Thanks for the build. First time playing such a tanky character lol. Clapped Sirus @ Awakener 6 cause I was scared my char wasn't ready enough for A8 but it would have easily been doable. Here's my current gear:

Don't have the clarity watcher's eye yet, bit too expensive for me atm but I have everything else pretty much. Just need to get a better enchant on my boots and maybe ice nova enchant on helmet.
Last edited by crayolamix on Dec 30, 2019, 8:02:17 PM
What are the chances of getting the Cannot Be Ignited corruption on the ring?
Would you consider shock and ignite immune as mandatory for sirius?
ILIAS wrote:
Would you consider shock and ignite immune as mandatory for sirius?

Yes, both are very important he applies both very often. Corrupted blood immunity is also mandatory as he applies it with every beam.

AngelaZiegler wrote:
What are the chances of getting the Cannot Be Ignited corruption on the ring?

0,3% on a ilvl60+ ring. Use the belt if you can't afford buying alot of rings to corrupt
The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806
The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363
Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772
Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548
Last edited by ByoJack on Jan 2, 2020, 1:50:05 PM

I'm struggling a bit with low ES (7.6k). I could swap my boots for %mana boots but I was going to try for tailwind. The problem will be that without watchers eye (way too expensive right now), i dont think i can reach high ES if i dont stack mana/int/es on everything including boots. Even then I'm not sure I'll reach 9k.

I guess I might have to sacrifice some res and focus on picking up more mana/int on ring/boots? Unnatural instinct would give me a bit, but I'm not sure if I should prioritize it over other upgrades first.

I'm hoping this build is still viable for endgame content without the watchers eye, since it may be a while before I can afford that.
Ace_007 wrote:

I'm struggling a bit with low ES (7.6k). I could swap my boots for %mana boots but I was going to try for tailwind. The problem will be that without watchers eye (way too expensive right now), i dont think i can reach high ES if i dont stack mana/int/es on everything including boots. Even then I'm not sure I'll reach 9k.

I guess I might have to sacrifice some res and focus on picking up more mana/int on ring/boots? Unnatural instinct would give me a bit, but I'm not sure if I should prioritize it over other upgrades first.

I'm hoping this build is still viable for endgame content without the watchers eye, since it may be a while before I can afford that.

Are you overcapped on resists? Because it seems like you have alot of resists everywhere. INT/MANA/Temple %mana mod/Temple %es Ring mod are king.

My friend is running the build without an eye and without expensive gear he has 10.6k ES at lvl 93.

Consider dropping some Chaos resists aswell, the amulet provides a big chunk of Chaos res which is pretty much enough for everything.

GL man

The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806
The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363
Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772
Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548
maddognils wrote:
Ace_007 wrote:

I'm struggling a bit with low ES (7.6k). I could swap my boots for %mana boots but I was going to try for tailwind. The problem will be that without watchers eye (way too expensive right now), i dont think i can reach high ES if i dont stack mana/int/es on everything including boots. Even then I'm not sure I'll reach 9k.

I guess I might have to sacrifice some res and focus on picking up more mana/int on ring/boots? Unnatural instinct would give me a bit, but I'm not sure if I should prioritize it over other upgrades first.

I'm hoping this build is still viable for endgame content without the watchers eye, since it may be a while before I can afford that.

Are you overcapped on resists? Because it seems like you have alot of resists everywhere. INT/MANA/Temple %mana mod/Temple %es Ring mod are king.

My friend is running the build without an eye and without expensive gear he has 10.6k ES at lvl 93.

Consider dropping some Chaos resists aswell, the amulet provides a big chunk of Chaos res which is pretty much enough for everything.

GL man

Thanks, I'll switch some things around and see what it might look like on my pob. It looks like your friend has %mana, %es, and int on some of his jewels vs. triple damage, so maybe I'll look into that as well to help supplement.
Ace_007 wrote:

I'm hoping this build is still viable for endgame content without the watchers eye, since it may be a while before I can afford that.

You do NOT need the watchers eye for this build to work, I don't have it and I've done A8 Sirus deathless multiple times. 9.5k ES without the jewel, which is plenty. Vaal molten shell saves you from random one shots from metamorphs and whatnot, and obviously don't facetank telegraphed attacks that you know will one shot you.
how do i get the %mana temple mod?

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