[License][NA]Recruiting for Settlers of kalguur

IGN - Tommytrapper
Played since the last couple of weeks of delirium and been playing every league since, clocked about 250 hours thus far and plan to continue with every league!
2.Do you have discord(Required!):Yes
3.is poe your main game:Yes
4.How many hours played in path of exile:End of 2012
Last edited by Valineth on Oct 27, 2021, 6:18:45 PM
1.IGN: oo_Qpon_oo
2.Do you have discord(Required!): yes I do
3.is poe your main game: Yes, has been for years
4.How many hours played in path of exile: I'm scared to know..started playing in beta. Game has come a long way since then and I no longer play HC

I had to take a few weeks off in poe when I had covid, other than that i'm online at least 5days a week.

Characters this league: Bane, Stone Golem Necro, Arc Totem, Shockwave Slayer and now working on my ci Guardian.

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