[3.15] Spectral Shield Throw Bleed Gladiator - tanky & fast mapping - good scaling - all content

Sorry if that was asked before but how do you reach 160 dex for Lioneye's Vision? In your POB you have 116 dex for a 160 req....
Sorry if that was asked before but how do you reach 160 dex for Lioneye's Vision? In your POB you have 116 dex for a 160 req....

I'm using

as well as a 30 dex node on the tree.
IGN: Obsii

What is better when farming currency for a 6L Lioneye's vision.

5L Lioneye's vision or this +2 tabula?
Last edited by pra-lima87 on Aug 14, 2021, 11:43:51 PM
Not sure if this is helpful for anyone but I was really struggling after i had the basic setup. Boss damage was so bad it was painful. Got the curse with vulnerability on hit, made a huge difference. Got all gems to level 20 and it was buttery smooth through t16 map mobs and not painful on bosses.
Sharing my heavily invested character. All gear self crafted except jewels. Still have some things to upgrade. Feels really good vs all content.


Current specs:
4.5M Bleed DPS. 5M including culling
6.5k life
66% chance to block. 74% when hit recently.
Ailment immunity
Immortal Ambition
Wind Dancer (less damage taken does not get removed on block)
Blind with cluster notables Evil Eye and Disorienting Wounds

Last edited by mkha on Aug 15, 2021, 4:53:11 AM
Bmxant wrote:
HaZzZe wrote:
Got this so far, i love the build but feel i lack a lot of damage, any advice or items to point for?



Shield and gloves, probably shield first. I got mine for 2.5 ex, could have gone a tiny bit higher armor wise, but I wanted the res as it allows me to use gloves with either no res or chaos res.

More armour means more damage, am i right?

And for the gloves, the important thing here is the damage over time, right?

Thanks for the advice!
mkha wrote:
Sharing my heavily invested character. All gear self crafted except jewels. Still have some things to upgrade. Feels really good vs all content.


Current specs:
4.5M Bleed DPS. 5M including culling
6.5k life
66% chance to block. 74% when hit recently.
Ailment immunity
Immortal Ambition
Wind Dancer (less damage taken does not get removed on block)
Blind with cluster notables Evil Eye and Disorienting Wounds

Nice gear, want to walk me through your crafting process of your chest and boots?
falagar112 wrote:
mkha wrote:
Sharing my heavily invested character. All gear self crafted except jewels. Still have some things to upgrade. Feels really good vs all content.


Current specs:
4.5M Bleed DPS. 5M including culling
6.5k life
66% chance to block. 74% when hit recently.
Ailment immunity
Immortal Ambition
Wind Dancer (less damage taken does not get removed on block)
Blind with cluster notables Evil Eye and Disorienting Wounds

Nice gear, want to walk me through your crafting process of your chest and boots?

Body armour
1. Get Warlord Astral plate (ilvl 86+)
2. Alt spam until T1 all resistances + any other warlord prefix
3. Imprint
4. Maven's orb. If elevated T1 all resistances go to step 5. If failed use imprint and go back to step 3.
5. Imprint T0 all res
6. Buy and redeemer armour with only T1 aura effect and no other influence mods.
7. Awakener's orb redeemer+warlord astral and hope for open suffix (1/6 chance or so).
8. If no open suffix, close eyes and use annulment orb to open up a suffix. If fail use imprint and go back to step 5.
9. Craft Prefixes cannot be changed. If prefixes are full, craft a random suffix to block and use harvest Reforge an item keeping all suffixes until open prefix.
10. Harvest Reforge an item with an attack modifier (normal or more common doesn't matter)
11. With all the wanted suffixes craft Suffixes cannot be changed.
12. Harvest Reforge an item with a life modifier (normal or more common doesn't matter) until you have your desired life roll as the only prefix.
13. Craft Suffixes cannot be changed
14. T4 aisling and hope it keeps the life roll. If fail go back to step 12.
15. Block undesired veiled prefix with crafted increased armour/max life.
16. Unveil and hope for your desired veiled prefix.
17. Craft last prefix with whichever mod you want.

I need to farm some more currency to get a veiled prefix on my body armour, it's not finished yet (currently at step 12).

1. Buy Shaper Fugitive boots ilvl 84+
2. Harvest reforge an item with fire/cold/lightning modifier are more common until T1 chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments and another shaper prefix/suffix.
3. Maven's orb.
4. If elevated Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments, success. If fail, go to step 2.
5. Buy hunter boots with T0 Bleeding you inflict deals damage faster/bleeding duration. There's plenty of these for sale because of other players' "failed" attempts at elevating tailwind.
6. Awakener's orb and hope for a good suffix (item will most likely roll with 3 suffixes). If there's an open suffix craft suffixes cannot be changed and harvest reforge cold/lightning for a resist.
7. Suffixes cannot be changed
8. Veiled chaos orb
9. Block undesired prefix with crafted increased armour/max life.
10. Unveil and hope for movespeed/Onslaught on kill
11. Craft life

HaZzZe wrote:
Bmxant wrote:
HaZzZe wrote:
Got this so far, i love the build but feel i lack a lot of damage, any advice or items to point for?



Shield and gloves, probably shield first. I got mine for 2.5 ex, could have gone a tiny bit higher armor wise, but I wanted the res as it allows me to use gloves with either no res or chaos res.

More armour means more damage, am i right?

And for the gloves, the important thing here is the damage over time, right?

Thanks for the advice!

Yes, the higher AC on shield the more damage spectral shield throw will do.
mkha wrote:
Sharing my heavily invested character. All gear self crafted except jewels. Still have some things to upgrade. Feels really good vs all content.


Current specs:
4.5M Bleed DPS. 5M including culling
6.5k life
66% chance to block. 74% when hit recently.
Ailment immunity
Immortal Ambition
Wind Dancer (less damage taken does not get removed on block)
Blind with cluster notables Evil Eye and Disorienting Wounds

That's a solid way to build it for some nice bleeding damage! Some of your setups actually made me experiment abit with my setup now!

Going to give Divergent Chance to Bleed some time now to see if you can still keep 8 stacks of bleed up without Unbound Ailments, but the damage multiplier on it is nice!

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