3.9|Stress-Free PoE- ENDURING FIRE (RF) |SSF the Atlas w/ 1Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!

That sounds great. And the Marauder looks awesome in Kaom's. What do you think about "cast while channeling" instead of "curse on hit"? I don't know if our hit chance is good enough to constantly trigger the curse...

I have yet another question concerning a sceptre I found... I understood that fire/cold damage added to attacks would interfer negatively with our Elemental Equilibrium. Do we hace the same problem with fire/cold damage added to spells? I found this beautiful sceptre but I don't know if it would ruin the concept of Elemental Equlibrium:

Otherwise, the damage would be really nice. There is even a suffix slot open to add some minor fire damage using the crafting bench.
Hey Caligula_Exile!

You could totally do the link setup you want. Just make sure you have the correct gear. Keep in mind you still want to ensure you're doing Lightning damage all the time to get the constant benefits of EE.

Because we have spells that cast from us via CwDT, adding Fire damage to Spells also gives us the negative effects EE. It'd be a nice sceptre otherwise.

If you have the gear to make the changes you suggested, let me know how it goes! Good thinking!

Thank you very much! The Elemental Equilibrium is so powerful, but also quite challenging for my poor little head :)

There is still one thing I do not understand: Two of our spells also deal fire damage (partly), purifying flame and wave of conviction. Don't they give the negative effect of EE?

I tried "cast while chanelling" and I am 100 % content with it. The only downside of it: If you do not like the sound of the curse you will get mad very soon. Because you will hear it a lot :)
Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
Even tho i like the build playstyle i think you should clarify in the guide that this build can't do T16 consistently. Not because of the blues or yellows, but because of the bosses. You can't sustain most bosses DPS, plus they take AGES to die. Not a bad concept as a build, i do like it and will probably play it often to relax from the typical button spamming builds, but this isn't gonna get anyone to big DPS by any means.

Anyways thank you for the guide, it's well written and i think the idea is really good :D
Thank you very much! The Elemental Equilibrium is so powerful, but also quite challenging for my poor little head :)

There is still one thing I do not understand: Two of our spells also deal fire damage (partly), purifying flame and wave of conviction. Don't they give the negative effect of EE?

I tried "cast while chanelling" and I am 100 % content with it. The only downside of it: If you do not like the sound of the curse you will get mad very soon. Because you will hear it a lot :)
Hey Caligula_Exile!

We do have fire spells casting often with a medium level CwDT. But we have Ball Lightning being cast even faster and added lightning to Cyclone...all of which override the negative impact of our CwDT fire spells.

I'm glad you're liking your changes! (I may be adding a channelling skill to this build next league instead of Cyclone...maybe.)
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Xitomzz wrote:
Even tho i like the build playstyle i think you should clarify in the guide that this build can't do T16 consistently. Not because of the blues or yellows, but because of the bosses. You can't sustain most bosses DPS, plus they take AGES to die. Not a bad concept as a build, i do like it and will probably play it often to relax from the typical button spamming builds, but this isn't gonna get anyone to big DPS by any means.

Anyways thank you for the guide, it's well written and i think the idea is really good :D
Hey Xitomzz!

I'm glad you liked the build. I'm sorry it capped for you. The difficult thing about guide writing is that we don't experience the new content prior to its release. So guide writers have to assume the success of their builds. This league GGG added a completely new endgame (bosses) and increased all enemy defences.

I did need to be honest about one of my guides. I had to cut my Scion EH guide as it couldn't make the cut in the new endgame. Even though some have said that this build lacks offence (which I agree it isn't the strongest), there are many ways to increase its damage. Spectres and Opal Rings have Elemental Damage implicits. Get a Sceptre with over 100% increased damage to Fire/Elemental Damage along with a Fire Damage Over Time mod. You could dual wield that too if that isn't enough of an increase. Enfeeble can be switched for Flammability. You could even use a Staff with great rolls on it.

That all being said, those are little things that will improve the damage of the current build. I do get that boss battles, like the late stages of Drox, take too long.

IF you're interested, here's what I'm thinking for 3.10 (if GGG doesn't change too much. It a Pastebin for Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/GSB1sw5y.

I appreciate your honest feedback. If the changes I suggested don't increase your damage enough for you (or if you're kinda done with the build), no worries at all. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. Now that I too have experienced the new monster defences and endgame, all four of my 3.10 guides will be modified accordingly.

