[3.11] Hollow Palm Cyclone Glad–4M DPS 5.5k Life Max Block–up to 9M DPS

Does anyone else have bugs with Dancing Duo?

I'm running juiced maps and there's a LOT of mobs, so often the Rampage can go for like 2-3 minutes sitting at 1k.

If you sit at 1k Rampage for a while the Dancing Duo doesn't recognize it as Rampage anymore, and then you're back to equipping the sword, fucked me over the first juiced Burial Chambers I did.
i just swapped to the split personality variant: https://pastebin.com/azRbhJ5L

i was wondering.. where do i go from here?

specifically, what gem setups work best for the two 4-links we have access to? im not sure im getting all i can out of those atm.

otherwise, what gear upgrades should i look for?
Hey guys, looking for some ideas on where I can improve now. I can do 20/20 simulacrums comfortably only occasionally dying to wave 20 kosis if I have bad positioning. I had a very good simulacrum yesterday and dropped a 5 passive voices, a doctor card and a raw exalt in the same run. So I have 50 ex to work with. I had to take the res nodes on the tree so i could max cold res and I really like the explodey chest for map and simu clear, but if a high dex, life, res armor would be substantially better i would be open to upgrading that. Thanks for any help, its greatly appreciated.


What does Dancing Duo actually give you besides rampage? Does it give any extra noticeable damage or clear speed?
Moridin79 wrote:
What does Dancing Duo actually give you besides rampage? Does it give any extra noticeable damage or clear speed?

absolutely it does, go read the wiki on what rampage gives you. its a good boost and definitely noticable.
TJack89 wrote:
Moridin79 wrote:
What does Dancing Duo actually give you besides rampage? Does it give any extra noticeable damage or clear speed?

absolutely it does, go read the wiki on what rampage gives you. its a good boost and definitely noticable.

I know what rampage does. I meant if DD gives you anything on top of rampage as far as damage and clear go.
Moridin79 wrote:
TJack89 wrote:
Moridin79 wrote:
What does Dancing Duo actually give you besides rampage? Does it give any extra noticeable damage or clear speed?

absolutely it does, go read the wiki on what rampage gives you. its a good boost and definitely noticable.

I know what rampage does. I meant if DD gives you anything on top of rampage as far as damage and clear go.

I'm confused. If you're asking if theres any hidden bonuses on DD, then no. It gives you literally everything it says on the sword which is certainly noticeable in clear speed and damage.
Last edited by TJack89 on Apr 14, 2020, 7:23:38 PM
Last edited by TJack89 on Apr 15, 2020, 2:41:43 AM
TJack89 wrote:
So I'm looking to switch to the split personality build and just a PSA for anyone looking to do the same: it is MUCH more now than the 20ex that it was when the guide was made. The large cluster jewels alone are 20 ex(10ex each), each split personality jewel is 4 ex, watchers eye is 4-5 ex if you want a good life roll, havent priced out rings yet, but ya, plan on spending 45ex+ on gear on top of your armor, helm, boots and jewellery


Mostly the large clusters with Prowess and Smite have risen. Can still find decent combinations for less and the best ones cost you "only" half a million dps. The double damage Watcher's Eye is still around 2 ex, Splits have actually stayed at around 3 ex, and rings just have too many situational variables to be priced. My rings were cheap but they do their job - max all my resistances + dexterity.

The build is still expensive, but only the best clusters have risen a lot, other than that the build cost has not changed too much.
Last edited by Denisian on Apr 15, 2020, 2:49:11 AM
TJack89 wrote:

I'm confused. If you're asking if theres any hidden bonuses on DD, then no. It gives you literally everything it says on the sword which is certainly noticeable in clear speed and damage.

I think what he means is if it gives you stats apart from rampage.

As far as I know, we don't get the Attack Speed and Phys Dmg after rampage, the manifests do.

So Dancing Duo makes little swords that run around and do cyclones, does like 1/2 of your damage but there are multiple so it helps out with clear.

Last edited by Rainbowish on Apr 15, 2020, 2:55:39 AM

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