[3.25] Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-Axe-Crit (FREEZE THE GAME) 100% Crit Rate Full Screen Explosions

Tip: While DPS matters so does Average Attack damage. Make sure your average damage is at least 5 million. The character will 1 shot a LOT more.
You can overscale your attack speed with this build. My average damage is 7.1million. When I had way too much attack speed I was actually the same DPS but much worse average which is how we 1 shot everything. VS having insane atk speed and having to spam to do the same amount. This is extremely noticeable when changing ascendancy and dropping Undeniable. Now I basically 1 shot all mobs. VS having to attack 2-3 times. This is more important later in the game and not so much early game.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Last edited by HeroEvermore#0498 on Aug 9, 2024, 9:36:51 AM
With my new changes I am now the tankiest Ice Crash character on POENinja <3 I lost nothing to achieve this defense, as my hit is still 100%. I am still top 8 in DPS. Top 4 (without Abyssus helm).

It is my opinion this is the strongest version of Ice Crash Jugg Passive Tree ever created. I do not even have a top tier weapon. No watcher's eye. A TON of missing things and yet this is way beyond my expectations this league. Thank you everyone. Without everyone in forums we would not have got this far. <3


Edit, I am level 96 now while ninja shows me at 95, it's a bit behind still and I am even tankier now.

*Personal things. I am sorry I have not yet made videos to show off this gorgeous creation. I am going through a break up and have a lot of anxiety lately and will get to that when my life chills out a little.

Again, thank you all. We did this together. I just laid the foundation. <3
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Last edited by HeroEvermore#0498 on Aug 9, 2024, 10:07:56 AM
HeroEvermore wrote:
With my new changes I am now the tankiest Ice Crash character on POENinja <3 I lost nothing to achieve this defense, as my hit is still 100%. I am still top 8 in DPS. Top 4 (without Abyssus helm).

It is my opinion this is the strongest version of Ice Crash Jugg Passive Tree ever created. I do not even have a top tier weapon. No watcher's eye. A TON of missing things and yet this is way beyond my expectations this league. Thank you everyone. Without everyone in forums we would not have got this far. <3


Edit, I am level 96 now while ninja shows me at 95, it's a bit behind still and I am even tankier now.

*Personal things. I am sorry I have not yet made videos to show off this gorgeous creation. I am going through a break up and have a lot of anxiety lately and will get to that when my life chills out a little.

Again, thank you all. We did this together. I just laid the foundation. <3

Sorry to hear about that. But I say hi several spots down at 35kehp :)
Last edited by Illuminance_DY#4486 on Aug 9, 2024, 10:20:18 AM
Other people switched the new atlas tree and passed me up. Darn rich people. :P
I just want everyone to be a little tankier. I am crushing everything in my wake. Having the best time on ice crash in 4 years! Feels good!
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
HeroEvermore wrote:
Other people switched the new atlas tree and passed me up. Darn rich people. :P
I just want everyone to be a little tankier. I am crushing everything in my wake. Having the best time on ice crash in 4 years! Feels good!

It's a rad build! Another idea I got from Dirikr that might free up some passives for you is using the Impossible Escape jewel with "passives in the radius of Point Blank can be connected without being connected to your tree" to take the Fangs of Frost and Marked for Death notables.

Last edited by Nizreb915#3583 on Aug 9, 2024, 1:18:01 PM
Not a fan of that idea as the mastery is OP and cannot get it that way.

You lose enemy crit -50% (way less ailments taken) and 20% cold damage taken. Also it's one of the most fun mastery in game. The only cold mastery we take.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Last edited by HeroEvermore#0498 on Aug 9, 2024, 1:38:29 PM
HeroEvermore wrote:
Not a fan of that idea as the mastery is OP and cannot get it that way.

Ah good call then

Any way to get MORE tanky? It says 8m damage but I just did a Minotaur map run and boy was I getting one-shot very quickly by him. Also felt like I wasn't doing as much damage as I could to it either. Nor the Hydra. Took me quite a few hits to actually kill them.

Yes, everything was exerted and all that BS. Every single thing was up.

PS - Also yes, I know Hatred would boost my damage more than Autoexert but it would not be by enough to notice that much of a difference when I was facing off against the Minotaur
Last edited by MrChangg#1681 on Aug 9, 2024, 3:14:56 PM
MrChangg wrote:

Any way to get MORE tanky? It says 8m damage but I just did a Minotaur map run and boy was I getting one-shot very quickly by him. Also felt like I wasn't doing as much damage as I could to it either. Nor the Hydra. Took me quite a few hits to actually kill them.

Yes, everything was exerted and all that BS. Every single thing was up.

PS - Also yes, I know Hatred would boost my damage more than Autoexert but it would not be by enough to notice that much of a difference when I was facing off against the Minotaur

Didn't follow skill tree.
Wasted points in rage.
Wasted points in Disciple of the Unyielding
Missing a crit mastery against unique monsters.
Missing crit on blind.
Missing amulet that enables the entire build.
Missing strength/life/EHP/melee dmg by using tattoos (STR is that good).
Fix these and you are good to go.

You are close but not having the Amulet disables the build. It's a must have.

Your average damage is still a bit low. mine is about double yours, lower attack speed IMO. Hitting a bit too fast for giga one shots. To compare my atk rate is 1.4 with a 7.2 mil average damage. (I suggest something more like 1.6 ASP)

Oh also, cold pen=boss die. That's why my amulet uses it instead of a dual curse. This is also cheaper as a build and maximizes my reduction to all enemies. I do not need frostbite at all. Just oskarms. Some bosses may take a few punches, some may take 20. When mapping t16s though you should be 1-2 shotting every boss in Blood Stance. By 2 shot I mean; Ice Crash. Seismic Cry. Ice Crash. Intimidating Cry. Ice Crash spam if not dead to that.
By using Seismic first you have Intimidating stacking with it for all exerted hits. I hope this helps. I rarely get on peoples PoBs because no matter what I sound like a bad guy lol.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Last edited by HeroEvermore#0498 on Aug 9, 2024, 4:00:18 PM
Front page intro change. <3
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.

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