be, with annuls might brick something.

LOL, jut getting easier and easier.. ye first thing I noticed.. everyone is l 93+ and godlike tier and have absolutely NO clue about anything.

One thing is making it easier , more accessible or so, another is to make the player base lose what poe was about.. reading, knowledge and so on.

The strategy might work, and the company will grow, but I feel it's like it's pointless.

Still, from being recommended by a mate, to try poe (from RPG days), till dropping some invest and then have had enough, it's been a fair trade for money vs. gaming, and slavery added on top).

Again, I think harvest might go core, and will of course be part of streamlining crafting further. Making bricking less final was always a good thing. But when all skill/rng/investment/upside comes with no real downside, trade is dead, economy is dead, excitement is dead, all is dead.

Who cares about havign a bunch of clowns running a meta every league and as addicts can't move on. Ye no, I came mid league, hard to get any trading going, not into having to sit hours trying to figure out a harvest garden, just to know I won't catch up AND won't be able trade myself particularly into the game. BUT as my mate who told me to try this league was right about: you can do anything, this is the league for it.

Letting new players with absolutely NO clue dictate how it should be is like telling the kids to run the country. "great". ,)

Good luck with it in any case.

Americans we know don't give a toss... what about others?

Show us how good you are, show us kewl you are and craft something, in SSF, using only conventional tools. You won't have shit to show btw.

The only reason harvest exists is cause after analyzing and data mining info on typical poe hamsters ggg determined that most of them get away with only buying currency tab and all that harvest trash makes it even harder than ever.
Varana wrote:
xXIce_MaidenXx wrote:
The other 99% want harvest to go core.

You wouldn't if you'd ever played it.
Crafting options, yes: they remove some of the RNG from the RNG-fest. Not enough, and it's poorly done so crafting is still a grind, but some.

The garden however has no redeeming features. Buying pointless equipment, tiers of seeds in random colours with stupid level limits, only being able to save a very limited number of crafting mods once after jumping through all kinds of hoops, and having to buy special extra junk to store them... spikes on a light switch, all of it.

(And if you don't get the reference you shouldn't be commenting on game design.)

What level limit is pointless? Do you want to farm seeds in lv1 map and use them on ilv85 items?
Random colors?!?
Able to save very limited amount of crafts? LOL if you play at all you can easily store as many as you want! The only thing is it's kindda messy to find the craft you want sorting through tens of horticrafting stations. An easier searchable UI would be nice here. That's all.
After jumping through all kinds of hoops? What?! And craft is still kind of a grind? What?! So just to make it clear your point is you wish the safest way to craft to be instantly given at lv1? It doesn't take more than a couple days to set up a grove with "infinite" stored lifeforce and then move on to countless horticrafting stations.... It's not that hard, it's just a mechanic that you need to learn just like every thing else in this game lol. Not that hard and grindy to connect a few pylons and dispersers man.
Finally that black box problem will be gone
Rekt_that wrote:
"the team has been working really hard on those and has made some good progress"

That made me laugh

Yea... was at first looked at calendar do some "fool" day poped and I missed... but last one ... 1st April was 4 month ago...

"Fixed a bug where you could access the Sacred Grove in non-Harvest leagues."

PLS more hard work... decent dev team will work that out on 1st day of harvest hard developed balanced rich in content wanna be "league"... not on end(death) this disaster of wanna be self called league... dang
Last edited by Coolmer#1879 on Aug 12, 2020, 7:07:01 AM
TorhamZed wrote:
I was aiming for 36 challenges this league but I give up. The Winged Scarab challenge is a joke and I don't want to pay all my currency to buy winged scarabs just to complete it. Without it, my 36 won't happen. Whoever thought of this challenge, well done.

LOL you don't need that challenge for 36, stop being lazy.
Black__Dawn wrote:
smellywag wrote:
Ye, just got back after 4 leagues away. Not sure I will continue. It's totally epic how easy and pointless crafting is with this.

I mean, of course it's fun, and i am sure it's meant to be so that the countless new players, and those who crafting isn't normally accessible to help making it less covert.. It is hilarious seeing some like "Oh, but I won't play if it's like it used to be, with annuls might brick something.

LOL, jut getting easier and easier.. ye first thing I noticed.. everyone is l 93+ and godlike tier and have absolutely NO clue about anything.

One thing is making it easier , more accessible or so, another is to make the player base lose what poe was about.. reading, knowledge and so on.

The strategy might work, and the company will grow, but I feel it's like it's pointless.

Still, from being recommended by a mate, to try poe (from RPG days), till dropping some invest and then have had enough, it's been a fair trade for money vs. gaming, and slavery added on top).

Again, I think harvest might go core, and will of course be part of streamlining crafting further. Making bricking less final was always a good thing. But when all skill/rng/investment/upside comes with no real downside, trade is dead, economy is dead, excitement is dead, all is dead.

