[3.12] Aziire's Earthshatter Juggernaut - Screenwide Slamming! | League Starter

quick question regarding DEX;

currently i'am having issues replacing gear due to the dex requirements of some green gems, at this moment is it advised to just not level the gems till i can get some dex on gear and then level the green gems up??
One thing i would recommend is linking Power Charge on Crit to Infernal Cry for free power charges from Combust Exerted Attacks.
ohnpeat wrote:
Pyrok wrote:
If you weren't so busy chomping at the bit to be a passive aggressive asshole, you would see he clearly said a bit of mana leech solved his mana issues. If you took 5 minutes to read the post, you'd find several other instances in which people asked the same question and the OP recommended getting mana leech on a jewel.

He didn't say WHERE he got the leech from - he didn't answer the question, just said it wasn't a problem for him (priviledge is everywhere!!)

These forums are effectively unsearchable - finding other questions and answers just isn't viable - this is why people ask the same questions over and over...

The solution is to put it in the guide ofc. and it SHOULD be there because it is an issue...

Life leech from blood rage and enduryng cry is all i need.
Stressman wrote:
ohnpeat wrote:
Pyrok wrote:
If you weren't so busy chomping at the bit to be a passive aggressive asshole, you would see he clearly said a bit of mana leech solved his mana issues. If you took 5 minutes to read the post, you'd find several other instances in which people asked the same question and the OP recommended getting mana leech on a jewel.

He didn't say WHERE he got the leech from - he didn't answer the question, just said it wasn't a problem for him (priviledge is everywhere!!)

These forums are effectively unsearchable - finding other questions and answers just isn't viable - this is why people ask the same questions over and over...

The solution is to put it in the guide ofc. and it SHOULD be there because it is an issue...

Life leech from blood rage and enduryng cry is all i need.

It's not life that is the issue. It's mana. Getting a Jewel with mana leech on it solved the problem for me.

Also I think the crit chance is too low, especially without good gear. Going Resolute Technique means you don't need to take the Undeniable ascendancy.

I've only at white maps at the moment but it seems a fun build to play.
ok iam at lvl 60 now and run with the marohi unique mace,,,, and now i try lab lvl 55 and die instantly becauze of my attaackspeed... this mace reduce the attackspeed -10% and now i hit within 3 seconds WITH the blood rage buff.

i think this build isnt endgame viable becauze the trashmobs kill me when in try to hit them...
@up go craft/buy some 2h rare mace. I use that bulid now have 71lvl and complete lab 3
i have bought the unique 2h mace for 2 ex -.-*
i have bought the unique 2h mace for 2 ex -.-*

Stop RMTing and get good, lots of noobies post in the comments with complete nonsense. Get more armour, sinse you're using abyssus, you need phys reduction, my armour for example has 1800 armour. Press flasks, get Bazalt and Granite flasks. Get fortify in main link setup. Get unduring cry. You can even get unbreakable in merc lab before unstoppable.

Also i feel like marohi is a big bait for this build, 7l doesn't make up for only 500pDPS and -10%AS, i'd look into 600+pDPS coronal maul, i have 570pDPS rn, seems really good. As for the tooltip dps complaints, tool tip dps doesn't show anything. It counts just a fracture of an actuall dps you do.

And for the RT version of this build, the guy by the name of Robertthebob, has a pretty good version of it, even tho he switched a lot of stuff in it, seems like he's still following the general idea of the build.
Last edited by RoflanAnimeshnik on Jun 27, 2020, 8:39:45 AM
i have bought the unique 2h mace for 2 ex -.-*

Stop RMTing and get good, lots of noobies post in the comments with complete nonsense. Get more armour, sinse you're using abyssus, you need phys reduction, my armour for example has 1800 armour. Press flasks, get Bazalt and Granite flasks. Get fortify in main link setup. Get unduring cry. You can even get unbreakable in merc lab before unstoppable.

Also i feel like marohi is a big bait for this build, 7l doesn't make up for only 500pDPS and -10%AS, i'd look into 600+pDPS coronal maul, i have 570pDPS rn, seems really good. As for the tooltip dps complaints, tool tip dps doesn't show anything. It counts just a fracture of an actuall dps you do.

And for the RT version of this build, the guy by the name of Robertthebob, has a pretty good version of it, even tho he switched a lot of stuff in it, seems like he's still following the general idea of the build.

This right here. I'm using a 563 pdps Coronal maul and less than 20c worth of bought gear (everything else I crafted myself via t1 harvest seeds including the weapon), and I annihilated Uber Lab last night. I'm doing t10 maps without dying, pushing into red maps tonight, and I don't even have flasks yet. The build is going to be fine, people just need to read the other 15 pages of comments and stop asking the same questions over and over. Abyssus specifically is NOT a good purchase until you know what you're doing, and your crit chance is much, much higher than what most of these peoples' are.

lvl 92 now, killed sirus once without issues and things are going quite smoothly. i'm using axes as I prefer it over maces (stun seems kinda useless and aoe is plenty either way). got my axe early on a good offer, but any other axe with ok stats can be used. def gonna switch abyssus with rare helm when i get a ryslatha's coil. got plenty resists from endurance charges and tree so kaom's is great for tankyness. there is no "one true correct way to build" for earthshatter or any slams, its super flexible and you have to decide what's best for you, e.g. you can drop dash for leap slam and get the no travel exert with the passive skill or a craft and can fit in enduring cry for even more tankyness. Thank you Aziire for inspiring me to play slam this league :D

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