[3.10] Nebuloch Tectonic Slam Berserker | 20M+ dps | All Content | League Starter | Cluster Abuse


I really liked nebuloch moltenstrike/tectonic jugg builds, but i find those builds lack dps nowdays and are pretty outdated. so i figured i'd make a build that is tanky and also do tons of damage.

So i ended up utilising many jewels including cluster and watchers eye up to 13 of them to build a very strong and tanky build

Pros and Cons
+ Tons of Damage
+ Tanky
+ Big Aoe
+ Fast mapper
+ Boss killer (20+mil dps)
+ League Starter

- Abyssus
- Using Warcry every 1sec can be painful for some people
- Melee + Berserker

Videos - coming soon


Budget option and also juggernaut option for starter available on PoB
*note i haven't touched jugg gear for now but i had 2.5mil dps

Build Mechanism

I planed to use enduring cry to generate endurance charge for our damage boost. and cry wolf allow us to generate maximum endurance charge with one enduring cry.

Mob mentality allow us to generate rage with enduring cry. This is to make berserk last longer.

with these two notables, we are now able to generate endurance charge and rage with enduring cry.

with these two notables, we are now able to generate endurance charge and rage with enduring cry.

Generated endurance charges will give us extra damage reduction to Cwdt immortal call for 2 sec every 5 sec.
Total Defense Layers

4~5 endurance charges
2 seconds immortal call every 5 second (full charges)
Enduring cry
Vaal molten shell (10k shield)

Endurance charges not only give us survivability, but also offensively, gives us damage boost via nebuloch and tectonic slam's charged slam.

Bandits and Pantheons

Alira for Crit multiplier and Resistances

Pantheon can be flexible
Major - Soul of Solaris
Minor - Soul of Shakari

Required Gears

I plan to utilise enduring cry to generate enduring cry to compensate increased damage take from berserker's passive tree and abyssus. therefore dual nebuloch are best weapon for us

recommended gears

Xoph's Blood enables us to fully convert physical damage to fire damage.
Anoint Battly Cry

one large mace cluster jewel with Overlord for fortify effect

this allow us to gain fortify without linking it to tectonic slam, boosting survivability.

medium warcry notables with "Mob Mentality" and "Cry wolf"

*note this jewel is about 1.5 ex. check cluster jewel section for alternative / cheaper options

abyssus can now be used because i can negate increased damage taken mod with fortify, endurance charges, and immortal call

Gear Breakdown


Look for any rare glove unless you can afford a hands of the high templar with increased attack speed and crit chance

Alternatively, you can look for hants of the hig templar with elemental weakness on hit, with either crit chance or attack speed. crit chance gives approximately 4.5% increased damage compared to attack speed. this way, you can focus on other mods on your ring.

If you are looking for glove, look for life, resistance, increased melee damage or attack speed


Rings with life, resistances.
Any physical, fire, elemental damage are nice to have

If you can afford, look for either flammability or assassin's mark mod.

Alternatively, get a glove with elemental weakness on hit, and you can ignore curse on your rings and focus on other mods
other mods includes
+ Crit multipler
+ Attack speed
+ Elemental damage with attack skills
+ Fire damage
+ Add # to # physical damage
+ Elemental damage

Also, Non-Channelling Skills have -X to Total Mana Cost mod is nice to have for mana sustain since we do not have mana regen or mana leech.

Boots and Belt

Look for Life and resistances.

Movementspeed on boots is not required since we have berserk almost every time.

Body Armour

Any rare 6L body armour with life and resistances will do.

If you are looking for unique option, Loreweave, Belly of the Beast or Carcass Jack are all viable.

For influenced body armour, -total mana cost and +crit chance mods are very nice.
+crit chance mod gives us about 10% damage increase, about same damage as Loreweave.

I personally went from +crit chance mod to -total mana cost for now because of mana pool problem. if you prefer +crit chance mod, take a notable from cluster jewel and allocate some maximum mana nodes.

I plan to go dual influence mod with both crit chance and reduced mana cost for my
next upgrade.


You can use Blood of the Karui instead of Wise Oak, or any life flask with bleed immune.
One magic flask with curse immune and also one flask with freeze immune if your not jugg.

