3.11 NEBULOCH JUG. TECTONIC SLAM, HC SUPER TANK, 3.11 BUFFED! Featured by Goodgaming!

Sirus a7 down. onward to a8. beams still face tankable no deaths. heres my current pob if anyones interested https://pastebin.com/VCpi9ZJ5
Last edited by chunkalot on Jul 7, 2020, 5:37:23 PM
chunkalot wrote:
Sirus a7 down. onward to a8. beams still face tankable no deaths. heres my current pob if anyones interested https://pastebin.com/VCpi9ZJ5

looks really good, howcome you path to the life notes in dualist when you thread of hope?thoes points can be spend more effectivly elswhere like jewel soccets. only minus from your setup i dont see any life leech. but since you run a anger aura, maby you can snipe a anger + damage+ leech, since that is rarely a super valued stat.
Hello, I am currently looking to try this build but I am unsure with the mess of the front page on what PoB I am meant to use. For now I am reviewing this,

chunkalot wrote:
Sirus a7 down. onward to a8. beams still face tankable no deaths. heres my current pob if anyones interested https://pastebin.com/VCpi9ZJ5

but I am still unsure which to use for a stable build guide.

chunkalot wrote:
Sirus a7 down. onward to a8. beams still face tankable no deaths. heres my current pob if anyones interested https://pastebin.com/VCpi9ZJ5

looks really good, howcome you path to the life notes in dualist when you thread of hope?thoes points can be spend more effectivly elswhere like jewel soccets. only minus from your setup i dont see any life leech. but since you run a anger aura, maby you can snipe a anger + damage+ leech, since that is rarely a super valued stat.

been keeping my eyes open for a double anger watchers eye with phys added to fire and fire life leech or fire pen but theyre really expensive and my current budget is like 2 ex. as for the thead of hope life nodes it just didnt cross my mind, good find. i can lose those and fit in 2 more jewels. been looking to fit in a lethal pride. i tried out natures patience but found im not standing still to take enough advantage of it.
Last edited by chunkalot on Jul 7, 2020, 9:53:14 PM

hi guys, it seems to me my damage is not enough. i have almost 2 ex. what should upgrade next ? and should i use endurance charge on melee stun ? any tips please.. thanks.
Last edited by angelista52 on Jul 8, 2020, 9:15:02 AM
6L Armor if you can save a bit more, otherwise you can get better gloves, helmet, belt and amulet for cheap
Last edited by Cactusmaan on Jul 8, 2020, 1:57:13 PM
angelista52 wrote:

hi guys, it seems to me my damage is not enough. i have almost 2 ex. what should upgrade next ? and should i use endurance charge on melee stun ? any tips please.. thanks.

non of your items have damage mods. and alot of the damage comes from special mods and lvls
chunkalot wrote:
Sirus a7 down. onward to a8. beams still face tankable no deaths. heres my current pob if anyones interested https://pastebin.com/VCpi9ZJ5

Hey Chunk.

I see you picked Rampart, but can't see where you get fortify from?
ArtDal wrote:
chunkalot wrote:
Sirus a7 down. onward to a8. beams still face tankable no deaths. heres my current pob if anyones interested https://pastebin.com/VCpi9ZJ5

Hey Chunk.

I see you picked Rampart, but can't see where you get fortify from?

he takes fortify from cluster jewel's overlord passive
Spent alot of time on this build, invested alot of exalts and I have to admit, it just isnt as good as I thought it'd be. It is not group viable, it is relatively easy to die compared to other physical builds, and it is a slower map clear than many other builds. For the amount you need to invest, this just isnt worth it comparatively. Appreciate your work regardless.

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