[3.17]Blazer's Flicker God![League Starter as Cyclone-Supreme Tank-35M+ DPS Maxed-Fast]ALL CONTENT

I think ill use Carcass Jack armor for budged version (more bladestorm/lacerate for now) its basicaly same dps as cat stealth in my current item setup, and extra aoe seems really useful..
Ok no charges for bosses.. but still better than tabula at lvl 88;; and 3ex in pocket
Last edited by fifus92 on Jul 29, 2020, 6:38:08 AM
fifus92 wrote:
I think ill use Carcass Jack armor for budged version (more bladestorm/lacerate for now) its basicaly same dps as cat stealth in my current item setup, and extra aoe seems really useful..
Ok no charges for bosses.. but still better than tabula at lvl 88;; and 3ex in pocket

Sure, Carcass Jack works great as long as u r using anything but Flicker Strike :D. wish you best of luck on your journey exile!
How exactly you will have 5 points left? I mean all versions of the build I made are for lvl 95 so I don't get it xD and also why would you say u want to allocate Wind Dancer? only for the 20% less damage taken on first hit? totally not worth it. I don't know what tree are u using but going for more life if you have good damage won't hurt. So I suggest going for more life

Sorry I meant lvl 100 xD because I was thinking of since the character has so much of block & dodge chance, Wind Dancer may help us survive if one big hit goes through our defences (so we'll have Fortify + Wind Dancer = -40% dmg taken). Anyways, I'm having a blast playing this build! The build is quite expensive but it's totally worth every exalted orb!
For those looking for easier gem switching for bossing than melee splash->close combat (Red->green), try switching melee splash with your fortify from leap slam. I don't leap slam much on bosses anyway so this way I also have fortify up without having to leap slam every 5 seconds.
chinhduong wrote:
How exactly you will have 5 points left? I mean all versions of the build I made are for lvl 95 so I don't get it xD and also why would you say u want to allocate Wind Dancer? only for the 20% less damage taken on first hit? totally not worth it. I don't know what tree are u using but going for more life if you have good damage won't hurt. So I suggest going for more life

Sorry I meant lvl 100 xD because I was thinking of since the character has so much of block & dodge chance, Wind Dancer may help us survive if one big hit goes through our defences (so we'll have Fortify + Wind Dancer = -40% dmg taken). Anyways, I'm having a blast playing this build! The build is quite expensive but it's totally worth every exalted orb!

Glad you are enjoying! as for the 5 points u gain from 95 to 100, Put all in life. that's what I would do if I were you. Otherwise, you can just spend them however you like :D
Last edited by Blazer780 on Jul 29, 2020, 9:49:18 AM
gaya2081 wrote:
For those looking for easier gem switching for bossing than melee splash->close combat (Red->green), try switching melee splash with your fortify from leap slam. I don't leap slam much on bosses anyway so this way I also have fortify up without having to leap slam every 5 seconds.

Yea I I used to do that myself till I got couple of white sockets on my Farrul's Fur! good point right there.
Ok dropped like over 3ex of loot from first oshabi fight.. time to do some upgrades

Can u maybe take a look at my POB?

Some tree differences, and I added ryslatha, carcass jack (bladestorm/lacerate), watcher's eye with impale chance (ill use fortify instead of impale on 6L), ofc ill also fix ele res, didnt do that in pob. https://pastebin.com/3M5HHhXh

Still super budged but dps went from 3kk to 4,1kk .. and I maybe have like 2ex left
Last edited by fifus92 on Jul 29, 2020, 9:18:27 PM
Kobebeng214 wrote:
Hi there can you make a variant of lacerate build with explodey chest.

[Edited]Here u go :https://pastebin.com/zxKqEeuq
this one will be bit slower but stronger than flicker!

Wow. Thanks! There are so many melee builds this gladiator can switch into.
Kobebeng214 wrote:
Kobebeng214 wrote:
Hi there can you make a variant of lacerate build with explodey chest.

[Edited]Here u go :https://pastebin.com/zxKqEeuq
this one will be bit slower but stronger than flicker!

Wow. Thanks! There are so many melee builds this gladiator can switch into.

yes there is, most physical builds can work on this build :D
fifus92 wrote:
Ok dropped like over 3ex of loot from first oshabi fight.. time to do some upgrades

Can u maybe take a look at my POB?

Some tree differences, and I added ryslatha, carcass jack (bladestorm/lacerate), watcher's eye with impale chance (ill use fortify instead of impale on 6L), ofc ill also fix ele res, didnt do that in pob. https://pastebin.com/3M5HHhXh

Still super budged but dps went from 3kk to 4,1kk .. and I maybe have like 2ex left

Hey, I would say maybe upgrade your shield to the surrender, and get better jewellries with more res and accuracy to make up for the 'hits can't be evaded' from Lycosidae Shield. Also I don't think the idea of your build having 50ish% block without Rumi's flask is good. kinda lost the spark of being a tank. I would really advice following the exact same tree as budget version cause your tree strayed far away from my build idea as it doesn't feel tanky anymore (no max block, no Life on block yet, life is 4k still, no chaos res) so if you feel lost and keep dying a lot, please try and switch to my tree and see if it makes any difference. I would also like to say that getting Watcher's eye with just impale isn't worth it at all. Just my opinion though. the idea from getting a watcher's eye with impale chance was to remove impale nodes from tree to go for more dps nodes, not remove Impale gem :(. in other words, I'm sorry to say, but it totally feels like you are experimenting with another build :/

Other notes too: you shouldn't really use aspect if the cat if you are not using Farurl's fur, instead, use Flesh and Stone linked with maim. if you have mana problem, try to craft -9 mana cost to non-channeling skills. and get enlighten 3 too if possible. you should aim for at least +73% block chance in Hideout (not buffed) and replace Rumi's flask with Lion's Roar. Also please optimize your gems to exactly look like the ones in Lacerate guide.
Last edited by Blazer780 on Jul 30, 2020, 5:50:15 AM

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