3.8| Stress Free PoE - TRIGGER HAPPY |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)

Hi Wrecker love your guide so far.

Was just wondering why you recommend swords over axes as with Resolute Techniques the accuracy implicit on swords is wasted where axes seem to have a higher base physical damage amount and many seem have bleed dmg built in.

Only on act 6 atm but enjoying the build so far.
KrogorMalenk wrote:
Hi Wrecker love your guide so far.

Was just wondering why you recommend swords over axes as with Resolute Techniques the accuracy implicit on swords is wasted where axes seem to have a higher base physical damage amount and many seem have bleed dmg built in.

Only on act 6 atm but enjoying the build so far.
If you go with a foil you get a crit implicit though, and longer melee range. So there's that.

Personally I'm actually skipping resolute technique and trying to reach decent hit rate without it, so I might have to use an accuracy sword
Just finished the 10 acts, love the build so far, what do you guys recommend for anoints? Maybe a cheap, medium, expensive option?
KrogorMalenk wrote:
Hi Wrecker love your guide so far.

Was just wondering why you recommend swords over axes as with Resolute Techniques the accuracy implicit on swords is wasted where axes seem to have a higher base physical damage amount and many seem have bleed dmg built in.

Only on act 6 atm but enjoying the build so far.
Limbs wrote:
If you go with a foil you get a crit implicit though, and longer melee range. So there's that.

Personally I'm actually skipping resolute technique and trying to reach decent hit rate without it, so I might have to use an accuracy sword
Hey KrogorMalenk and Limbs,

Ya. There are lots of pros and cons to lots of weapon bases and their implicits. I actually have always preferred axes in any game. I just think they're cool. The reason I use Swords here is because maxing my Block Chance was the biggest focus of this build. There is a block chance node on the far right of the tree that includes swords. When I was making the tree, the current setup provided the highest DPS I could come up with while NATURALLY achieving a max block chance. If the left side of the tree had more singlehanded block chance with damage, it'd have been easier to pick one of the two clusters on the side of the tree that improves both sword or axe damage and bleed. Bleed is just a secondary aspect of the build. It's just a bonus. The current implementation of bleed provided more DPS than any method I could find (with the tree and gems combined) that went just pure physical.

Good posts though. Great question.

And thank you as well :). I'm glad you're loving the guide. Also, make any changes you want. If you want to use axes, go for it. Just change the tree the way you like.
topcheese13 wrote:
Just finished the 10 acts, love the build so far, what do you guys recommend for anoints? Maybe a cheap, medium, expensive option?
Hey topcheese13,

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

I know your question was for everyone one, but my two cents are: Steadfast. It's not the strongest, but I love making Fortify better. Last league's tree of this build had that node and it was hard excluding it from this version.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
hey Wrecker_of_Days, thanks for the quick reply. Already doing alched T10s, I'm level 76 now.

Only having one issue, blight encounters are tough to complete, I don't output enough damage to clear the mobs. Any tips or pointers?

Got about 1ex invested in the build so not much. Here is the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/eakwUgz3.

Thank you again!
Good build i just run first lab at lvl 29.Just because it was allready open and want to see how this build works.
No problem at all.
I choose
to save few points and get hits can't be evaded pretty early.
Last edited by Korpivaellus on Sep 30, 2019, 4:06:02 AM
topcheese13 wrote:
hey Wrecker_of_Days, thanks for the quick reply. Already doing alched T10s, I'm level 76 now.

Only having one issue, blight encounters are tough to complete, I don't output enough damage to clear the mobs. Any tips or pointers?

Got about 1ex invested in the build so not much. Here is the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/eakwUgz3.

Thank you again!

i was just about to post that same question. I'm having trouble with blight encounters also.

Other than that, great build, lots of fun
paulin wrote:
topcheese13 wrote:
hey Wrecker_of_Days, thanks for the quick reply. Already doing alched T10s, I'm level 76 now.

Only having one issue, blight encounters are tough to complete, I don't output enough damage to clear the mobs. Any tips or pointers?

Got about 1ex invested in the build so not much. Here is the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/eakwUgz3.

Thank you again!

i was just about to post that same question. I'm having trouble with blight encounters also.

Other than that, great build, lots of fun

Up to level 83, still having same issue, specially when paths to the pump are coming from more than 1 direction. Maybe this is a melee problem and not a build related problem.
I also noticed that blight encouters are problem if there is 3 or more branch.
BTW does carcas jack work in this build? area dmg and area effect...
Last edited by Korpivaellus on Sep 30, 2019, 5:44:09 PM
topcheese13 wrote:

Up to level 83, still having same issue, specially when paths to the pump are coming from more than 1 direction. Maybe this is a melee problem and not a build related problem.

I'm doing cyclone, because I liked it better, with chance to bleed on the counter attacks, and I'm not sure, but it seems to me that most of my damage comes from countering stuff, and blight monsters don't seem to want to hit me most of the time.

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