Recommened Character Progress Path

1. Start as Juggernaut with 2 nebuloch, and one natural affinity jewel.

Natural Affinity is the best dps boost for Jugg in my opinion since Jugg has Unstoppable notable.

2. Buy Xoph's Blood

3. Relocate passives to Berserker Budget option on pob once you have 1 large mace cluster, 2 medium warcry clusters, 2 small life clusters

4. Buy optimised rings and hands of the high templar.

5. Buy Watcher's eye with 2 options and lv4 Enlighten gem.

6. Relocate passives to dual large cluster once you can afford 2 large clusters, 4 medium clusters and 6 jewels.

Gem links

6 Link - Tectonic Slam Gems

Tectonic slam - Multistrike - Ruthless - Melee Physical damage - Inspiration - Elemental Damage with Attacks
Budget option

If you do not have Overlord notable on your large cluster, use Fortify instead of Ruthless

4 Link - Aura Setup

Enlighten Lv4 - Anger - Herald of Ash - Blood and Sand
Budget Option

Untill you have mana cost reduction on chest and/or ring, you can use herald of purity instead of anger. Herald of purity actually gives more damage than Anger unless you have Watcher's eye

4 Link - Cwdt Setup

Cwdt Lv1 - Blood Rage Lv7 - Wave of Conviction Lv7 - Immortal Call Lv3

4 Link - Precision + Enduring Cry with Vaal Molten Shell

Precision Lv20 - Enduring Cry - increased Duration - Vaal Molten Shell Lv20

*Note only Vaal Molten Shell needs to be linked with increased duration, otherwise enduring cry requires more mana

3 Link - Berserk and Movement

Berserk - Leap Slam - Faster Attacks

3 Link - Totem

Vaal Ancestral Warchief - Combustion - Culling Strike

Jewels and Cluster Jewels


Look for these options
% increased maximum life
% increased critical strike chance
% increased critical strike multiplier
% Increased Melee/Physical Damage
% Increased Fire/Elemental Damage
% Increased Attack Speed

*Note Crit multi mods are equal to 1.5~2x damage increase compared to other mods
Eg. 10% increased critical strike multiplier = 15% ~ 20% increased Fire Damage

*Note you will need bleed immune flask if you do not have "corrupted blood cannot inflicted on you" corruption on your jewel

Watcher's Eye

Gain xx% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage while affected by Anger is our most damage boost.

Cluster Jewels

Large Cluster Jewel

for first Large Jewels, Look for 8 passives mace/staff mod with Overlord notable first,
and one leech notable(Drive the Destruction / Feed the Fury).
Last notable is flexible. Smite the Weak / Heavy Hitter / Martial Prowess / Weight Advantage all of those are good.

*Note only Mace large cluster jewel is required for fortify

If you can afford another cluster jewel, look for 8 passives dual wield mod with some Accuracy (Martial Momentum / Martial Prowess) and Deadly Repartee.

*Note If you can afford both large jewels, leech notable can be acquired from any of the two jewels

Medium Cluster Jewel

For Optimal set up, 2 Mob Mentality and 1 Cry Wolf and rest with any dps boosts.
I chose 1 Haunting shout for intimidate.
*Note each Warning Call gives about 10% damage increase

If you are on budget, look for 4 or 5 passive skill with 1 jewel socket,
and one medium jewel with mob mentality and haunting shout, and another with cry wolf and provocateur or mob mentality

It is cheaper to craft mob mentality with cry wolf jewel with alt,regals

Small Cluster Jewel

2 passives, with Fettle.

*Note Surging vitality, Peace Amidst Chaos, Holistic Health can also be considered.

If you do not have a leech notable on your large cluster, you can also look for notable with leech such as Feast of Flesh or Vicious Guard.

However I find 2 extra passive points per small jewel are worthless as i can already achieve 5500 life pool. so i instead placed normal jewels on small cluster jewel slots for more damage (about 4~5% increased damage per jewel)

My current gear

Map mods

No ele reflect map.
No leech is easily doable because we regenerate 25% max hp every 1.2 second
No regen can also be done if you disable one aura (i prefer herald of ash)

Frequently asked questions

Helmet enchantment

best helmet enchantment for this build is Berserk has 40% less rage loss per second.

