3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

ohnpeat wrote:
I've spent a good while playing this now - Ranged and Melee Spectres, Zombies, Skeletons - tanky and DPS-focussed gear - and there are pros and cons

Pros - it's fun and it can take-on almost anything - lots of options and whilst it's not the cheapest build it's far from the most expensive I've tried


Finding Spectres and the 'Spell Echo' double-summon is beyond annoying - the fact the game 'loses' your Specters quite often is inexcusable (akin to 'losing' bits of your gear)

Other pets
Pets have always been annoying - some improvements have been made but they're still annoying - they hit what they want when they want and often stand-around doing fuck-all

Animate Guardian
Another chore to setup - the cost the axe is a factor but buying the bits to recreate a Guardian is gruntwork I can live without.

Overall DPS is deceptive
PoB shows massive numbers - 11 Zombies, 4 Spectres and a Vaal Skeleton Army should be melting things faster than they do which I suspect is down to pet AI and other issues - still decent but anyone quoting DPS*petcount is kidding themselves, a 'hitting things in the face' build would stroll-onwards...

So - thanks for the build, had some fun but I'd not do pets again unless GGG throw-in some QoL stuff tbh

Yes Necro got seriously nerfed, probably more than any other build in the history of the game.
It wasn't just the Ascendancy itself but all items and Minions (Zombies/Spectres/Skeletons)associated with the class.
LeoXavior wrote:
Gejjzer wrote:
Guys, do you think that Mask of the Tribunal


Minions have 11% increased maximum Life
Minions deal 8% increased Damage

would work for other minions on animated guardian?

or its worthless?

it's only relative to the AG i'm pretty sure, and check this vid about AG's out

Dunno but after I gave it to AG, numbers didint change at all...seems like it is not working😒
Trulls_Rohk wrote:
38thDoE wrote:
I'm curious about DPS numbers. According to POB I'm doing 144,202 per zombie. Even if I buy the crafted weapon my dps only goes up to about 194,000 per zombie. How are you seeing 1Mill per zombie?? Is there some other huge multiplier I am missing (Preferably cheaper than the crafted weapon)


Currently equipped with Femur of Saints, made a crafted weapon at the bottom to try it out in POB.

Need to make sure you are using the Forked version of PoB https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding

I would get a Thread of Hope jewel(with medium ring)and put in socket above Witch and allocate Ravenous Horde/Cruel Preparation which will free up points better used elsewhere.

Put your Efficient Training to left socket of Witch.

Freed up points can go towards your cluster jewels or more life. Allocate Raize and Pillage and the 2nd jewel socket on your existing cluster jewel and then add another Medium cluster jewel with Renewal/Feasting Fiends or Renewal/Hulking Corpses.

I reconfig your pob and getting around 625k dps with those changes plus adding lvl 21 Zombie, Awaken Minion Damage and spectres(Carnage/Host Chieftain and Merveils Retainer).


Thanks I will work on those changes. What version does your POB say? Mine is 1.4.169. Is that correct? Importing your changes back in mine only shows 149173 per minion.
38thDoE wrote:
I'm curious about DPS numbers. According to POB I'm doing 144,202 per zombie. Even if I buy the crafted weapon my dps only goes up to about 194,000 per zombie. How are you seeing 1Mill per zombie?? Is there some other huge multiplier I am missing (Preferably cheaper than the crafted weapon)


Currently equipped with Femur of Saints, made a crafted weapon at the bottom to try it out in POB.

My Zombies went from 450k to 900k by upgrading to Fortify mace + lvl 4 Empower from Femurs + Minion Speed. So probably just a configuration error is my guess

I assume pets cannot 'stand on top of each other' so I assume they cannot all stand around a single enemy and hit-it at the same time?

If you throw 11 Zombs and the Vaal Skelly army out - not all of them will be doing DPS if there's only 1 target?

Aniamte Guardian and Spectres - being ghostly - should't have this issue (and ranged ones obv. don't)??
Gejjzer wrote:
LeoXavior wrote:
Gejjzer wrote:
Guys, do you think that Mask of the Tribunal


Minions have 11% increased maximum Life
Minions deal 8% increased Damage

would work for other minions on animated guardian?

or its worthless?

it's only relative to the AG i'm pretty sure, and check this vid about AG's out

Dunno but after I gave it to AG, numbers didint change at all...seems like it is not working😒

Ok, NVM its working - the number are not showing, but I can clearly "see" slight increse in stats (especially def).
GGG is featuring and encouraging the usage of cluster jewel, definitely go for it, other than cluster necro build you gonna face alot of trouble for sure.
Tested from tank build,speed build and range build, the are very weak due to big nerf.

I have just completed 500 boss kill under delirium using cluster build, it only takes 1~2 mins per map.
Last edited by realm9thfeb on Apr 27, 2020, 12:42:35 PM
Last edited by Black__Cardinal on Apr 27, 2020, 1:36:30 PM
How to get 11 zombies and 4 raise specter, my limit is 10 zombies and 3 raise specter. Help!!!
38thDoE wrote:
Trulls_Rohk wrote:
38thDoE wrote:
I'm curious about DPS numbers. According to POB I'm doing 144,202 per zombie. Even if I buy the crafted weapon my dps only goes up to about 194,000 per zombie. How are you seeing 1Mill per zombie?? Is there some other huge multiplier I am missing (Preferably cheaper than the crafted weapon)


Currently equipped with Femur of Saints, made a crafted weapon at the bottom to try it out in POB.

Need to make sure you are using the Forked version of PoB https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding

I would get a Thread of Hope jewel(with medium ring)and put in socket above Witch and allocate Ravenous Horde/Cruel Preparation which will free up points better used elsewhere.

Put your Efficient Training to left socket of Witch.

Freed up points can go towards your cluster jewels or more life. Allocate Raize and Pillage and the 2nd jewel socket on your existing cluster jewel and then add another Medium cluster jewel with Renewal/Feasting Fiends or Renewal/Hulking Corpses.

I reconfig your pob and getting around 625k dps with those changes plus adding lvl 21 Zombie, Awaken Minion Damage and spectres(Carnage/Host Chieftain and Merveils Retainer).


Thanks I will work on those changes. What version does your POB say? Mine is 1.4.169. Is that correct? Importing your changes back in mine only shows 149173 per minion.

Yes that's the same build version I am running.
Make sure you are importing into a new char and not trying to overwrite your existing one.
I just tested that pastebin file and still comes up with what I configured.

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