Development Manifesto: Delirium Improvements

Bex_GGG wrote:
it's not really even practical to vacuum an entire map worth of items and drop them in one place.

How about vacuuming not all items, for example ignore weapon and armor drop, but suck up currency, maps, map fragments and like that.
Also if it drops in bulk in the end, like 40 wisdom scrolls as one item, it would be helpful too.
I can FLY!
Redthorne82 wrote:
Marschiee wrote:
Please GGG - never cave to these 'epic-fantasy' nerds. I personally LOVE your artstyle no matter what league and if you applied mor 'color theory' (lmfao) I will feel like I'm to old to play the game and quit playing. PoE is a DARK FANTASY game and as such should not have alot of contrast and 'colors' - it should be dark, grey and menacing (just as it is). I'm 38 years old and if this game were to take a 'brighter' art direction a la Wolcen/D3 I'd have to quit because I'd be to embarrassed of myself to play it.


Get help. Seriously.

WhiteDragonRU wrote:
Bex_GGG wrote:
it's not really even practical to vacuum an entire map worth of items and drop them in one place.

How about vacuuming not all items, for example ignore weapon and armor drop, but suck up currency, maps, map fragments and like that.
Also if it drops in bulk in the end, like 40 wisdom scrolls as one item, it would be helpful too.

Its not practical because you designed your game this way! No other ARPGS have this much of items being dropped by monsters. And yet you DARE to LECTURE, how ARPGS should be. Certainly not like your game. You should have much less item drop in general.

On death effects are thing of the past. If you want players to stop, give them reason. Building towers in Blight was such a reason, even though you completely missed what it means to be tower defense game - you did not gave us any time between rounds, which would make your game even slower!

Finally,how can you be so much out of touch? I am original backer,from kickstarter. Can you finally tells us who is the guy on your team, who pushes these horrible design ideas? Grey on grey, with fog? Are you retarded?

And dont placate yourself with - we have a record with how many players we have righht now - it is due to the virus situation, steam also hits records, internet hits records, everything online basically.
Last edited by Kekurikekukaka on Mar 17, 2020, 10:55:14 PM
Redthorne82 wrote:
Marschiee wrote:
Great job GGG!

I am SO thankful for all the hard work you guys put into PoE. Unnrivaled really.

Also, it makes me so sad to se all the 'fans' who act so entitled and write 'fix this u mf:er' etc.

People and fellow exiles; you should be thankful for what GGG has created for us.

Thanks again and AWESOME artwork. Really, really fucking badass. Keep doing your thing.

Love from Sweden

A shit sandwich is a shit sandwich. Just because someone worked hard to make it for your doesn't mean you should be thankful, even if it's free.

Wow. Just wow. When did this community turn so toxic?
adrianos90 wrote:
Dont give up GGG, dont listem to them.
Dont add Vacumming. Its normal for a hack&slash game to pick up loot, ppl want this game to be RLY EASY. Its not all aboout 15 sec map clear come on guys. LAter on you quit league after 1 month bcs you do everything. Its so stupid :)
And for ppl who want everything easy: they want to clear whole game with 15c budget =.= Farm>buy/craft better gear> improve>clear game. If you re not experienced in game, you need time. Dont destroy game for other ppl because you want everything easy.
Hc players may got problems but SC players? Come on =.=

Sorry for gramma.
HazaRdReborN wrote:
reciprocate wrote:
HazaRdReborN wrote:
GG to GGG, on all things except visibility. Don't cave on this one. The fog makes it feel like a bloody fog. If people want to play an even more colourfully vivid game (as if their rainbow filters are not enough) they can go play D3. The theme and look is awesome, and the shadowy effect of monsters and effects is awesome. And if anyone bothers you can learn to pin point on death skills from enemies, and other one shot attacks. But I guess that takes more time than just jumping online right away to complain about it, smeh.

Awesome league, keep up the great work.

Stop sucking their dick man. GGG needs to learn what contrast actually means. Because it's totally fun to be obscured from potential danger that kills your character out of nowhere.

They should call this the Randy Orton league because it's RKOs out of nowhere.

Maybe I should stop sucking their dick, or maybe you should get the dick out of your face to actually see what is going on in the game. There is nothing random about it. Wipe your face clean and you might see.

I notice one shot skills about to off me a second at least before they happen. And they are already nerfing that they said.

Also, did you miss the part "on all things except visibility"? Did that not give you a hint that the other changes are ok? Does that not by extension mean that perhaps some issues they got wrong and they are fixing them which I applaud? You want me to keep explaining or did you get it now?

I am the first to complain to GGG if there is something I don't like, don't believe me ask them (not that they would ever bother to answer). This league visually is awesome. Plain and simple. And those that have a hard time seeing things are braindead blind and should go play pokemon.

Finally we get a thematically immersive fun league and everybody is whining that they can't roam through it without dying and "omg give us auto loot" in a game that it doesn't belong.

Its sad to say the least.

But that is always the case, the whining and complaining is always louder. In everything. The players that are content are enjoying the game and haven't even bothered to jump on the forums aside from a few here and there to praise the league (myself included) while the crybaby bunch is in here as per usual to either whine on something new, or to keep whining about something that doesn't belong in the game and keep parading behind a "they don't listen to us" flag... Said example in this case of auto loot.

Pokemon don't do it for you, then try tetris.

Thank you. It's kind of bad that the game is so big now because the influx of players have brought alot of D3 noobs here and they are not understanding of the hardcore aspects of this game. Seriously. Open your eyes and pay attention, then u wont die (so often). Please Chris - dont become another Blizzard and make all game content accessible to the whiny casuals.
And why are the Zombies suddenly so unbearably loud in the hideout? Often I have to turn the sound off while sorting my stash.
Genocider wrote:
jimsen wrote:
unavoidable backtracking

Nobody is forcing you to run perfectly in sync with mist leaving your items behind. Pick them up, they already said the fog moves slower than intended just to compensate for this. This isnt a mechanic issue, this is a player mentality issue.

It's what the game wants though, if they didn't want to encourage that there wouldn't be a clear speed timer. That fact that the fog moves at all is going to cause players to act in a way to maximize rewards, and that's the correct response from the players. All player mentality issues are fundamentally mechanic issues, players will min/max and when min/maxing sucks they will say that the game/mechanic is bad, and rightly so.
Genocider wrote:
jimsen wrote:
unavoidable backtracking

Nobody is forcing you to run perfectly in sync with mist leaving your items behind. Pick them up, they already said the fog moves slower than intended just to compensate for this. This isnt a mechanic issue, this is a player mentality issue.

mabe you still leveling in act 7 , first of all go to maps and after put your fucking opinion when u run t16.
Last edited by djdias2018 on Mar 17, 2020, 11:29:09 PM
Dont give up GGG, dont listem to them.
Dont add Vacumming. Its normal for a hack&slash game to pick up loot, ppl want this game to be RLY EASY. Its not all aboout 15 sec map clear come on guys. LAter on you quit league after 1 month bcs you do everything. Its so stupid :)
And for ppl who want everything easy: they want to clear whole game with 15c budget =.= Farm>buy/craft better gear> improve>clear game. If you re not experienced in game, you need time. Dont destroy game for other ppl because you want everything easy.
Hc players may got problems but SC players? Come on =.=

Sorry for gramma.

Then don't add timers. If you don't want to add vacuuming don't add mechanics that encourage people no to loot to get the most out of them. It's normal for hack and slash games to also not have encounter timers. In fact the only other major hack and slash game that does have encounter timers is Diablo 3 and in that encounter there's loot vacuuming.
Last edited by j33bus on Mar 17, 2020, 11:28:05 PM

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