[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

lilianmarius wrote:
A small .xls "cheat sheet" which is useful for leveling the build
if you don't like mines use Freezing Pulse (you need first to create a Witch to reach 1st town and get Freezing Pulse than stash it and create the Scion)


You can always level with Freezing Pulse / Winter OrB till you are able to get the staff at level 38-39

Occultist, not scion?
pda898 wrote:
lilianmarius wrote:
A small .xls "cheat sheet" which is useful for leveling the build
if you don't like mines use Freezing Pulse (you need first to create a Witch to reach 1st town and get Freezing Pulse than stash it and create the Scion)


You can always level with Freezing Pulse / Winter OrB till you are able to get the staff at level 38-39

Occultist, not scion?

The .xls file was created by someone when Witch/Occultist was the Class/Ascendancy used with Whispering Ice build back in time, but as i said you only need to get Freezing Pulse as Hillock quest reward as a Witch than create a Scion and use it while following the mini guide in .xls file
Last edited by lilianmarius on Jun 17, 2020, 3:25:06 AM
One other change, the 20% reduced reflect was removed from "Ash, Frost, and Storm".

I did not see updates to Sibyl's Lament in the patch notes, so we have a 20% gap to contend with.

Yugul Pantheon can Cover that.
I absolutely love this build. That said levelling it as a league starter would be a bit of a pain I imagine?

Nice buff to Freezing Pulse though which would make things a bit better.
Would be easier if the notables changes were actually marked, but I noticed that:

Arcane Will
20% increased maximum Mana
Regenerate 3 Mana per second
20% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
Gain 3% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield

This is a drop from 4% sadly for ES, while we get 1 extra mana per second..
Can't wait for OP to make the changes for harvest
lilianmarius wrote:
A small .xls "cheat sheet" which is useful for leveling the build
if you don't like mines use Freezing Pulse (you need first to create a Witch to reach 1st town and get Freezing Pulse than stash it and create the Scion)


You can always level with Freezing Pulse / Winter OrB till you are able to get the staff at level 38-39

Thanks, this looks great.
What's the best pathing for leveling with Freezing Pulse?

I would assume grabbing ash,frost, and storm, then going up to heart of ice.

Is it worth going up the other side of the tree for the spell damage nodes and snowforged?

did a testrun yesterday in preperation for a possible arcanist brand version with storm brand instead of mines and got to A4 in 2:05 wich is very good in my terms
No smoke mine usage, didnt had ms boots 90% of time so better players will get way better times
Had no uniques drop and was not really lucky with my links either

Bought purifying flame instad of using FP
Switched to frost bomb asap
Storm brand after that

rushed EO and dual brand note after that - had to kill a bit more than usual to get EO before Merveil

my plan for leaguestart so far was to play the 2-3 hours till i get arcanist brand @38 go to sleep and buy WI the next morning and continue but with burials beeing t15 only i fear the WI supply will be harder the first day
Was tempted to play this build for ssf and farm for the incantation. RIP doing that in the first days, spider forest apparently drops it by t12 but still seems hard to get a constant t12 supply. Other option was “tower” div card but that’s minimum t13 or something. Guess it’ll be a long term project instead.

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