(If you try the Pastbin out, let me know what you think. I'm going to start levelling it tonight.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Finally getting into the groove of this build and enjoying it.

Could of questions for the group:

Any tricks for mana regen in the early going (lvl55)? all my accessories are full up and I haven't unveiled the recipes for mana regen yet. Swapping out rings or amulets currently hurts my ability to run all gem skills so....plus I got a Koams sign drop early on so I'm keeping it.

I'm maintaining RF with flask use, mechanics aren't bad but should I look for more "life on hit" OR "life on kill" mods for stuff? Since my dexterity is lame, cyclone doesn't "hit" as often as necessary to fully maintain.

Also, am I missing something with my CWDT set up or do ball lightning and wave of conviction just not trigger that often? I took from the guide that they'd both activate pretty regularly if you kept your gem levels down as per the guide. I'm just not seeing it so want to know if I was doing something wrong.

Thank you very much! The Elemental Equilibrium is so powerful, but also quite challenging for my poor little head :)

There is still one thing I do not understand: Two of our spells also deal fire damage (partly), purifying flame and wave of conviction. Don't they give the negative effect of EE?

I tried "cast while chanelling" and I am 100 % content with it. The only downside of it: If you do not like the sound of the curse you will get mad very soon. Because you will hear it a lot :)
Hey Caligula_Exile!

We do have fire spells casting often with a medium level CwDT. But we have Ball Lightning being cast even faster and added lightning to Cyclone...all of which override the negative impact of our CwDT fire spells.

I'm glad you're liking your changes! (I may be adding a channelling skill to this build next league instead of Cyclone...maybe.)

Thank you very much, now I fully understand it.

This Marauder is a perfect delver. It is so relaxing to just cyclone around, burning everything to ash (Cassia should love him, I guess), hardly dying.
Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
Xitomzz wrote:
Even tho i like the build playstyle i think you should clarify in the guide that this build can't do T16 consistently. Not because of the blues or yellows, but because of the bosses. You can't sustain most bosses DPS, plus they take AGES to die. Not a bad concept as a build, i do like it and will probably play it often to relax from the typical button spamming builds, but this isn't gonna get anyone to big DPS by any means.

Anyways thank you for the guide, it's well written and i think the idea is really good :D
Hey Xitomzz!

I'm glad you liked the build. I'm sorry it capped for you. The difficult thing about guide writing is that we don't experience the new content prior to its release. So guide writers have to assume the success of their builds. This league GGG added a completely new endgame (bosses) and increased all enemy defences.

I did need to be honest about one of my guides. I had to cut my Scion EH guide as it couldn't make the cut in the new endgame. Even though some have said that this build lacks offence (which I agree it isn't the strongest), there are many ways to increase its damage. Spectres and Opal Rings have Elemental Damage implicits. Get a Sceptre with over 100% increased damage to Fire/Elemental Damage along with a Fire Damage Over Time mod. You could dual wield that too if that isn't enough of an increase. Enfeeble can be switched for Flammability. You could even use a Staff with great rolls on it.

That all being said, those are little things that will improve the damage of the current build. I do get that boss battles, like the late stages of Drox, take too long.

IF you're interested, here's what I'm thinking for 3.10 (if GGG doesn't change too much. It a Pastebin for Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/GSB1sw5y.

I appreciate your honest feedback. If the changes I suggested don't increase your damage enough for you (or if you're kinda done with the build), no worries at all. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. Now that I too have experienced the new monster defences and endgame, all four of my 3.10 guides will be modified accordingly.

(If you try the Pastbin out, let me know what you think. I'm going to start levelling it tonight.

He may not be the fastest killer, but there are definitely measures to speed up the killspeed by a bit.

There is a very powerful amulet anointment, "Entropy": 27% increased damage over time for the moderate price of a sepia/amber/red oil.

On the crafting bench can be added to the amulet: increased area of effect/increased area damage. It costs a divine orb, though, so not really supercheap.

If you don't mind playing the flask piano, "The Wise Oak" can be very useful: Your damage penetrates the enemies' elemental resistance for which your uncapped elemental resistance is highest. Thanks to purity of fire this should always be fire. Great bosst for the damage.

