[3.14] Aspect of Carnage Ground Slam Berserker, Bosser, Fast, League starter

Acideyez wrote:
What are your thoughts about using any of the warcries? They seem pretty strong, but would they do good with this build?

Working on adding them to the build, just need them to level first so I can try it out. Will take a little time to change the guide.
Ekule731 wrote:
ThundraBoy666 wrote:
So I got this guy into high tier red maps and the damage is no big issue, but I don't seem to be able to generate endurance charges at all. Neither during mapping nor doing bossfights, which in return makes me die a lot.

I've watched the buff bar for 3 whole maps and not a single one appeared. Is there a way to increase endurance charge generation for this build?

You have a functional setup, and should be stunning things to get endurance charges. A somewhat common map mod is "monsters cannot be stunned" Its possible those maps had that mod, which disables our ability to get endurance charges, but for 3 consecutive maps its unlikely. I did notice you arent using a diamond flask, which would give more consistent stuns, however it technically wont make you hit harder. Your using the jewels, so I have no clue why you wouldnt be gaining endurance charges by stunning everything but map bosses. If you level up your life will get a whole lot bigger which will really help survivability, and picking up the uber lab node will make you hit a lot harder, which also helps stuns.

So it must have been the "monsters cannot be stunned" mod, as after my post I ran a few more maps and started generating them just by hitting the first pack of mobs. Still, what are the odds for that :')

I leveled up a bit, not super high as I don't have that much free time on me now and started dying less. Large packs with monsters who shoot projectiles still tend do 100 to 0 me pretty quickly though. For the Kaom's roots, would a 6% increased max implicit or +1 to max endurance charges be better for survivability? I think the endurance charge might be better, but I only have experience with evasion based builds.

Also how much total life leech would we need to feel comfortable?
Last edited by ThundraBoy666 on Jul 8, 2020, 2:26:24 PM
ThundraBoy666 wrote:

I leveled up a bit, not super high as I don't have that much free time on me now and started dying less. Large packs with monsters who shoot projectiles still tend do 100 to 0 me pretty quickly though. For the Kaom's roots, would a 6% increased max implicit or +1 to max endurance charges be better for survivability? I think the endurance charge might be better, but I only have experience with evasion based builds.

Also how much total life leech would we need to feel comfortable?

max endurance charges is a little better as far as mapping goes, but for extended multi phase boss fights the life total proves to be a little better since you wont always generate charges. Both are better than boots with no implicit.
for me 7k life is like a magic number. Alot of monster's damage scaling seems to do an amount of damage that having 7k life is just enough to survive. This includes shaper slams without flasks up, long as he doesnt roll the top end of his damage range, where he will oneshot you without charges/flasks. The act of obtaining a belly of the beast alone makes me die half as much. Dont ignore your flasks, they give huge damage and defense.
My character in league in the third week is lvl 96, and I feel tanky enough that while doing fully awakened maps, conquerers, Sirus's, shapers, and uber elders I am still in general gaining xp towards leveling to 97. Im running the crit variant (slightly squishier than RT but boss fights go quicker), have 10% phys taken as cold on my helmet, 7.1k life, and only a basalt and life flask as far as defense goes.
Ekule731 wrote:

They did sneakily remove the damage reduction from soul of steel, and by using 2handers we do lose 15% chance to block. As far as things go however im actually feeling tankier with the 2handed version, although it may just be because my damage is so insane. I did end up picking up another endurance charge on the tree since its no longer innefiicent to path through there, which I notice you dont have. Funny thing with damage reduction is the more you get the more each % is worth. Id drop the path of the warrior node and the extra Life and ele resistance node near RT and above the jewel socket to pick up the endurance charge. Taste of hate is also amazing for mitigating cold and physical damage, and you can try that out over your sulphur flask or something

Id also suggest you at least try pulverize support over multistrike if you havent already. Pulverize will give even better stuns and has slightly more damage and way more AoE than multistrike. Multistrike does help slow down mana cost per second though and allows you to stack up to 7 impales faster. If you still like it feel free to continue using it.

Still not sure if losing the max res and some armour scaling is worth dropping soul of steel. It at least helps against the smaller hits and gives 10% res making it easier to res cap.

EDIT: Another reason you might feel squishier is you are losing a bit of attack speed by going to a vaal axe. This makes your leap slam slower which makes your manual dodging slower. This can be helped by using a fleshripper, which has a natrually faster attack speed.

Had a small break from PoE, summertime offers so much more activities than winter :)

Anyway thanks for the tips. I tried pulverize instead of multistrike but it makes the 2h build feel just too slow. Multistrike is great while mapping since your hit rate is so much higher with repeated strikes. I once got awakened multistrike drop from Sirus but I got 80 exalteds from it so I decided to sell. It repeats strikes three times instead of two times and would probably be superb addition to this build.

Dropping sulphur flask drops dps too much I think so gonna keep that. I did pick the +1 endurance charge though. I only noticed the nerf on soul of steel after your post, that's unfortunate really. I still have it selected though.

What do you think about Harpooner? In PoB it shows as mediocre node and forceful skewering is still better pick. Though I do have vicious skewering from large cluster which gives some impale chance.

good afternoon to playing with your build to like it very unique bad of the build that i took little life to trying to craft a glove with culling strike you think is good.
my character is open to take a look where I can improve it
douglaszinhoo wrote:
good afternoon to playing with your build to like it very unique bad of the build that i took little life to trying to craft a glove with culling strike you think is good.
my character is open to take a look where I can improve it

As far as damage goes you should have a ton of it. My only real concern with your character is how little life you have across your gear, however if you enjoy the glass cannon playstyle then your character is pretty good. You probably even have more damage than my character in league. I dont see any places where your character has anything that particularly needs replaced.
Hello, one question, about the gloves crusader, is possible enchant with izaro? Or this destroy one of corrupted implicit? How this work?
Regards and thanks, I'm enjoy a lot this build
IGN: Nenufar
Legba wrote:
Hello, one question, about the gloves crusader, is possible enchant with izaro? Or this destroy one of corrupted implicit? How this work?
Regards and thanks, I'm enjoy a lot this build

Enchantments take up their own implicit slot completely separate from other implicits. This has been the case since legion league I think. Gloves wont be negatively affected if you enchant them, but none of the glove enchants are particularly great in the first place
Oh, thanks, my last play was in 3.1, a lot of changes to assimilate :P
IGN: Nenufar
can this build be converted to a 1 button just ground slam and maybe a flask or 2 build?

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