[3.7] Cyclone with 10M Shaper DPS for 1.5ex (Elemental Facebreaker build)

zaib7sumair wrote:
how do you manage mana ? iam out o mana all the time .

The mana leech from the ascendancy node is usuallz more than enough to Sustain the low mana cost of Cyclone. Otherwise a mana flask can also help.
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zaib7sumair wrote:
akaiyakusoku wrote:
First of all, I think this is an interesting build and I'm excited to level one up soon. But, I don't really get where the Razors come into play here. The PoB link doesn't include them and I didn't really quite catch what you meant by switching them during bossing. Can you elaborate?

what he means is . you clear maps with 2h swords for increased range . and when you are on a boss where you dont need range and area of effect you switch to unarmed and kill the boss

Yes, that is how it works. In practice, I hardly switch to unarmed ever, since the Damage from the swords (or Nagamahus Flame) is usually more than enough (even for the Shaper).
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ForeverYoung wrote:
First of all rage support works only with weapons.No videos cos it's just another PoB theory buid.

Thanks for bringing this up. Indeed, I only use Rage for the swords, since I like the mechanic. For the unarmed attacks, I use Melee Physical Damage Support instead.
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zaib7sumair wrote:
dont tell me this is a fake build . iam half way in this build . WHERE IS THIS GUY :@ WHY ISNT HE REPLYING . post us a video dude !

This build works perfectly fine. Dont worry! Unfortunately, I dont have the Setup to record my Gameplay. So no Videos :(

But let me know if you have further Questions. I try to answer them as fast as I can. Although I am also doing other Things, so sometimes it might take a while. Sorry..
Please help to fight the climate change!
zaib7sumair wrote:
and i dont understand . is this a minion build ? why so many minion passives ??

Since we take Spiritual Aid and Spiritual Command, all minion bonuses apply to us as well.
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