Who cares about havign a bunch of clowns running a meta every league and as addicts can't move on. Ye no, I came mid league, hard to get any trading going, not into having to sit hours trying to figure out a harvest garden, just to know I won't catch up AND won't be able trade myself particularly into the game. BUT as my mate who told me to try this league was right about: you can do anything, this is the league for it.

Letting new players with absolutely NO clue dictate how it should be is like telling the kids to run the country. "great". ,)

Good luck with it in any case.

Americans we know don't give a toss... what about others?

Show us how good you are, show us kewl you are and craft something, in SSF, using only conventional tools. You won't have shit to show btw.

The only reason harvest exists is cause after analyzing and data mining info on typical poe hamsters ggg determined that most of them get away with only buying currency tab and all that harvest trash makes it even harder than ever.

Wow nice throw away account, you're probably here just to troll but i'll throw you a bone. So you're saying that the only reason the league is the way it is. Is for them to sell more tabs? No one can really play POE with only currency tab, Map tab is a MUST. Other than that you can easily play harvest with one QUAD tab. But most new players won't need it because they won't play enough to store that many crafts. I'm 100% sure of that.
-> We know that many of you have been wondering whether we'll implement improvements to the bloom technology

no hurry dude, nothing urgent! Take your time. I am already done with this league so as long as it's done before the next league. Don't stress the developers too much. C you all next league!!! :D
y3lw0rC wrote:
Varana wrote:
xXIce_MaidenXx wrote:
The other 99% want harvest to go core.

You wouldn't if you'd ever played it.
Crafting options, yes: they remove some of the RNG from the RNG-fest. Not enough, and it's poorly done so crafting is still a grind, but some.

The garden however has no redeeming features. Buying pointless equipment, tiers of seeds in random colours with stupid level limits, only being able to save a very limited number of crafting mods once after jumping through all kinds of hoops, and having to buy special extra junk to store them... spikes on a light switch, all of it.

(And if you don't get the reference you shouldn't be commenting on game design.)

I have to agree with this.

I like the fact that you can craft some cool stuff on items occasionally.
But when you engage into it and realize all those restrictions and how it actually works...

This is yet another example of how GGG made a full time job out of what could have been a fun and easy to manage and engage into league.

Absolutely false the only reason you have lvl restrictions on crafts is to avoid Harbour Bridge seed farming abuse. All this managing of having to craft expensive tanks/horitcracfting stations is to slow down the mechanic progress because once you hit 1-2 weeks in you're full of 5k tanks and infinite storage of crafts all you need to do is plant and map.(deepends on your play time)

If you people can't realize how INSANE and OP harvest crafts are and how dangerously close it makes POE to Diablo 3 you should not be saying it should go core at all. The crafts completely cut down character progress time to the point that you don't care about any item you find because it will never be better than crafting one from 0 using harvest crafts. Surely current crafting is garbage compared to this but it's definitely not the way, no one wants an ARPG that you can be done with a character in 1week, where everyone have the same items because it's that easy to craft them.

Chris said this was an experiment league in Baeclast, they want to rework itemization in POE 2 and this will weight heavily on that. But don't expect harvest to go core at all the way it is. It's too easy, too powerful.

If this league goes core as is, in every league within 2weeks time everyone would have perfect gear just like Diablo 3 and it won't be fun to play anymore.

And I say all that not because I'm the 0,01% player that farms hundreds of exalts every league. You can look up my past league characters, find me one that have >30ex item socketed, you won't because the way I play is I create 1 character with a decent non-meta skill that you can boss and map, do 36-40 challenges and be done with the league. If you look at my character this league it's the complete opposite, every single item socketed if you linked me every other league I'd say, that's fucking insane. Now I have 100ex sitting on my stash because I've crafted every single socketed item in my character and it's pointless trying to change anything. You can kill bosses and do anything having 0 skill and knowledge this league, your items will carry you. I have a guy in my guild that started playing this league and is already lvl 97... His FIRST character ever is 97! I had not lvled a character past 95 ever before this league with 5k hours+ played and I bet you the average player hasn't too. If you can't see how insane that is. And can't see what a boring ARPG you want POE to become please re think because you probably haven't played enough of this league to realize it yet.

I really love having the chance to experience what it's like to have 0.00001% gear, but that can't be the normal stat of the game.

That's definitely not the POE I want at least.
Bring us more info about design changes in PoE 2 <3

I'm really interested in what the future of PoE will be
Last edited by KurzedMetal#4659 on Aug 12, 2020, 8:11:43 AM
sirgog wrote:
> Messages intended to be sent to a Global Chat Channel which contain "WTS" will now automatically change the chat window to a Trade Chat Channel. This has been done in a way which should not affect legitimate words that end in 'wts', such as newts.

Get ready for

#SpammyTrader: neWTS Shavronnes' Wrappings 5ex

:)) good one. Better if you didnt published this, you gave them ideeas. :))

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