[3.11 UPDATED] Fivers Endless Rage Berserker || Warcry - Max Rage - Bladestormer

drumcorp1986 wrote:
Great build! I will def try it! Is there any leveling tips, skill tree etc? Thanks in advance!

He said earlier, and in stream that he and another one running this build, leveled with hollow palm (one with nothing unique jewel) together with infernal blow and just get dexterity wherever you can, astramentis lioneyes paws boots and so forth
drigorin wrote:
Hey Fiver, planning to test out this beast.
With a budget of 40-50ex, which variation should I try instead?
The shield or the saviour ones?

u probably could go for the expensive version just skip the 2 impale watchers eye and go for the double damage one and also skip the rlly expensive large cluster jewels and go for the cheaper version of them.
Rhymen12 wrote:
Hey Fiver,

this build is awsome so far!

One little question is the aspect of the cat necessary to swap farrul's in?

If u dont use aspect of the cat farruls is pointless, so only use farruls if u have aspect.
Wangchung wrote:
Hey Fiver!

Great build and love the execution, im trying to flesh it out now and having some issues with gearing and progression. I transitioned to this build from another was wondering if you could take a look and see how to improve and a priority listing

Things I know:

Level character/gems/quality
Resistances - probably swap out amulet for something better w/ aspect of the cat

I crafted the sword today, final exalt slam was lightning damage but im content with it.


Ok so first of all i dont know ur budget so if something i say is to expensive for u then (ignore it or try to get a cheaper verion if i give u one).

1. u have way really low life get the fettle jewels maybe even skip Dismembering and blade of cunning for more life. they can also give u resist or dex/int

2.U need accuracy on a nother gear piece a good slot would be a helmet.(u are only on 94%), also use war banner instead of dread banner it will give u some acc aswell.

3. something huge u are using Farruls but u dont have aspect of the cat get that.

4.maybe u know that but get a enlighten and vaal Haste and ancestral protector also a second wind for ur berserk.

5.U rlly need to quality ur Mark of the elder and ur belt (use the attack catalist) also divine ur belt.

6.Get 1 medium cluster with Mob Mentality and hounting shout.(expensive version get a awakened melee Physical Damage Gem.

7.items u could look into upgrading are helmet see above/the boots are decent but life on them would be cool. Also ur amluett and ring 2 could be upgraded also anoint something else good option are Weathered Hunter for acc and res/ and Fatal blade for damage.

8. get a saviour.

9. a watchers eye with Pride double damage would be cool.

For ur sword u could beast corrupt it for 10% extra quality.

Hope i could help, feel free to ask more.
Last edited by p190001 on Apr 25, 2020, 5:11:09 AM
I'm starting up my stream now. If anyone needs help over the next couple of hours or just want to hang out, feel free to stop by. :)


Don't panic.
reppure wrote:
Praeter wrote:
Thanks for posting this detailed build. Decided to try it after retiring my One with Nothing Cyclone Raider. That toon rocked but I hit a wall on Sirus 8, probably because I stink at the mechanics. Brought over a watcher’s eye, belt and about 20ex to your build and beat Sirus 8 first try at level 89, with the same lack of skill at the mechanics. Build is crazy OP and Saviour is entertaining.

I’d suggest people try messing with ice crash for general mapping and simulacram, its worth it for the fun value even with suboptimal links and setup. Vaal reave can also slide right in. I used lacerate for Sirus.

How much did you chance build for ice crash? Because normally dps is pretty impale heavy so you would loose over 50% of your dps on using that. Im just asking because if some newer player goes test that out and just swaps links they will feel awful doing absolutely no damage

Fair point, I have good gear from another toon and buying with a decent budget so that let's you get away with alot. I don't change it at all, definitely suboptimal. Still the first hit is 3M dps, of which 1.9M is impale dps. You are right its 50% of other skills, but its enough to clear maps, cleans up stragglers well with the 2nd and 3rd hits, and its pretty amusing watching the saviours running around ice crashing. Really can't see anything when doing a simulacram run with it.

Crafted this sword with an essence and a bunch of divines, my personal best craft ever.

Last edited by Praeter on Apr 25, 2020, 3:07:54 PM
Sorry For maybe stupid question, but since we are always on max power charges because of farruls fur, wouldnt a vuln on hit ring be Better instead of assa mark on hit?
rnbounty wrote:
Sorry For maybe stupid question, but since we are always on max power charges because of farruls fur, wouldnt a vuln on hit ring be Better instead of assa mark on hit?

just tried it out in my own POB assassins mark gives me still more damage
Hi such a great build, made it from zero in 1 day thanks to the power leveling

BUT, got big damage issue, idk if im stupid or somethign but got almost all the core items except the Watchers eye, and the Unique belt but for the rest i got all, at the same time and doing a sucking in therms of damage

what can i do ?

Crzpin wrote:
Hi such a great build, made it from zero in 1 day thanks to the power leveling

BUT, got big damage issue, idk if im stupid or somethign but got almost all the core items except the Watchers eye, and the Unique belt but for the rest i got all, at the same time and doing a sucking in therms of damage

what can i do ?


I mean ur damage is decent, u still miss alot of stuff (u will never hit numbers like 60 million with alot of ur gear i would say its mostly only decent).Also u need rlly good stuff to get insane numbers.

Those points are just things u have to adress if u want rlly high dps numbers(no specifc order)

1. ur gems have no lvls and no quality also u are only lvl 85.

2. the belt is doing alot for the build same for the watchers.

3. Ur rings are ok but u want a Mark of the elder normally as second ring and the other ring has no damage at all.

4.ur gloves are ok i wouldnt change that. For now

5.ur amulet is alright but also could be alot better.(but thats not a high priority)

6. Ur helmet only has 2 mods resist would be awsome and i know its hard but u could atleast craft resist on it.

7, u have 2 hounting shouts u only need 1 get a warning call or cry wolf instead.

8. a nother small thing ur lions roar flask only has 20%. those things wont make ur dps go down by alot but they add up.

9. ur sword is not that good it only has 380 dps and almost no crit, if u can trie to get a better one.

10.Ur Fettle jewels can have way better mods (i get alot of resist/dex/int fro them aswell and i know those can be expensive but maybe u want to look into that)

11. Bottled faith is always nice for damage boosts.

For the end u have like 12 million dps so its not bad a belt and Mark of the elder and a watchers eye would get u to ~20mil dps (3mill attack dps 1.8 storm dps and u have 4 storms double those numbers because of saviour).
I know it wont be easy with the resist but thats why its the expensive version.
Last edited by p190001 on Apr 26, 2020, 5:49:37 AM

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