The Vaal Righteous Fire is not to be underestimated.

If you want to have a look at my Marauder (I keep playing him since a couple of months already): Here he is.
Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
Rex_Urhole wrote:
Finally getting into the groove of this build and enjoying it.

Could of questions for the group:

Any tricks for mana regen in the early going (lvl55)? all my accessories are full up and I haven't unveiled the recipes for mana regen yet. Swapping out rings or amulets currently hurts my ability to run all gem skills so....plus I got a Koams sign drop early on so I'm keeping it.

I'm maintaining RF with flask use, mechanics aren't bad but should I look for more "life on hit" OR "life on kill" mods for stuff? Since my dexterity is lame, cyclone doesn't "hit" as often as necessary to fully maintain.

Also, am I missing something with my CWDT set up or do ball lightning and wave of conviction just not trigger that often? I took from the guide that they'd both activate pretty regularly if you kept your gem levels down as per the guide. I'm just not seeing it so want to know if I was doing something wrong.

I'm glad you're enjoying the build Rex_Urhole!

Unless you've made changes to the guide, mana shouldn't be an issue at all. Your mana regen needed for Cyclone should be 8. Cyclone should cost 2 mana (with the two supports linked) and we "use" it 4 times a second. We do have 3 mana regen nodes near the top of the provided tree, but it's not required. They are selected for the life regen. You should have enough mana regen without them. Did you keep things the same way as the guide?

Your characters are set to "private" on the PoE website (by default). We can take a look if you're comfortable having them public.

I wouldn't worry about any "hit" mods. Cyclone is just an applier (as you mentioned). The only "on kill" mod that helps RF is a "%" of life on kill. I have that on my chest and it's amazing. It's only good for clearing but it's amazing. In terms of sustaining RF, if you're following the section of the guide that mentions how to sustain RF as fast as possible, you're ALMOST there. You might even be there. So check out the section and let me know if you have any questions. I'm re-levelling my RF character now (trying out something for 3.10). To fight with RF (though I'm fine dying) I hit Enduring Cry, Holy Flame Totem, the highest Life Flask available, and a Ruby Flask. I mash those 4 buttons when RF starts losing life. Also, make sure you're capped on RF resists.

Regarding CwDT, they aren't going to go off as much while levelling. They'll go off tons as enemy damage increases.

I hope that helps. Let me know if it doesn't or if you have more questions.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Thank you very much, now I fully understand it.

This Marauder is a perfect delver. It is so relaxing to just cyclone around, burning everything to ash (Cassia should love him, I guess), hardly dying.
He may not be the fastest killer, but there are definitely measures to speed up the killspeed by a bit.

There is a very powerful amulet anointment, "Entropy": 27% increased damage over time for the moderate price of a sepia/amber/red oil.

On the crafting bench can be added to the amulet: increased area of effect/increased area damage. It costs a divine orb, though, so not really supercheap.

If you don't mind playing the flask piano, "The Wise Oak" can be very useful: Your damage penetrates the enemies' elemental resistance for which your uncapped elemental resistance is highest. Thanks to purity of fire this should always be fire. Great bosst for the damage.

The Vaal Righteous Fire is not to be underestimated.

If you want to have a look at my Marauder (I keep playing him since a couple of months already): Here he is.
Awesome Caligula_Exile! I'm happy to help! I'm glad it's tons of fun. Ya, there is a lot of room for preference changes within the build...damage included. I'm currently trying out a new idea to see if it'd be better overall.

Good suggestions and ideas for damage!

A Kaom's Hear, a Kaom's Way, and an amazing helmet...I'll trade you ;).
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
If you are looking for more damage in this build, check my character. Have spendt a lot of time in POB to min/max damage, and have now close to 900k RF damage.
Biggest change is that i have gone Jugg to get some of the toughness lost in tree, and taken as many jewel sockets as i can.
Can make pastebin if somone wants it.
Also try to get an good corrupted Kaoms, bought me one with 43% increased damage corrupt and it's amazing!
Next best upgrade i could do it the helmet til 20 conc, 20 burning and 30% inc damage for gems. But it's too expensive for me atm.

The Vaal RF is close to 2.5M dps and awsome to use on metas :)
Last edited by LeeTeex on Feb 6, 2020, 2:26:42 AM

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