An Update About the Launch of Path of Exile: Blight on Xbox One

Ashriel wrote:
itz TAXI wrote:
what a crock... again xbox gets the shaft. [Removed by Support] your code didnt pass cert. this is ggg's fault.

It's Microsoft's fault, and your fault for playing on console, making a company like GGG waste its resources devving for the lowest common denominator instead of spending money and time on things that matter.

GGG put this on console to make $$$ - no one made them write the code - if every current console player moved to PC GGG would still have to manage this console code - because new players are created every day - they spend money and GGG wants them all.
Ashriel wrote:
itz TAXI wrote:
what a crock... again xbox gets the shaft. [Removed by Support] your code didnt pass cert. this is ggg's fault.

It's Microsoft's fault, and your fault for playing on console, making a company like GGG waste its resources devving for the lowest common denominator instead of spending money and time on things that matter.

No one made GGG spend the time on consoles, they chose too. Therefore it does fall back on them so jog on mate.
I think it is safer to say, they just didn’t think of consoles as part of the release.
Ashriel wrote:
itz TAXI wrote:
what a crock... again xbox gets the shaft. [Removed by Support] your code didnt pass cert. this is ggg's fault.

It's Microsoft's fault, and your fault for playing on console, making a company like GGG waste its resources devving for the lowest common denominator instead of spending money and time on things that matter.

Ah, yes! Now that you say it, I remember when ‘itz TAXI’ made the executive decision to launch PoE on an additional platform.

[Removed by Support] Blaming the overall quality of the game on an end user because he plays on a different platform than you... versus the actual root cause.
Last edited by Al_GGG on Sep 9, 2019, 11:21:04 PM
Ashriel wrote:
itz TAXI wrote:
what a crock... again xbox gets the shaft. [Removed by Support] your code didnt pass cert. this is ggg's fault.

It's Microsoft's fault, and your fault for playing on console, making a company like GGG waste its resources devving for the lowest common denominator instead of spending money and time on things that matter.

No one forced GGG to release this on console. No one forced GGG to make MTX purchased locked by platform. No one forced GGG to release the league on this day. This release date is not a surprise, and neither are the issues. The development resources spent on console are not the players fault. Insulting a whole community because the company you supported so much is using a tiny bit of your money on a product you will never use. Also, not our fault.
I'm just glad I don't play on the computer with my head stuck into the screen that whole economy is run by Chinese Bots anyways
The post is appreciated. Thank you. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Uuuggghhh the wind is ripped from my sails...
Thank you GGG for providing a F2P game that is not only fun to play, but it’s not at all P2W!! You guys have created an awesome game, and I am grateful for it.

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