[3.25] Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-Axe-Crit (FREEZE THE GAME) 100% Crit Rate Full Screen Explosions

How should we get power charges without the Romira ring? Finding the power charges on helmet is going to be tough.
gregnog wrote:
How should we get power charges without the Romira ring? Finding the power charges on helmet is going to be tough.

Apart from the helmet mod ( which is 50/50 to slam ) and probably the most viable there is also a cluster called "Mob Mentality" but so far when I tested it there was a very poor sustain of charges and even poorer so of power charges to be specific.

My old belt is for sale! Priced to go fast as always so PM me in game ASAP :)

if no one bought it yet save it for me I'll buy it in the morning
Last edited by SkyReacher on Oct 6, 2020, 7:05:49 PM
Im curious as to why this build in Heist hasnt adapted to the banishing blade base? Ignore enemy ele res on crit seems crazy for this
100Proof wrote:
Im curious as to why this build in Heist hasnt adapted to the banishing blade base? Ignore enemy ele res on crit seems crazy for this

I'm unfamiliar with that base, care to elaborate?
100Proof wrote:

Looks like that'd work - would love to see what Solace and the others will say about it :)
SkyReacher wrote:
100Proof wrote:

Looks like that'd work - would love to see what Solace and the others will say about it :)

Actually any high pdps 2 hander should work...you just have to skill the notables accordingly. I have seen some ice crashers use maces as well and original ice crash builds used to use hegemony's (sceptre) before it got nerfed to the ground.

Fleshripper is the only 2-hander with base crit which makes it easy to roll pdps mods.

I might actually give other weapon base types a try when I'm done min-maxing my armour.
Last edited by SolaceinSolipsism on Oct 7, 2020, 6:54:04 AM
100Proof wrote:

So I had a thought about experimented bases...seems like warstaff is the way to go assuming if you can meet the intel requirement. I will most likely transition to it in the coming week so keep a look out for my character :)

The sword is definitely viable but will require some slight modifications to this builds skill tree. Also it is hard to roll a comparable pdps equivalent to 2h-axes because of how low the base physical on swords are. Right now there is only 1 700+ pdps on the market which is mirror tier.

Selling my old belt

Reach out at @Giglamex

or PM me in here if I don't answer in game.

Price is negotiable :)

Selling this for 8ex.

PM in game if interested

Last edited by iNSANITYY91 on Oct 7, 2020, 2:42:33 PM

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