[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS

This is my current gear and ive now only gotten into doing tier 10 maps what should be my focus now to get since im kinda lost on the build ive taken the iron reflex route on pob
i dont have massive currency and im just building up Thanks for all advice!
There's the leveling tree, then the endgame tree, which gets rid of a lot of things useful while leveling.

Fire resist node above the jewel - not worth it, while the jewel is (you could even get a 15% fire res jewel with life im sure for a few c)

Jewel left of dex node under profane chemistry

master of the arena/bravery arent worth it for 5 points. If you really need strength, get the 30 strength node left of farsight

If you are in iron reflexes, you need to spec into dirty techniques (I don't use the IR tree, so unsure)

I also think your cluster setup is supposed to be under point blank, with thread of hope above acrobatics.

Not taking thick skin (1 point for 10% life)

we don't spec into no witnesses

Your chance to poison (unless im wrong) isn't 100%
25% bow, 20% HOAG 10% poison damage and chance 10% toxic strikes = 65%? am I missing some?

No swift venoms, attack speed and poison chance (another 20%) and you'd need another 15% node to hit 100. That's murdering your single target.

I strongly recommend trying to view the tree again, and making sure you hit 100% chance to poison.

aaaaaaaaand we're done here :P

I can either do 1 lvl to socketed aoe gems, or the 7-8% of phys to fire. Prob best to do that one
Last edited by Slottm on Oct 6, 2020, 4:22:23 PM
Slottm wrote:

aaaaaaaaand we're done here :P

I can either do 1 lvl to socketed aoe gems, or the 7-8% of phys to fire. Prob best to do that one

keep in mind that fortify effect works with intervals of 5%, because 5% of base 20% reduction is 1%. So need to divine it to 20%, or it counts as 15%.
Yep! going to just keep it as is, happy with the 140% and the 8% crafts.
Is the best move to slam this guy with a redeemers and hope for T1 cold/phys?

I also this one which failed the slam earlier. Debating scouring and trying to alt T1 cold/phys and then awakening with 25% fortify effect. Not sure which helm would be stronger.

Update: end-game gear crafting in the OP.

Some Practical Note on Focus mod on Helm and the Fortify significance in our build:

1) Increased ailment duration while Focused:
People believe this mod only creates a burst DPS window.

In practice, it not only creates a DPS burst but also benefits the subsequent poison stacks. Let's say we have 5-sec poison duration and 7-sec poison duration without and with the Focus mod respectively. Below is an illustrated chart that shows the poison stacks in the chrono order with and without Focus.

<-7s -> <5s >

x: one poison stack inflicted during Focus duration, which lasts 7sec.
o: one poison stack inflicted without Focus, which lasts 5sec.
-: poison stack dealing damage.

Multiple poison can stacks, so the Focus mod scales with the attack per sec (APS). This is the DPS burst with high APS. In addition, as you may see in the illustration above, Focus also benefits the subsequent poison stacks on a rolling window basis (look at the overlapped stacks above).

2) The importance of Fortify:
It seems 20% Fortify or even 1.25x Fortify is less impressive compared to over-capped resist. However, the fact is, the over-capped resist advantage is much more expensive and wane off quickly against attacks/spells that have resist penetration such as The Shaper's Cold Balls (-25% cold resist), the Guardian of Phoenix's Firebomb (-50% fire resist), the Uber Atziri's Flame Blast (-10% fire resist), the -resist map, etc.

Furthermore, Fortify is applied after resist. So, a 1.25x Fortify on a 75% resist has the same hit mitigation effectiveness as an over-capped 81.25% resist with no Fortify (a). Against a 25% ele penetration, 1.25x Fortify on a 75% resist has the same hit mitigation as 87% over-capped resist without Fortify (b).
25% penetration:
(a) 1.25x Fortify + 75% resist: (1 - (0.75 - 0.25)) * (1 - 0.20*1.25)) = 37.5% damage taken.
(b) No Fortify + 87% resist: 1 - (0.87 - 0.25) = 38% damage taken.

No penetration:
1.25x Fortify + 75% resist: (1 - 0.75) * (1 - 0.20*1.25) = 18.75% damage taken.
No Fortify + 81.25% resist: (1 - 0.8125) = 18.75% damage taken.

As shown in the math above, the 1.25x Fortify brings the same effect as the over-capped resist at 81.25% for damage hit with no penetration, or the over-capped resist at 87% for damage hit with 25% penetration.

With +120% Fortify effect while focused on chest, the amount of mitigation is even higher. It's worth to mention that Fortify doesn't mitigate DoT. However, that part will be cover by our collection of flasks such as 30% LDR (fire) from Dying Sun, 30% LDR (lightning) from Vessel of Vinktar, or 30% LDR (cold) from Taste of Hate.

The final benefit of Fortify over the over-capped resist is that the former mitigates physical hit while the latter doesn't.

Btw, if you are doing a strength-stacking SA with Replica Alberon, I'd recommend pathing to Utmost Might as well as Rampart for another +25% Fortify effect (and great DPS boost).
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
Last edited by WolfieNa on Oct 7, 2020, 1:36:45 AM

Hello, can anyone help me to improve my Toxic Rain single target DPS against conquerors and t16 bosses ?. (except awakened gem, gem level, gem quality and warlord chest base). Here's my pob https://pastebin.com/HccveU2W

Is there anyway to make TR pod explode faster ?
Last edited by krzkn on Oct 7, 2020, 2:54:08 AM
What would you guys go for first?

Here is my PoB:



My current pob in str stacking version https://pastebin.com/B2u6Ldu5

Currently i have choosen 2x split personality in the large jewel. I take Call to arms to have a little more regen/endurance charge with enduring cry.

My stuff is pretty garbage (only bow + chest is OK), but my build can handle all content. Any post-upgrade is just luxury :)

I see many upgrade :
- belt with str/str/% attributes/% max life/reduced flask used/life
- quiver with % dot multi, % chaos dot multi, life, + arrow
- amulet with str/str/% str/% attributes or % dmg for str
- ring with synthesis % str or intimidate on hit
- gloves with % chaos dot multi, % dot
- helmet with accuracy = str, and -% chaos rez
- a good lethal pride for two % str
- cap rez + divine flesh

Obviously it's not harvest so it will be hard to get all this things

Last edited by Pierre_Tombale on Oct 7, 2020, 9:05:27 AM

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