[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

Kohtas wrote:
No idea where I went wrong with this build, I was cruising along really well and having a blast until I got to maps. I'm 73 currently and even in T1 White maps I'm nearly getting one-shot by stuff (no haven't gone CI yet, only 1k ES) at a loss for what to do and where to go with it. If anyone more experienced could give my profile a view and maybe suggest some things that would be awesome and I'd be so grateful.

Thanks Shak for the build, it was really fun to take through the game up until now.

Start making the switch over to the CI tree. You do not have to pick up CI but you can definitely make use of the energy shield nodes/shield blocking and defense nodes. As you make that transition over don't forget to also transition into the appropriate gems (vaal discipline/enlighten/malediction) listed in section 3.2 of the guide. Once your energy shield is at a comfortable number depending on your PoE experience pick up CI as stated in section 3.7.
Brandaris wrote:
Enjoying the build so far, got a question.
As you can see in my Profile (i hope) i am rocking a tabula atm, wich is fine even in Yellow maps so far.
I have a 5L6S Shavs ready to go, as well as a Prism Guardian, Mark of the Shaper and Presence of Chayula.
Should i just switch to LL with that and get another shavs to 6l later? or should i stick to the Tabula and continue trying to 6l the shavs?

You can definitely switch to LL with the 5L6S.
Jones27 wrote:
Is there any way to craft the wand?

I assume you're referring to adding the "trigger socketed spell when you use a skill" mod? If that's the case you can run Jun missions on tier 8+ maps and farm veiled weapons. Unveiling and selecting "trigger socketed spell when you use a skill" 3 times will unlock it for your own crafting bench.
Brandaris wrote:
Enjoying the build so far, got a question.
As you can see in my Profile (i hope) i am rocking a tabula atm, wich is fine even in Yellow maps so far.
I have a 5L6S Shavs ready to go, as well as a Prism Guardian, Mark of the Shaper and Presence of Chayula.
Should i just switch to LL with that and get another shavs to 6l later? or should i stick to the Tabula and continue trying to 6l the shavs?

You'll probably struggle with getting all resistances as well as attributes, due to both Chayula's presence and Mark of Shaper. You should better get a cheap 6-l 400+ES body armour, convert to CI, link your Shav, get some decent ES+resistance / ES+attribute gear and then convert to LL.
Frostrike wrote:
Jones27 wrote:
Is there any way to craft the wand?

I assume you're referring to adding the "trigger socketed spell when you use a skill" mod? If that's the case you can run Jun missions on tier 8+ maps and farm veiled weapons. Unveiling and selecting "trigger socketed spell when you use a skill" 3 times will unlock it for your own crafting bench.

No, make a wand with +1 cold, and +1 spell.
Which are the best gloves / boots enchantments for this build?
What's better Temporal Chains or Elemental Weakness? I assume TC will slow, bosses for example it might be helpful for survivability, while EW is just a straight DPS boost?
kingkano wrote:
What's better Temporal Chains or Elemental Weakness? I assume TC will slow, bosses for example it might be helpful for survivability, while EW is just a straight DPS boost?

One is defensive, one is offensive. Imo, Enfeeble is better then TC, because it saves you in huge packs of enemies, while TC is mostly effective against bosses which usually can be easily dodged even without TC.
Hey guys, could anyone explain me why the CI version is playing Enlighten within the setup?

Malevolence + VDisci are not taking enough % for using an enlighten. Or do I miss something?

Thanks in advance.
Will this wand mess up my EE?

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