Yes, Blood rage enchantment is better but its 10 times the price of berserk enchant.


I have fianlly reached my goal, achieve tankiness along with damage (20mil).
As a result, I have been able to gear up very smoothly up to this point as non of my gears are 5ex+ except my chest piece.

This is my first time writing a build guide. I didnt want to keep this build for myself as this build is extremely fun and good for me.

So i hope everyone who tries out this build to have fun :)
Last edited by Samchy on Apr 5, 2020, 4:08:53 AM
Last bumped on Jun 28, 2020, 3:03:01 PM
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Very nice
Last edited by lippe3 on Apr 5, 2020, 1:55:48 AM
Thanks for taking the time to make this build brother!

Can't wait for the videos.

Once I seen how it plays I will most likely make this
Respec'd to this after getting 40/40 with MF Jugg.

It's an extremely fun playstyle, killed A8 with it, can do juiced maps too really quickly, I swap in Headhunter for mapping.

Sirus Loot


My gear currently:

This build does kill my GPU a bit, I just lag randomly sometimes. But having 40-50 rage + permanent berserk seems preeeeeetty good. It's no heraldry stacking guardian but it's still extremely fun and I would imagine a budget version would perform just as well.
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Thanks for posting this. I was about to post a very similar build myself.

This is the current state of my build:

As you can see, it's a bit different (annoint and one of the large cluster) but shares the same principles. I went without "Crave Slaughter" as we get all the rage we need from the Warcries. I also preferred the large elemental cluster instead because the Corrosive Elements is just too powerful.

In the end, it achieves the same result as you did, but with a little bit less investiment (no watcher`s eye and abyssus, for instance). Also, I alternate Rallying cry every 15 ticks of Enduring cry (it`s buff persists for 25 seconds!)

I`m very glad you created this space so we can talk about this fun build!

Also, I had an idea for the name, and I would not mind if you used it here =)


Ps. Most of the Off-POB calcs are on the Chest item (corrosive elements, etc)
Last edited by junaum on Apr 4, 2020, 11:58:37 PM
junaum wrote:

As you can see, it's a bit different (annoint and one of the large cluster) but shares the same principles. I went without "Crave Slaughter" as we get all the rage we need from the Warcries. I also preferred the large elemental cluster instead because the Corrosive Elements is just too powerful.

In the end, it achieves the same result as you did, but with a little bit less investiment (no watcher`s eye and abyssus, for instance). Also, I alternate Rallying cry every 15 ticks of Enduring cry (it`s buff persists for 25 seconds!)

Thanks for your opinion. i initially thought the same, having corrosive element or master of fire would boost my dps.

but the wave of conviction gives -25% fire resistance while corrosive element and master of fire gives -10% to fire resistance. and because exposure does not stack i have concluded it's not worth using corrosive element or master of fire instead overlord notable.

and also, my watcher's eye only cost me 3ex. which is very cheap for extra 15% damage increase :)

btw, really good idea on rallying cry xd

Last edited by Samchy on Apr 5, 2020, 3:05:36 AM
best helm enchantment would be either blood rage + attack speed or berserker lose 40% less rage.

berserker enchanted abyssus is about 2ex and blood rage abyssus is about 20ex last time i checked.
Last edited by Samchy on Apr 5, 2020, 2:31:54 AM
added map mods, helm enchant, anointment
Samchy wrote:

and because exposure does not stack i have concluded it's not worth using corrosive element or master of fire instead overlord notable.

Oh, didn't know Exposure don't stack! Thanks for that. But it does stack with Combustion + Totem right (as it`s not exposure, but less fire resist)?
junaum wrote:
Samchy wrote:

and because exposure does not stack i have concluded it's not worth using corrosive element or master of fire instead overlord notable.

Oh, didn't know Exposure don't stack! Thanks for that. But it does stack with Combustion + Totem right (as it`s not exposure, but less fire resist)?

yes combustion and exposure stack :D

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