[3.23]The BLOCKMAN

Ask this to the upcoming chris wilson interview
Just rolled this on Standard to not burnou5 on FR totems. Can someone look over my gear and double check everything is looking ok? I'm gonna buy awakened gems/level my others today. Also thinking as an upgrade I should get an attack speed paradoxica? Oh and accuracy Spiked gloves, im at 93 chance to hit but can almost cap with good gloves.
Hi yall, loving the build.

Could someone look at my gear and point me towards my next upgrade.
Kinda lost right now on where to focus next.
Thank you so much

Hey all,
same as WickedHero I am also not sure about my next target for gearing.
Would very much appreciate a look into my char.


If there is a Discord Channel for such requests, feel free to point me towards that one :)

This is what I'm running, im thinking i wanna boost my dps a bit, 5.5k hp is enough?

I also am unsure of the weapon enchant, right now i have weap +1 etc
the chest piece i have a harvest augment attack thingy (exalt) saved
but also have exalts to yolo but dunno if thats the best method.
Boots i need to find tailwind ones or figure out how to make it.

This fine tuning portion i have no experience in ...
Hi, I got a good time with this build but struggle sometimes when doing UE. I feel like I dont have enough dmg then the chaos dps and icy ball keep spawning and i die because of dots dmg.

Could you please take a look at my profile ?

Sorry, how do you use second wind support, it has mana multiplier 200%.
Even in your PoB it says you have 15 unreserved mana, while dash costs 32 mana. You dont have any -mana-cost to non-channeling spells.

I'm lost.
prokn4h wrote:
Sorry, how do you use second wind support, it has mana multiplier 200%.
Even in your PoB it says you have 15 unreserved mana, while dash costs 32 mana. You dont have any -mana-cost to non-channeling spells.

I'm lost.

Lifetap, I believe on one of the PoBs has Arrogance instead which only supports auras but that's a mistake. Just put in Lifetap instead. Uses Life instead of Mana problem solved.
Lifetap, I believe on one of the PoBs has Arrogance instead which only supports auras but that's a mistake. Just put in Lifetap instead. Uses Life instead of Mana problem solved.
Thank you.
Another question if I may. What is the point of ice golem with CWDT? It has 250% multiplier and is not working at all. How much mana do you need to even pull that off?
Last edited by prokn4h on Aug 28, 2021, 5:07:26 AM
prokn4h wrote:
Thank you.
Another question if I may. What is the point of ice golem with CWDT? It has 250% multiplier and is not working at all. How much mana do you need to even pull that off?

Honestly wouldn't use it, it's supposed to help crit but with the mana changes it's not really probable and self casting ice golem isn't much help either as in higher content it dies pretty quickly with no other supports. I'd recommend following reinaldo110's setup on page 193. Or if you'd like I made a very rough (meaning there are probably calculation errors) PoB of his character if you want to use that https://pastebin.com/QwAWjVPC

Still would read his post as he makes some points on accuracy and other things.

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