[3.9] Oni-Goroshi Infernal Blow Berserker | Endgame | All Content | Everything Burns!

Hi, used this build as a league starter and am still running it as my main. I don't have a lot of time so I am only lvl 90 but this Build is amazing :)
Anyone has the issue where the game would crash while big fights? I have a High End PC but it randomly crashes for me. Other builds of mine dont do that :/
KingSlayer101 wrote:
Anyone has the issue where the game would crash while big fights? I have a High End PC but it randomly crashes for me. Other builds of mine dont do that :/

been playing this build and i only noticed crashing during legion encounters when there is a boss. this however is a known bug as shown here.
i somehow managed to fix this by following the advice on reddit or somehow i haven't encountered boss legions again but after this i haven't had a crash since. YMMV
1. What about soul of Shakari? seems relevant for insane chaos dmg of metamorphs
2. What about Hematophagy anointment? it's about 45c for big leech bonus.

3. Also, what is good 5/6L for Ancestral Warchief?

is what I currently use and mostly just for boss/metamorph.

PS: I highly recommend Battle Cry node (and the two before it) for instant warcry if you use it. It feels amazing to pop in-air or while running. With Increased Duration my Enduring Cry's sick life regen (total ~750) lasts for 2.33 seconds!! and the cooldown is 1.82 :D
Last edited by DonQuixotic on Jan 8, 2020, 12:00:51 AM
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Can we swap out Infernal Blow with any other skills without any big changes to the skill tree?
multistrike or fortify on the infernal blow link?
PatBateman12 wrote:
Can we swap out Infernal Blow with any other skills without any big changes to the skill tree?

just answered my own question by trying some different skills. I am an absolute moron when it comes to the math of poe but for some reason Static Strike works really well. Cyclone and Perforate don't feel bad either.
Last edited by PatBateman12 on Jan 10, 2020, 5:21:46 PM
My POB https://pastebin.com/Hn1CuXmP

I do a lot less damage compared to your videos lol
lippe3 wrote:
My POB https://pastebin.com/Hn1CuXmP

I do a lot less damage compared to your videos lol

Your setup looks good. I recommend changing Kaom for 5/6L Ancestral Warchief. Personally I use Sporeguard for extra anoint also, but this build is not super dps like mine meta etc.

Also, switch out ancestral call for ruthless in bossfights.
Last edited by DonQuixotic on Jan 12, 2020, 6:46:54 AM
what if I used a loreweave instead of kaoms what would be the best 6 link gem combo? cast on hit??

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