3.11 - Stress-Free PoE! RF HAPPY: No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End!


Thanks for the honest feedback Doktaduck! I think it may be luck...bad luck. I just checked out all three Starting Off for Guides filters and they do seem to be correct. I double-checked everything and there weren't any coding issues when I re-applied them. I'll keep looking. I'll play with the Starting Off one for a bit tomorrow night (I'm normally using #3 for the Regal Recipes). Thanks for pointing it out!

Yup thanks mate, yeah normally get a few by lvl 90 :P

but as I said, I also looked and couldnt see anything wrong .. also copied yours and added a few tweeks for my chaos/regal recipe display and added alt and trans shards cos I hated leaving them behind :P

Thanks as usual for your sage like guidance and builds.

RF is going well .. running Red 11/12 well enough.

Now trying to upgrade gear to keep progressing.
Hi, just dropping in to thank Wrecker once more for an awesome build, at level 57 right now and pretty much sustaining RF.

Got bored from trade league and SSF is so much more fun, challenging and rewarding, love it!

I know you're not into uniques but I just had a Hrimnor's Resolve helmet and an Emberwake ring drop so if someone can comment on these 2 that would be great.

Keep on burning :)
CelticHound wrote:
On another note, I can run maps of Smothering (20% less Recovery Rate of Life) now. With 82% fire resist, the stone golem and 7 endurance charges my life is stable.
Awesome CelticHound! That's cool! The less map mods to worry about, the better! Nice one.
And I did manage a 40% less Recovery Rate Vaal side area, though it was a throwback to barely sustaining righteous fire.
Running heists fully zoomed in... because
GreyBrainCell wrote:
Hi, just dropping in to thank Wrecker once more for an awesome build, at level 57 right now and pretty much sustaining RF.

Got bored from trade league and SSF is so much more fun, challenging and rewarding, love it!

I know you're not into uniques but I just had a Hrimnor's Resolve helmet and an Emberwake ring drop so if someone can comment on these 2 that would be great.

Keep on burning :)

Sorry, should've logged in with my PSN (this one) b4 posting.
First - thank you! I have neuro issues that have made me rather clumsy and slow to press keys, hence your "keep it simple" builds work so well for me.

Nest - any chance to get a path of building for this build?

SirCalmness wrote:
GreyBrainCell wrote:
Hi, just dropping in to thank Wrecker once more for an awesome build, at level 57 right now and pretty much sustaining RF.

Got bored from trade league and SSF is so much more fun, challenging and rewarding, love it!

I know you're not into uniques but I just had a Hrimnor's Resolve helmet and an Emberwake ring drop so if someone can comment on these 2 that would be great.

Keep on burning :)

Sorry, should've logged in with my PSN (this one) b4 posting.

I found a Resolve the other day as well, and immediately spent all my currency linking and coloring it. Amazing helmet for this build.

I also splurged on a Searing Touch 5l, and don't regret it.

It may or may not matter that I've chosen to use Scorching Ray as my main attack instead of Cyclone. I dunno, I just like the aesthetic of it a little more, even if it's not optimal. However, with Hrimnor's Resolve and Searing Touch, I'm doing half again as much damage as RF, it seems, so I'm happy with it. It's pretty satisfying to see enemy life bars suddenly start evaporating twice as fast when the Ray debuffs kick in.

Also, many thanks Wrecker! I've been a fan of your builds for a long time, and with Righteous Fire being one of my favorite skills, I am pleased to see it again. Been rocking it for a few weeks now and am having a blast.

That moment when you turn on RF and don't see your life go down is so magical, and I look forward to it every league. And let me tell you, my friends really appreciate my ability to casually stroll through Lab traps without any problems and unlock doors for them.
Last edited by StandardFiend on Jul 21, 2020, 2:49:37 PM
Doktaduck wrote:
Yup thanks mate, yeah normally get a few by lvl 90 :P

but as I said, I also looked and couldnt see anything wrong .. also copied yours and added a few tweeks for my chaos/regal recipe display and added alt and trans shards cos I hated leaving them behind :P

Thanks as usual for your sage like guidance and builds.

RF is going well .. running Red 11/12 well enough.

Now trying to upgrade gear to keep progressing.
Awesome Doktaduck! Thanks for your kindness and good luck with the upgrades! I'm glad you're having a good time.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Jul 21, 2020, 4:03:11 PM
GreyBrainCell wrote:
Hi, just dropping in to thank Wrecker once more for an awesome build, at level 57 right now and pretty much sustaining RF.

Got bored from trade league and SSF is so much more fun, challenging and rewarding, love it!

I know you're not into uniques but I just had a Hrimnor's Resolve helmet and an Emberwake ring drop so if someone can comment on these 2 that would be great.

Keep on burning :)
Hey GreyBrainCell! Thanks for taking the time to be so kind. I'm glad you're having a great time!

Hrimnor's Resolve fits the build nicely. You don't really lose anything and all the perks nicely apply to what we do. The only consequence is that the unique is a helmet instead of gloves or something. Helmets have such strong potential later in the game with influences and such. But it's a good helmet until you're ready to craft the ultimate helmet!

The Emberwake ring is ok. It'll do damage for sure, but there is more potential out there. It's something you can use until something better drops.

Those are just my opinions though, many know better than I.

Thanks again for your kindness!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
qrichmond wrote:
First - thank you! I have neuro issues that have made me rather clumsy and slow to press keys, hence your "keep it simple" builds work so well for me.

Nest - any chance to get a path of building for this build?

Thanks qrichmond! I'm glad you were able to find something that helped you play and enjoy the game. Thanks for the thanks :).

There's a Media section near the end of the first part of the guide that has a Pastebin and link to the Community version of PoB that I use. Here's the Pastebin (https://pastebin.com/dKdxHrr2) if you use the community fork. If you don't, the link is in the Media section if you like.

Let me know if there's anything else! Thanks again :).
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Jul 21, 2020, 4:09:11 PM
StandardFiend wrote:
I found a Resolve the other day as well, and immediately spent all my currency linking and coloring it. Amazing helmet for this build.

I also splurged on a Searing Touch 5l, and don't regret it.

It may or may not matter that I've chosen to use Scorching Ray as my main attack instead of Cyclone. I dunno, I just like the aesthetic of it a little more, even if it's not optimal. However, with Hrimnor's Resolve and Searing Touch, I'm doing half again as much damage as RF, it seems, so I'm happy with it. It's pretty satisfying to see enemy life bars suddenly start evaporating twice as fast when the Ray debuffs kick in.

Also, many thanks Wrecker! I've been a fan of your builds for a long time, and with Righteous Fire being one of my favorite skills, I am pleased to see it again. Been rocking it for a few weeks now and am having a blast.

That moment when you turn on RF and don't see your life go down is so magical, and I look forward to it every league. And let me tell you, my friends really appreciate my ability to casually stroll through Lab traps without any problems and unlock doors for them.
Thanks StandardFiend! Scorching Ray is awesome. Do what you want with the build. It's fun to make it your own. Both the Helmet and Staff are awesome (the staff is a personal favourite of mine). Sounds awesome and let us know how things progress!

Thanks for the thanks. I really appreciate it and it's cool to hear that you've been enjoying them for a while :). Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Isn't it nice to be apathetic in labs!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875

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