Tested Positive is recruiting active end game player for Expedition

Hi guys, I played every league since incursion and make about 70-100 ex each league before becoming bored of solo play. If you need an experienced albeit not filthy rich aura/curse/disc bot to support a party, PM me.

I'd like to play in a party both because of the social experience of playing with experienced players and of the efficiency of playing harder and rewarding content that I did not have a chance to solo (100% delirious fractured triple beyond nemesis whatever).

I play around 3 hours a day on workdays and more on the weekend.
6 spots open. we mainly look at new-ish players looking to learn the game and invest themselves.

No first week andys please.
5 spots open. we mainly look at new-ish players looking to learn the game and invest themselves.

No first week andys please.
Made a private league for any purpose enjoy it like you waNt. atm there's 15-20 people active. Guild members have priority. If you were looking for an excuse to join us. here you go!

Hi, i'm interested in joining your guild, I'm very active throughout the league (usually stick with the league until the end unless some unpredictable circumstances happen) I regularly clear 36+ challenges each leagues, have over 4k hours in the game, theorycraft my own builds once I finish the challenges.

I am also able to quickly adapt to different playstyles (solo/group, carry/aura/cursebot).
added update
We're going strong for next league. Join us!

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