3.11 - Stress-Free PoE! RF HAPPY: No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End!

Ninjaki wrote:
hello, great build, i'm lvl 81 in Harvest and this toon is almost immortal, i take all traps in lab and they deal almost no damage.

My question is: Why do you take ES gear? my ES is always 0 is there a interaction i am missing?
Thanks Ninjaki! 81! Awesome! I'm glad it's working so well for you. RF scales off of BOTH Life and Energy Shield. So just like when RF's damage doesn't change based on whether we are capable of sustaining the skill or not with our life, the same principle applies to ES. So even though all of our ES is burned away, our max ES improves RF's damage. By having mediocre ES rolls on your gear, you can easily gain ridiculous amounts of free bonus damage. Don't go out of your way for great ES rolls unless you already have great gear and have nothing else to do.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
jerrymathew wrote:
I am planning to use "Growth and Decay" anointment too :)

Currently at tier 6 maps. This has been a great league starter.
Sweet jerrymathew! I'm glad you're enjoying it and progressing well!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Domzors wrote:
Ashare wrote:
Jair369 wrote:
Hey is there a recommended annointment for the amulet?

Any note that increased fire dmg is good, and hp so something like-

Constitution - 20 max life and 14% increased life
Divine Judgement - 50% element dmg
Explosive Impact - 30% increased fire dmg and 12% inceased AoE

just to name 3

I had used a miss mash of different RF guides last league and I recall liking a particular annoint.

Growth and Decay - 20% increased DoT, 10% DoT Multiplier, and 1% life Regen

That a great one i honest forgot about that. Sound to good not to annoint xD
evilsonofgod wrote:
Hi. How does summon relic work? from my understanding it should auto-summon due to RF self-damage?
Hi there evilsonofgod! Holy Relic will be constantly summoned by Cast when Damage Taken so we never have to worry about checking on if it's alive or not. The benefit that Holy Relic gives this build is that whenever we HIT and enemy with an ATTACK Holy Relic gives it's allies (which is us) life regen. So we get bonus life regen whenever we hit with Cyclone (which should be lots). The life regen is only based on us hitting, not on the damage the hit does. So the more we hit, the better :).

Hi and thanks for answering. I'm currently level 62 and walking through the map with little hp to no hp being burned away. thanks a lot for your guide. I'm pretty new to PoE but I am sort of familiar with it since my friends play it a lot, and I have played Diablo in the past. They all told me prior to Harvest that RF is hard to sustain but I proved them wrong with your guide so thanks again.

Last question, I put Flammability as a curse for the Curse on Hit and CWDT links, but I never see it cast even when I get hit a lot specially ranged attacks. Do you have any particular curse that you're sure it would work for this particular link?
Last edited by evilsonofgod on Jun 23, 2020, 9:24:53 PM
evilsonofgod wrote:

Last question, I put Flammability as a curse for the Curse on Hit and CWDT links, but I never see it cast even when I get hit a lot specially ranged attacks. Do you have any particular curse that you're sure it would work for this particular link?

CoH (Curse on Hit) need a hit and CWDT does not hit.
So you need an attack/spell in this CWDT setup to auto cast the curse when this attack/spell does a hit on an enemy.
Any non fire skill is fine (for Element Equilibrium node), Ball Lightning is a really good choice because it makes a lot of hits in only 1 cast.

Flammability definitely does work, I'm using it and it's cursing just about everything around me. You sure you got the setup right? It's important to leave the CWDT gem on lvl 1 so it gets triggered as often as possible, which is why Ball Lightning can not be above lvl 4 otherwise CWDT will not trigger it, and then your Curse on Hit and Flammability trigger off the Ball Lightning.

Just my luck, dropped two 5L chests already, of course both red-green base :(
Hey, great build man. I love how it has almost no gear dependencies except for socket requirements. When I first started using it i was sceptical because of how quickly my health burned down. But after the first ascension and most of the health nodes, I find I can keep it running throughout an entire zone without looking at my health gauge.

I edited out my question because obviously 1H weapons only have 3 sockets.
Last edited by FarBeyond on Jun 24, 2020, 8:06:48 AM
evilsonofgod wrote:
Hi and thanks for answering. I'm currently level 62 and walking through the map with little hp to no hp being burned away. thanks a lot for your guide. I'm pretty new to PoE but I am sort of familiar with it since my friends play it a lot, and I have played Diablo in the past. They all told me prior to Harvest that RF is hard to sustain but I proved them wrong with your guide so thanks again.

Last question, I put Flammability as a curse for the Curse on Hit and CWDT links, but I never see it cast even when I get hit a lot specially ranged attacks. Do you have any particular curse that you're sure it would work for this particular link?
Ha ha! Ya evilsonofgod! Suck it, Friends! I'm glad you're having a good time. Being new-ish to PoE you picked the trickiest skill to league start with so awesome job hanging in there. I appreciate your thanks and kindness :).

The curse itself isn't what will make the links work (or not). Check a couple things:

1. That you're only using one curse in the build.
2. That CwDT is level 1 and Ball Lightning is level 4 (or less).
3. Curse on Hit and the chosen curse have a higher character level requirement than 38.
4. Make sure those sockets are actually linked (sometimes links are hard to see based on the item underneath).

(If you screwed up and levelled some gems to high, Lilly in Act 6/Epilogue sells all gems at level 1.)

If the above does help, you can make your character tab public (if you are ok with that) in your profile options on GGG's website. Then we can take a look and see what's up.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
FarBeyond wrote:
Hey, great build man. I love how it has almost no gear dependencies except for socket requirements. When I first started using it i was sceptical because of how quickly my health burned down. But after the first ascension and most of the health nodes, I find I can keep it running throughout an entire zone without looking at my health gauge.

I edited out my question because obviously 1H weapons only have 3 sockets.
Cool FarBeyond! I didn't see your question so I'm glad you figured it out. Thanks for the thanks! I'm glad you're liking the build. I love RF without item requirements. It's so fun. And if you find an item you LOVE and are never going to replace, you can edit your skills, items, and/or tree anyway that works. I'm glad it's working well for you and I hope you enjoy mapping. Thanks again for your kindness.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
can this do bosses well? I keep hearing this might be hard to gear.

I really want to use my rf mtx, and a calmer experience.

Doing VD Spellinger right now like last season and hit a wall at A5 sirius.

Will this do A5+ Sirius well?

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