3.11 NEBULOCH JUG. TECTONIC SLAM, HC SUPER TANK, 3.11 BUFFED! Featured by Goodgaming!

Waemiwi wrote:
Nice built mate, was able to kill UElder and Shaper at Level 82 :)

Will keep on leveling, balancing resists better for wise oak and try to do it deathless later on

my gear:

also using wathcer's eye with attack speed for precision and immune to freeze with purity of ice, because I wanted to have a watcher's eye.

one ring is crap with the lightning corrupt, nevertheless it was cheap :D

Amulet is Snowforged atm for the resist, but will be Tenacity once I am capped otherwise.

Take care

gz you have pretty gg gear. with the kaoms root the POI watchers mod is pretty useless, you should be faceroling anything soon... want to go totally nuts get 3 stat Precurser rings :D
Last edited by bex_HB on Oct 1, 2019, 9:41:54 PM
does this build perform well in mid-tier delve depths ( lets say ... feasable to run comportable around 500-600 depths? )

currently searching for a delve char which can handle this depths farming wise :)

thank you :)

// edit

-One of the best solo delve builds.

yy ok i guess this is answered ^
Last edited by bex_HB on Oct 1, 2019, 9:38:03 PM
Waemiwi wrote:
Nice built mate, was able to kill UElder and Shaper at Level 82 :)

Will keep on leveling, balancing resists better for wise oak and try to do it deathless later on

my gear:

also using wathcer's eye with attack speed for precision and immune to freeze with purity of ice, because I wanted to have a watcher's eye.

one ring is crap with the lightning corrupt, nevertheless it was cheap :D

Amulet is Snowforged atm for the resist, but will be Tenacity once I am capped otherwise.

Take care

gz you have pretty gg gear. with the kaoms root the POI watchers mod is pretty useless, you should be faceroling anything soon... want to go totally nuts get 3 stat Precurser rings :D

Yeah but the rings are 30 ex each I reccon :D Maybe I get lucky in delve

edit: Nevermind, one is 40ex one is 90 ex :D I keep farming
Last edited by Waemiwi on Oct 2, 2019, 3:02:33 PM
I am still leveling this build, and have had the RNG from hell this league so money is slow in coming. The main reason for this build is to delve, so I know there are still upgrade to be made. Here is what I don't understand.

What is the reason for purity of ice? Since, it seams like vaal purity of fire would help with the debuff more and the vaal impurity would aid with bosses.

I am running HOA, Blood, Sand and level 12 precision and haven't had any mana issues. Is there a point that I am going to have to change this to move on? I know the the ammy and gloves need to be upgraded but I am capped on resistances with out them.

Last edited by Softbite on Oct 5, 2019, 12:56:23 PM
Softbite wrote:
I am still leveling this build, and have had the RNG from hell this league so money is slow in coming. The main reason for this build is to delve, so I know there are still upgrade to be made. Here is what I don't understand.

What is the reason for purity of ice? Since, it seams like vaal purity of fire would help with the debuff more and the vaal impurity would aid with bosses.

I am running HOA, Blood, Sand and level 12 precision and haven't had any mana issues. Is there a point that I am going to have to change this to move on? I know the the ammy and gloves need to be upgraded but I am capped on resistances with out them.

Well main reason for POI is i fear ice damage most(shaper,Uelder, delve critters, freeze wave dogs and OFC AUL not to forget). running 1 purity takes a huge load of getting resists, so making getting sick gear much easyer. i run 75% res without charges, and got curse overcap with charges, with a remove curse pot at ready for losing end charges it worked flawless for lvl 100 in HC. true the POF should be better since less degen, and the Vaal version to. however its so short i rarely think i would use it, but try it out.
Last edited by DUKE_OF_SNUFF on Oct 5, 2019, 2:36:13 PM
What do you think about LoreWeave for this build? Can i use it?
What oil enchant are you guys running on your necklace? I think I have Galvanic Hammer on there at the moment.
Borez wrote:
What oil enchant are you guys running on your necklace? I think I have Galvanic Hammer on there at the moment.

i used to run with it. but now i have changed to Soul Raker. It gains me 3 nods for free
Last edited by CMa_ on Oct 7, 2019, 6:05:49 PM
I find it very difficult to survive at the moment. I don't have the upgraded kaoms rings yet because they are amongst the most expensive item to buy. But it seems they are a must for this build, because de degen from the nebulochs make me extremely squishy atm. :(

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