[3.25] Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-Axe-Crit (FREEZE THE GAME) 100% Crit Rate Full Screen Explosions

Hiya fellow ice crashers!

Made a silly mistake while crafting elusive/phys cold boots so letting this pair go cheap...price is definitely negotiable so PM me in game if interested :)

Uhm, Hi its me again.
I'm stuck with the current situation of my Jugg.
The boy is pretty squishy and the damage a teensy bit lackluster. Aside from the Circles of fear and the Halcyon which are somewhat unachievable to me at the moment.
What can I do to upgrade the Jugg?
Last edited by Agynn on Sep 30, 2020, 7:25:37 PM
Agynn wrote:
Uhm, Hi its me again.
I'm stuck with the current situation of my Jugg.
The boy is pretty squishy and the damage a teensy bit lackluster. Aside from the Circles of fear and the Halcyon which are somewhat unachievable to me at the moment.
What can I do to upgrade the Jugg?

Bro, are you doing your chaos trading rares? cause i get all my gears without dropping any exalted yet.

Agynn wrote:
Uhm, Hi its me again.
I'm stuck with the current situation of my Jugg.
The boy is pretty squishy and the damage a teensy bit lackluster. Aside from the Circles of fear and the Halcyon which are somewhat unachievable to me at the moment.
What can I do to upgrade the Jugg?

Most of your gear has no hp...you can upgrade most of them for 1 alc. Honestly i'd just skip the uniques and go for rares with high def for now.

As for dps-wise, your gear has nothing which improves the dps of ice crash. For starters, I am pretty sure you can get a way higher pdps 5L axe for 1c at this point in time.
Last edited by SolaceinSolipsism on Oct 1, 2020, 2:38:25 AM
Hi ! Leveling this build right now.

Have a question, does the knock back from Seismic Cry alternate gem make enemies take multiple hits com Ice crash secondary and third "rings" ? Is that any good or 10% more damage with exerted attacks is the best effect?

Thank you !
Really enjoying this build, super fun to just run around bonking everything, however I feel lacklustre when fighting a boss, and have no idea how to improve my build besides getting a cold version doryani belt for better leech, or should i ditch the belt for one with a decent life roll as well (need the ele resists atm) also my chaos res needs work lol
Last edited by Dark_Laser on Oct 1, 2020, 7:29:37 AM
Dark_Laser wrote:
Really enjoying this build, super fun to just run around bonking everything, however I feel lacklustre when fighting a boss, and have no idea how to improve my build besides getting a cold version doryani belt for better leech, or should i ditch the belt for one with a decent life roll as well (need the ele resists atm) also my chaos res needs work lol

Upgrade the belt and ammy. I would also ditch all the uniques if you are struggling with resists.

You might want to upgrade your flasks. Lion's roar and taste of hate should help with dps.
Dark_Laser wrote:
Really enjoying this build, super fun to just run around bonking everything, however I feel lacklustre when fighting a boss, and have no idea how to improve my build besides getting a cold version doryani belt for better leech, or should i ditch the belt for one with a decent life roll as well (need the ele resists atm) also my chaos res needs work lol

Upgrade the belt and ammy. I would also ditch all the uniques if you are struggling with resists.

You might want to upgrade your flasks. Lion's roar and taste of hate should help with dps.

Totally forgot about my placeholder amulet lol, again mostly there for resists but not sure what to upgrade into. Was actually thinking about dropping the kaoms for some decent rare boots to ease resists + use another gem setup (maybe a golem?) and just spending 2 points speccing into unwavering on tree. As for flasks I have neither of those but might invest in them if it means more dps.

EDIT: Updated my belt and amulet to focus more on dps and swapped boots for rares, definitely feels much stronger now. Also gonna put stormbrand/hextouch/frostbite in boots with flame golem in cwdt, tried hardcasting frostbite but it ate way too much mana.

Last edited by Dark_Laser on Oct 1, 2020, 12:18:59 PM
Sorry if this got asked before:
Why are some of the ppl currently playing ice crash using Mjölnr Gavel instead of a 2h axe like this build? is this just another variation of it?
Cercaetrova wrote:
Sorry if this got asked before:
Why are some of the ppl currently playing ice crash using Mjölnr Gavel instead of a 2h axe like this build? is this just another variation of it?

There are definitely other ice crash builds out there...1 of them is the hollow palm one so just pick whichever suits your playstyle.

There's only 1 or 2 people on the leaderboards using mjolnir and based on their gearing, you'd prob could use any other ele conversion skill to achieve the same effect so I would not call that a pure ice crash build.

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