An Update About the Launch of Path of Exile: Blight on Xbox One

Any updates? Still early in Australia?
Imagine this happening to the pc version, we'd have multiple GGG postes explaining "What went wrong" "what we are doing about it" Wilson and team would be all over Reddit answering questions and updating players every .8 seconds. Shit Christ Wilson would properly jump in a private jet and punch Bill gates in the ovaries by now.
Instead we get a f#$k you and have a nice day :)
Nobbystylez wrote:
Any updates? Still early in Australia?

330pm in Aus, tho not sure that's important.
Don’t worry we got a new portal mtx 👍🏻
MURD3RMACH1N3 wrote:
Never to blame. Always someone else's fault.
Yo I didn't expect this to come out until Tuesday anyway. Microsoft only reviews patches releases and update for smaller games and releases them on Tuesday. It used to be the same deal with Smite.. not sure if it's like that now or not. I'll be on tomorrow after work playing an Explosive Arrow trickster! Should be fun and I'm looking forward to it!
im Aware of the time as I live here! I mean plenty of time to play if they can get things sorted lol
Nobbystylez wrote:
im Aware of the time as I live here! I mean plenty of time to play if they can get things sorted lol

My bad mate.
Jeff_GGG wrote:
Any estimation of time that this will take would be greatly appreciated by all who are forced to wait...
Unfortunately I don't have an ETA to provide as we're waiting to hear back.
Did you give microsoft the right phone number they should have called back by now
Last edited by wellhead on Sep 10, 2019, 2:10:48 AM
Yeah they aren’t gonna be launching today lol. Oh well, last update we got here in the States was that main one around 8:50pmish I think (est) it’s now 2:17am. Oh well. Lol kinda embarrassed I got excited for a POE league launch, third let down in a row :/

Take it easy everyone, and hopefully I’ll see y’all in game by the end of this week :)
You guys should do a sanity check on how you treat console players. This game is mystery box of what bugs your going to have league to league. I quit playing your game mid league last league because performance was shit. I mean I’m patient, I can put up with a lot of shit, but desync in 2019? Wtf you guys paying for potato servers? How is client communication so bad? You guys refuse to admit it’s your problem, when everyone knows it’s your problem. This is the only game I pay on console that performs like a 500 pound person eating a cheeseburger while trying to run a marathon. The shit [Removed by Support] last league on a 150mb connection. Trade is a festering cancerous growth that just pisses everyone off. You come to the forums to see if anything is being done about it, and it’s full of people who have master degrees in armchair economics. All the while, you guys are over there cashing the checks from us console plebs. I’m slowly losing interest in subjecting myself to the issues with your game. You guys really need to do a gut check and get in alignment with your console community.
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Sep 10, 2019, 2:31:21 AM

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