Development Manifesto: Legion as a Core Game Mechanic

That means divine orbs and therefore low value 6-links will go up in price. With less timeless jewels rerolls are even more important.
Nice try to kill game, hope u got success
So now Legion Batlles become another DPS check, not like they weren't already but with bosses giving most of the rewards after the first few resets, it'll be just another "nuke that boss" type of encounter instead of actually beeing something different at least (even if that doesn't mean balanced) and different is the way to go as shown by all the people loving Delve.

All in all i vote for more "different" league mechanics.

Betrayal, Delve and yes EVEN Synthesis (i see the potential implications once that goes core, crazy i know...) were great Examples. Do i think Legion was great? YES, but it just applies to a thing that is already there as a main component of the game (Maps) but why keep Augmenting it over and over in different but same ways? More Legion like "Mini Games" as Bossfights, less dps and clearspeed checks (kinda defeats the point of designing amazing bossmechanics and fights) and more interesting subgames (the whole Labrunner, Delver, etc. kinda thing with a little S P I C E
) that require more from a build than picking up every single damage or movement speed option respectively.
Happy to see legion added to the game in some fashion. That said, unless significant changes are made to Temple, this just further dilutes it when it is already way too difficult to get T3 corruption room. I literally didnt get one the entirety of Legion, and I have a 98 and a 95. So plenty of time played.

Please fix Temple :(
i think the best part of this is the Vagan buff. for too long Vagan has been totally worthless on every position in syndicate.

i am disappointed in the half-assed nerf of spammed timeless conflicts. HH builds easily oneshot the bosses over and over, and that is what many of those players specifically go for to get the most loot already anyway.

Now where are the ed/cont nerfs?
Swagalina wrote:

Now where are the ed/cont nerfs?

The nerf is the league ending and 10% chance to spawn. The strength was from the spawn density of obelisks. Its clear is about the same as many other spells with the same investment if there wasnt 600 mobs packed together.
I think Legion does bring nothing unique or exciting to the game besides jewels you might add in a different way.
I mean we have too many splinters / fragments (breach, harbingers, …) doing similar things and just increasing clutter in stash tabs …

Well at least rebuild mechanic of the jewels pls. It´s the most confusing thing ever added.
Hm and Monolith activating is a bit boring and annoying (one click button maybe?).
Last edited by Rakiii on Aug 19, 2019, 7:08:30 AM
" We want most of your Breach splinters to come from Breach! " is this shit!

You can get like 3 splinters on a Breach ( killing all mobs in a large area, if happen by any chance to find a Breach in such an area ). Keep talking shit.

Breach mobs spawn at the edge if you have not an off screen build or a high movement speed build, the Breach is useless, to not talk about the shit drop from them.

Delve...if you play delve you are not for real in suphite from POE go delve ( where you find items to sell in POE ). To not talk how hard is to keep the sulphite up like a regular player. offering...go lab..find items to sell in POE...go lab. set...kill him...get

You keep making mini games and add them to original P.O.E.

The fact is like if you wanna play one of mini games you will not play another mini game ( the mini games in POE are called " Leagues " ).

POE Is Only Act I to Act 10 and maps.


This league i have run like 1500+ ( one thousand five hundred ) Canyon Maps killing bosses each time...not even 1 tier one unique from them.

Keep up the good work!
Last edited by In10se on Aug 19, 2019, 7:39:29 AM
dimishing returns from an already very limited amount of splinter access..

soo this will be a once a year occurance now.
i expected them to add it to core and buff the amount of splinters per encounter.

why add this to core at all if it will take months on end to see the encounter once?

what game are the devs playing - their are completely out of touch with the game.
Guys... Devs...

I believe you've read it like 123213123 times already but this league was not good at all in terms of balance and further development of the Game.

The only builds that are viable (not good, exactly viable) for Legion content are those that can clear screen with 2-3 actions.
With such leagues a player will not even want to try some new and/or cool builds because the player will simply have to skip content that You have been working on, no doubt, so hard.

Best wishes and no offence.

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